Tesseract said:wait belmont is a pve server? boo this thread.
what's our pvp server?
Kintaro said:Sigh. The shit I do for MMOs and playing with Gaf folk. May as well preorder. I know nothing (NOTHING) about this game, so I'll go in sight unseen.
Darkshier said:Pre-ordered last night based on the good GAF impressions. I will start on Belmont with the rest of ya, while keeping a close eye on the PVP servers. Still trying to decide what kind of healer I want to be. Probably a Warden eventually and I'll use Justicar to level. Hopefully that should work out OK. Also signed up for Lotus Cross at the website.
Concept17 said:I don't recommend Justicar for leveling purposes. It is the tank cleric class and as such offers more support and survivability than it does dps. I recommend using either Shaman or Druid for solo'ing/dps purposes. Both have high survivability as well. Cabalist or Inquisitor if you're looking to go caster dps.
Justicar: group support/tanking/survivability
Shaman: dps/survivability
Druid: dps/survivability/pet class/some range
Warden: HoTs
Sentinel: single target/group heals
Purifier: shields/heals
Cabalist: dps caster
Inquisitor: dps caster
I haven't had the chance to really try out Druid or Inquisitor. Based on what I've seen and the talents I think the Druid offers a bit more utility while the shaman is a bit more DPS.
For anyone looking for more info on particular classes and how they play, check out this channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/tgnRift I think it was posted a page or two back.
mxgt said:With so many souls the game will be impossible to fully balance. I hope they don't let too many souls run rampant though.
The official forums classes area has been rife with large amounts of whining throughout the beta and it's probably going to continue.
1stStrike said:They've already put out some more balances in the classes - it looks like discharge on the warrior is going to 10 seconds and they nerfed a bunch of skills on the marksman. They're pretty good at balance and while some things do take trial and error, I've been pretty happy with their adjustments thus far.
oktarb said:Pre-ordered it based off of this thread. See you guys online I shall be joining Lotus Cross if you'll have me.
Wallach said:Yeah, it will take some time and I imagine fixes will come fast and frequent for a while.
Was having a discussion on the forums about Saboteurs, I would expect their charge stacking mechanic to get a rather quick nerf early on.
1stStrike said:*sighs* Sabo's aren't overpowered. People are just too dumb to look at their debuffs and either cleanse (the charges count as a poison) or get out of range. Also, it takes about 6 -7 seconds to build up the charges and then detonate them. It's spike damage, but the overall DPS isn't higher then any other class.
Plus, sabo's are squishy as hell by nature. You can't be an effective sabo with a riftstalker build and be all beefy - you pretty much have to make a lean, all or nothing, armor piercing DPS build which leaves you lacking on HP by quite a bit. In my sabo build it didn't take much to kill me and if someone got close it was very difficult for me to escape (almost never happened)
Wallach said:I'm not saying they are overpowered, really. I don't have a problem with the class mechanics in general. Just the case where the single type of charges only rolls crit chance a single time upon detonation. That winds up being a significant problem in their crit scaling and actually kind of hurts the class.
1stStrike said:Ah. If you gear yourself for crit it's not too bad. Plus, with carpet bombing you can throw your next 3 annihilation bombs with no cool down (no timer on it - just your next 3).
1stStrike said:Congrats, you are far more analytical then I am when it comes to classes![]()
Are there notes for what is changing between B7 and retail?nyong said:To be fair to Trion, there were only a few stand-out classes that sucked to go against in beta. Blast charge (sab) and those pew-pewing warriors in my case. All of which are being fixed in one way or another. My biggest concern is how easy it is to ride the flavor-of-the-month train. It's almost too easy to respec.
EDIT: And yeah, it's not that Sabs were overpowered per se...it was that their bombs were too hard to detect with Trion's messy interface. Next patch the "ticking" sound should help alot.
Sebulon3k said:I know lots of you guys are playing this for PvP, but did anyone else think that the PvE encounters in the dungeons were amazingly simple?
Hardest thing I encountered was the last boss in DSM but this was mostly because most people were getting used to classes I suppose and not able to pump out high DPS, on top of the Rift bosses being pure tank and spanks I'm kinda worried PvE will be zzz.
Mind you I'm talking purely from the perspective of not seeing a lot of 35+ and not knowing what the Greenscale Blight bosses mechanics were, but from that video it seemed like throw tons of adds at you / Deal With It.
Trying to spark discussion, I know I should wait and see
Sebulon3k said:I know lots of you guys are playing this for PvP, but did anyone else think that the PvE encounters in the dungeons were amazingly simple?
Hardest thing I encountered was the last boss in DSM but this was mostly because most people were getting used to classes I suppose and not able to pump out high DPS, on top of the Rift bosses being pure tank and spanks I'm kinda worried PvE will be zzz.
Mind you I'm talking purely from the perspective of not seeing a lot of 35+ and not knowing what the Greenscale Blight bosses mechanics were, but from that video it seemed like throw tons of adds at you / Deal With It.
Trying to spark discussion, I know I should wait and see
Projectjustice said:So everyone is going PVE?? No PvP servers players here?
jersoc said:I hope Trion moves towards a better model than Blizzard. Blizzard is like, well, we need 2 tanks and 2 healers sprinkle in some dragons as the boss, add in some stupid lame ass ae dmg so healers feel like ripping their balls off add in stupid cleave so on top of healing tanks, ae dmg you need to heal all melee that much more then to top it all off make it drop loot that no one in the raid can use!
I would love to have boss fights more puzzle like rather than just straight up dps everything you see. Let the healers and tank in on the fun sometimes too. The current model of boss fights is well over a decade old. How the hell have they not evolved yet? I'm speaking more of the raids rather than 5 man instances and the like. Hell, most dungeon boss fights are far more fun than raid bosses in WoW that is.
1stStrike said:We have some people that are going PvP only but they're in the vast minority right now. Maybe 5 or 6 of them vs about 35 - 40 of us going onto Belmont.
The first raid in the game is a maze. After you find your way to the boss, the mage re-shapes and you have to find your way through to the next boss, and so on. Also, there's puzzles throughout the game that you have to locate and can solve for a blue/purple reward (the lvl 30 epic bow I got in the beta was from a hidden location on top of a mountain).
I think they're going to have some cool boss fights ahead for us.
jersoc said:I hope Trion moves towards a better model than Blizzard. Blizzard is like, well, we need 2 tanks and 2 healers sprinkle in some dragons as the boss, add in some stupid lame ass ae dmg so healers feel like ripping their balls off add in stupid cleave so on top of healing tanks, ae dmg you need to heal all melee that much more then to top it all off make it drop loot that no one in the raid can use!
I would love to have boss fights more puzzle like rather than just straight up dps everything you see. Let the healers and tank in on the fun sometimes too. The current model of boss fights is well over a decade old. How the hell have they not evolved yet? I'm speaking more of the raids rather than 5 man instances and the like. Hell, most dungeon boss fights are far more fun than raid bosses in WoW that is.
That would work for me.Tesseract said:re: our pvp server, my vote goes to briafcliff.
Tesseract said:re: our pvp server, my vote goes to briafcliff.
Weenerz said:Do it via steam to get the TF2 weapons!
3.76mb/s, will be done in 35 minutes!
Scout bat that mini-crits burning enemies, Pyro axe that ignites people. They're not good, but if you get them from pre-ordering the items have green tags and are called "Genuine" as a prefix. Not tradable.J-Rzez said:Sorry if I missed this, what are the TF2 weapons? Are they the one's you earn from doing achievements with I guess TF2 on PC? Are they any good?
arts&crafts said:Anyone know about a preload today? or do i have to wait til im off work tomorrow to dl 7gigs and patch![]()
Sebulon3k said:Better off getting the client off the Rift Headstart Page
arts&crafts said:Anyone know about a preload today? or do i have to wait til im off work tomorrow to dl 7gigs and patch![]()
Somnia said:
BigAT said:Anyone have much experience playing a Warrior during the beta? I'm trying to decide on a build focused on speedy leveling, although I plan to go pure tank eventually, and I'm leaning towards going Champion/Paragon/Riftblade, with my main focus being on the first two souls.
mxgt said:That's a sexy mouse pad.
mxgt said:That's a sexy mouse pad.
Sebulon3k said:Wish I got the retail CE and not the Steam one