canadian crowe
Hmm. Is it more like Two Worlds 2 (which I liked)?Sinatar said:No this isn't that kind of game at all.
Hmm. Is it more like Two Worlds 2 (which I liked)?Sinatar said:No this isn't that kind of game at all.
That is as good of a comparison as you are likely to get. It's a smaller game world, but it's much more dense. The quests in Risen are better as well. It's honestly a much better overall game than Two Worlds 2 (which I also enjoyed).canadian crowe said:Hmm. Is it more like Two Worlds 2 (which I liked)?
Thanks. It was only 20 bucks, so I might as well crack it open.Ceebs said:That is as good of a comparison as you are likely to get. It's a smaller game world, but it's much more dense. The quests in Risen are better as well. It's honestly a much better overall game than Two Worlds 2 (which I also enjoyed).
I'm at that exact same spot.jaundicejuice said:Just use and abuse the quick save. That alone has helped reversed my opinion on the game.
Edit: Cleared the bandit camp quests, aside from the one handed to me from the Don and am on my way to Harbour Town. This game is a slow burn, it's punishing, it's a little obtuse (or, more likely, I'm far too used to games spoon feeding me all relevant information) but I'm really digging it now. I think how much I enjoy Risen directly correlates to the ease at which I can now smash a pack of boars or wolves to death with my mace.
jaundicejuice said:So I'm at a crossroads where I could continue to help the Don, join the mages or join the Order and I'm not sure of what to do.
jaundicejuice said:So I'm at a crossroads where I could continue to help the Don, join the mages or join the Order and I'm not sure of what to do. I guess I'll talk to the town folk some more before I commit to any one path.
I may have no real love for the Don or his men thus far. They were a bag of assholes out in the swamp and the first thing one of the Don's men in Harbour Town wants me to do isextort a sleazy pawnbroker (who is exploiting the troubles in town to get rich) for the Don's tribute
piratepwnsninja said:Any recommended mods for this game? I've seen some great shots, but it seems like they have to be using some graphic mods or something.
The Order, while unloved by the general populace, seem to have at least some positive interest in the town's well being. The lone mage I've spoken to is the only one truly helping people.
jaundicejuice said:After poking around The Gutters and Harbour and accepting quests from the Don's men, the Order and one of the mages, I don't think I'll be aiding the Don's men much longer. Everything the Don's men ask me to do is vile or reprehensible. The Order, while unloved by the general populace, seem to have at least some positive interest in the town's well being. The lone mage I've spoken to is the only one truly helping people.
I'm not certain about which faction I'm going to side with yet but whatever I lose out by not helping the Don, I think it's worth losing out on.[/QUOTE ]
If you want to be a mage go with Order, if you want to be a "thief" (bows) go with Thieves, if you want to be a fighter I think you can pick either.
I went with Order when I played but I don't recall anything after Chapter 2 that indicated that either faction choice made a difference in the back half of the game.
Agreed. Depth of field is almost entirely useless in videogames. Big performance hit for no benefit.Snuggler said:I haven't used any mods, but if you haven't already, kill DoF. I hate how it's implemented in Risen, it basically just adds a wall of blur to everything 100 yards ahead of you.
jaundicejuice said:Is there any way to force v-sync? I don't see that in any of the options and sometimes the screen tearing is persistent and annoying.
epmode said:Agreed. Depth of field is almost entirely useless in videogames. Big performance hit for no benefit.
Unless we're talking cutscenes! Then it's a good thing!
Yessir!Minsc said:Though you're probably talking about it in general
jaundicejuice said:After poking around The Gutters and Harbour and accepting quests from the Don's men, the Order and one of the mages, I don't think I'll be aiding the Don's men much longer. Everything the Don's men ask me to do is vile or reprehensible. The Order, while unloved by the general populace, seem to have at least some positive interest in the town's well being. The lone mage I've spoken to is the only one truly helping people.
I'm not certain about which faction I'm going to side with yet but whatever I lose out by not helping the Don, I think it's worth losing out on.
jaundicejuice said:The difference lies not purely in leveling up your character but in learning abilities and enhancing specific stats with mentors. The difference a few points in your strength or improving your weapon proficiency can be pretty staggering. I went from barely being able to damage this skeleton lord to being able to hold my ground and deal some decent damage.
I'm also wrapping my head around the combat a bit more. You can't just mash your way through combat, it seems as though each click gets queued, so if you see an incoming strike you may not be able to defend in time if you've got another melee strike loaded. The game punishes you if you're impatient or too greedy, you've got to wait for openings to attack, dodge or parry.
Minsc said:d3doverrider (riva tuner). Works for 99% of all new games too, and sometimes better than the in-game options.
Glad to see you didn't give up. Yeah, Piranha Bytes' games can be tough and unforgiving but once you get the hang of them you're in some seriously awesome stuff. My best action-RPG memories are from PB's games.jaundicejuice said:This game is brilliant.
jaundicejuice said:I can't believe that a few days ago I was almost going to shelve this game but now I'm almost twenty hours in. This is easily one of the better rpgs I have played this generation.
I'm buying Dark Waters day one now. I am now a fan of Piranha Byte.
No, that's pretty much how the combat goes for quite awhile. Towards the end of the game you'll be kicking ass but it takes awhile to get there.SnakeswithLasers said:I just started playing this last weekend based on the recommendations of GAF. I'm enjoying it, but, man, when do I get stronger? I'm currently very early () and while I can win fights with one opponent, it takes FOREVER to chip away their health in melee. Hold block, attack, be blocked, hold block, attack, be blocked, hold block, attack, take away a microgram of health, hold block. Am I doing something wrong?in the monastery after CHOOSING to go to the Order
Bought it, played it. Didn't like it, started doing more quests, started liking it more.Gvaz said:Bumping because Risen is a daily steam deal, more people should play it!
check out gothic3!Easy_D said:Bought it, played it. Didn't like it, started doing more quests, started liking it more.
6 hours in and I'm loving it. Exactly what I needed to fill my WRPG fix![]()
I might just have to do that some day. Though it needs a lot of fan patches and mods to be enjoyable last I heardJoseph Merrick said:check out gothic3!
I haven't encountered any scorpions but the War Crickets so far have been managable if you're careful. Unless they get stronger later on D:K.Jack said:Man what level must you be, so the Scorpions and War Crickets don't one or two-shot wreck you?
Skirn said:I've played this for 2-3 hours now and, holy shit, this game really does not throw any kind of help in your face like other modern RPG's. First couple of hours I just ran around getting killed left and right, not knowing where the hell I should go! I was almost ready to call it quits and uninstall Risen... but then I just went with the flow and endured. It's starting to get more fun once you accept that you can't kill everything, at least not this early into the game.
I've run into some Order fellows. The bastard knocked me out with a single blow and I woke up in some kind of monastery, but all of my Bandit quests got cancelled for some reason. Can I get them back once I get out of here and talk to the bandits again?
Also, how do I know when I'm starting to get too friendly with a faction and lock myself out from the other factions?
Really? Thank god I have a habit of saving on a new slot every ½ hour... :lolSinatar said:If you get press ganged into the monastary then you are stuck with them as your faction.
It really is a gem. Mores the pity so few have played itEasy_D said:I was excited just for the pirate theme, but after spending a good 17 hours into the first now, I'm even more excited, absolutely wonderful game.
After installing Gothic 3 you need to install only one patch and that's it.Easy_D said:I might just have to do that some day. Though it needs a lot of fan patches and mods to be enjoyable last I heard![]()
Nice, I'll bookmark that link for when I buy it. Didn't realise it came out in '06 though so I was shocked by how good it looked-SD- said:After installing Gothic 3 you need to install only one patch and that's it.
Oh, yeah :OEasy_D said:Nice, I'll bookmark that link for when I buy it. Didn't realise it came out in '06 though so I was shocked by how good it looked![]()
I assume this shot is using a tweaked ini? Looks spectacular. Funny how the DoF looks way better than it does in Risen.-SD- said:Oh, yeah :O
Some scenes in Gothic 3 still look really amazing, especially if you tweak the .ini file to maximize grass rendering distance etc.
Yes, it does.Easy_D said:I assume this shot is using a tweaked ini?
Can you tweak the DoF in Risen as well? It looks kind of "thick" I'd love it if I could push it back and make it thinner. Or something. Lol-SD- said:Yes, it does.
I remember my INI settings having DOF pushed more further. It's too near in that pic for my taste.
-SD- said:After installing Gothic 3 you need to install only one patch and that's it.