Raggy said:Is it really worth waiting until you are 100 STR/DEX before quaffing your STR/DEX potions.
I'm at lvl 25 now, and I still only got 50 in STR, which means it will be 5 levels before I have 100 in it. Isn't the game over by then?
Binabik15 said:GAF, halp!
Im supposed to look after that hermit. How do I get there?!?!
I ended up in the Estern Temple, killed, got the temple teleport stone. In the swamp behind the temple there´s a cave, but the skellies beat me up so I left. Suddenly around the hut that´s above that swamp wherethe lizzard priestof which I killed one and got another teleport stone, this time four south east coast. Teleported there, went into the cave, killed alizzardmen!and took his rune shield. The floor above is guarded by at least three ghouls, which I hate, so I bailed and teleported to the volcano keep.skeleton lord named something something
Used my shiny new skeleton, magic barrier and berserker runes to make me some scrolls and had a clever idea: just jump from the volcano with levitation!
Yeah, worked pretty well, floated the the highest plateau, met my first ashbeast, blocked three whole attacks and died.
Now I´m having dinner and wonder where the eff I´m supposed to go. I´m not really good at reading that map. Scratch that, I´m REALLY not good at reading that damn map :/
I don´t have enough time to spend my playtime on wandering around the same area (swamp benath volcano keep) again and again. I need that to have 30 minutes fights with enemies that are to strong for my lvl 3 sword fighting and need continous quickloading and saving to beat :lol
Ceebs said:Look after the hermit? are you talking about the druid? Be a bit more specific. Also did you get the full map of the island from the cartographer in Harbor Town? That one is pretty easy to read.
Blackace said:Found the 360 version really cheap... but a lot of reviews have been meh.. how is the 360 version (if anyone is playing it)
dak1dsk1 said:New xbox 360 patch today. Anybody know what's new?
slasher_thrasher21 said:Still waiting on my asian copy, glad to see that the patch is out. Loved this on the pc though didnt have time for it, will get to it on xbox though.
I have to wonder... We had many many people bitching about the quality from the 360 version to the pc version. Similar to how Dragon Age is being viewed now... though I don't see people shitting all over the console version of Dragon Age (Well a few are)but most just accept it because its a damn good game and so is Risen people! Regardless how it looks, gameplay is key!
Yeah this game got me back into PC RPGs (playing Ego Draconis now), really liked the atmosphere, immersion and hardness, probably died 100 times but it never felt frustrating...ending/last boss sucked hard though :lol ...BlueTsunami said:Really digging this game. Not only is the ambiance really good but walking through the swamp is nerve wracking at the level I'm at now. Its that sense of danger and ambiance that a lot of modern games don't have.
panda21 said:trying to choose between this and Drakensang
got the demo of this and it seems like a cool concept, reminds me slightly of demon's souls in a weird way. some of the execution i'm not so keen on though - the british voice acting is really terrible and the script is pretty bad, combat doesnt seem that great, and the jump animation is horrible, but maybe I just didnt give it enough time. how much does that stuff factor into the game though once it gets going?
the 'acting' in that shitty quest to pick grain for the guy in the demo angered me intensely :lol
witcher is a shoe-in but i didnt like the way the combat worked in the demo, and i could only try the drakensang river of time german demo since the demo of the 1st game seems to have a trojan in it.
Get both.panda21 said:trying to choose between this and Drakensang
Well, sure if that is an option get both but if you have to choose, get Risen, the 2009 RPG GOTY.wmat said:Get both.
BeeDog said:The VA is decent enough in the full game
I thought the guy who did the main character was quite good actually. Some dodgy acting sure, but it never bothered me. The story isn't great but I really don't think you should be playing it for the story that's in the game, make your own. Jump animation is pretty stupid, but again, it's a minor quible. Same with the combat, I really didn't like it at all, but it's clearly not the focus of the game so it's not a big deal.panda21 said:trying to choose between this and Drakensang
got the demo of this and it seems like a cool concept, reminds me slightly of demon's souls in a weird way. some of the execution i'm not so keen on though - the british voice acting is really terrible and the script is pretty bad, combat doesnt seem that great, and the jump animation is horrible, but maybe I just didnt give it enough time. how much does that stuff factor into the game though once it gets going?
Drakensang is awesome in its own way though. At least worth biting fingernails over.DennisK4 said:Well, sure if that is an option get both but if you have to choose, get Risen, the 2009 RPG GOTY.
Please note, this is a review of the Xbox 360 version released in North America.
Closing Comments
Whether or not you'll enjoy Piranha Bytes' Risen really depends on what kind of gamer you are. Though this is a more humble and user-friendly product than Piranha Bytes' past games, it's still very much a hardcore role-playing game. If you're not willing to figure some things out for yourself and the idea of freedom of choice doesn't sit well with you, chances are Risen isn't going to mesh well with your gaming sensibilities. If you're familiar with the genre and are looking to take the next step into a mature, well-realized fantasy world, then this is it. Its combat system isn't the greatest and its pacing is inconsistent, but for those who put in the time to see all Risen has to offer, it's an experience that won't be forgotten.
bry-bry said:Glad to see someone else is enjoying the NA xbox version.
lastplayed said:I just went to check out the Steam page for Risen in anticipation of my new gaming rig... but was greeted with this message:
"This item is currently unavailable in your region" (NZ)
It was available when it first came out, as my brother bought it and still owns it. What gives?![]()