No, but the PC you're writing from can probably handle Gothic II which is better than all of them put together.papersleeves said:Hi. I just bought this game for 360. Is there any other pc-style RPG on the 360 that I am unaware of ?
Two Worlds 2 is the bomb diggity. Run do not walk to your nearest purveyor of fine games to get it (once you're done with Risen.) The GOTY version comes with the also excellent Pirates of the Flying Fortress expansion.papersleeves said:Hi. I just bought this game for 360. Is there any other pc-style RPG on the 360 that I am unaware of ?
Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga?papersleeves said:Hi. I just bought this game for 360. Is there any other pc-style RPG on the 360 that I am unaware of ?
papersleeves said:I've already played the Gothic series, except for Arcania. So there's absolutely nothing else outside of Risen and Arcania ? Sad face![]()
Are you not interested in Two Worlds 2 then?papersleeves said:I've already played the Gothic series, except for Arcania. So there's absolutely nothing else outside of Risen and Arcania ? Sad face![]()
Neuromancer said:Are you not interested in Two Worlds 2 then?
bumping this one...
Started playing this game and it's great... but i got some questions:
i am currently level 3 and in the Don's camp... doing quests left and right but i need some pointers on how to get better gear!
i mean i got this wooden shield, a regular sword that does like 15 damage and a crossbow.. and that is IT! i don't even have armor damnit, not even those stupid "worker clothes"
any tips on how to get gear or at least money a bit faster instead of selling off insect legs or whatever since that seems to take forever!
also: if i don't wanna join the Don for good should i keep doing the quests up to a certain point and THEN run off and do other quests?
So just got this as a gift from the holiday sale but either tages servers are hammered or this game just wont activate! I've been stuck on communicating with server forever and manual activation doesn't work. Anyone whose dealt with this before kno how to fix it?
Are you forcing AA through your drivers? If I remember correctly, you can't set it in-game. I have a GTX460, when I force 8XMSAA through Nvidia Inspector, my frame rate is about the same. It's pretty taxing. Without any forced AA, it runs around 50-60fps. Have you tried lowering shadow quality? IIRC, that gave me a modest FPS boost.
Kill depth of field. You'll get a FPS boost and the game looks much better without it.
So I downloaded the demo, and I seem to be having some framerate problems.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00GHz
Radeon (TM) HD 6770M
I pass all the recommended specs, and yet even on most of the settings set to low I only get 55 fps. With everything turned up I get 34 fps. What's the deal here?
For comparison, I get a stable 60 fps in Mass Effect 2, Sonic Generations, and Fallout New Vegas with things set to Medium-High.
Is the 6770M anything like the 6720G2? I've been thinking about picking this up, but if I'll have problems running it, then![]()
it does? runs pretty smooth for me but i'm all for making it look better
So I am playing the game and finally have some learning points and met a trainer.
Question: I am planning on siding with.the Order, and becoming either a mage or Warrior of the Order. If I go WotO how should I invest my points? Strength, staff training, and then one of the crystal magic spells? If I go pure mage do I just neglect all weapon/strength training?
Yea I'd focus on one of the crystal magic spells, even a pure wizard should focus on one.
Why should a mage focus only on one though? Does a mage need any points spent on strength, and staff/sword training?
Or does it take almost all your learning points to master a single magic?
Goddammit, I loved this game.
But that last major fetch quest was awful and I never finished it. I fucking hate last second fetch quests.
This game worth 7.25? Read mixed reviews on this page alone.
You need to buff up your rune magic and wisdom stats.
How do I display my fps in this game? Trying out the demo now.
This game worth 7.25? Read mixed reviews on this page alone.
So how do you deal with two or more enemies at once?
So how do you deal with two or more enemies at once?
Back yourself into a narrow passage or opening, so they can't flank you.
So just how bad is this game on the 360? I've been thinking about picking it up from Games On Demand for $20.
Isn't this game also banned in Australia?![]()