I will buy this game in order to just explore those delicious looking environments.
Hmm, thanks, I do have D3DOverrider. Do you think triple buffering helps this game out? I don't think I noticed much if any tearing, but I wasn't running Fraps to see what I got. (seemed fairly smooth at 1680x1050, everything max except 4xAA)Zeliard said:I don't know if it's any different in the demo, but loot is pretty obvious in the full version. You generally know what you can pick up and what is static before seeing the text overlays. That's been my experience, at least.
And use D3DOverrider to force vysnc + triple buffering.
Zeliard said:This game nails the exploration factor. As someone earlier said, you spot a ruin or a cave and you want to enter and explore that shit immediately. And they're nicely designed, too.
Blizzard said:I tried a tiny bit of the demo. Is the game supposed to have a black screen for like 15 seconds before the game menu comes up, or does my computer (e8400, ATI 4850, Windows 7 64-bit RC) not work with an intro movie for some reason?
BeeDog said:Definitely, but more often than not shit in those places fuck you up bad. :lol
There's this cave next to the very first farm (the one to the "right" of the start, near the bridge over the small lake) which I assumed was an easy one, thinking "hey, it's pretty much next to the starting area, what the hell could go wrong?"
Turns out everything.Full of Ghouls and some Bog Bodies, they tore me a new asshole pretty damn quick. Love how merciless the PB games are.
Well, even if you try to join the Don you get toMyr said:Thinking about sticking with my mage, I fucking hate the Don and his gang of losers. The first time in any RPG I've actually sided with 'the bad guys'.
Myr said:Thinking about sticking with my mage, I fucking hate the Don and his gang of losers. The first time in any RPG I've actually sided with 'the bad guys'.
Arcadey in that it relies heavily upon reflexes. Arcadey in that all creatures are adept (not just passively skilled) at dodging my blows. Arcadey in that they combo me to death otherwise. It really does remind me of whack-a-mole.HK-47 said:Most rpgs are arcadey and unrealistic in battle. It like complaining that everyone is standing in a line in a TBRPG.
Binabik15 said:Is this playable with a gamepad on pc? I have a damaged wrist and playing with a mouse really starts to hurt over time :/
Binabik15 said:Anyone?
Plus, can anyone link me to a torrent for the demo? I´m loading from Gamestar and it´s slooow, but I´m too stupid to find a torrent for the demo, the full game is everywhere. Le sigh.
NIN90 said:
You can download the demo via Steam.
Yasae said:Arcadey in that it relies heavily upon reflexes. Arcadey in that all creatures are adept (not just passively skilled) at dodging my blows. Arcadey in that they combo me to death otherwise. It really does remind me of whack-a-mole.
And this is coupled with animation that's by-hand and missing a few hundred frames. The inhabitants don't have something called, oh.. "Momentum." They can just spam you to kingdom come. It's not overly difficult as long as you're careful, but it's like there's this AI with 3 lines of code dictating its movement and attack patterns. Really, really fake and artificial in a game that's set in open-world terrain. It doesn't fit.
I also know it's a gameplay feature and I haven't liked it since Gothic fucking 3. It's BAD; I thought they would've taken a different direction, but it seems they haven't.
Joseph Merrick said:you can also pickpocket it off the gate guard before entering the city.
Blizzard said:Hmm, thanks, I do have D3DOverrider. Do you think triple buffering helps this game out? I don't think I noticed much if any tearing, but I wasn't running Fraps to see what I got. (seemed fairly smooth at 1680x1050, everything max except 4xAA)
And can anyone else confirm that the black screen for a while is normal for the demo? (after the overlay with the Risen thing appears over Windows)
Victrix said:If you want to use magic you need to eitherJoin the Order or join the Mages, the first gives you access to scroll making, the latter to scroll making and Rune (spell) usage. If you go Bandit, you can only cast spells from scroll you find/buy
Crye said:Is this normal? :lol
Still only demo version but I think it might just be me, wouldn't be the first time my machine decided to go do something awesome. ;p
Gothic 2 is better than Risen, are you playing it for the first time? I don't see any reason to skip Risen if you aren't, otherwise you are probably going to be a bit exhausted by the whole Gothic experience after you finish that.Prime crotch said:I'm a bit split of getting this, I'm playing Gothic 2 Gold right now and the demo is basically Gothic streamlined, for the better, and prettier
I'm finding it too big for the kind of experience it offers; there's only three stages of pace in Gothic, "I can't win, must run", "I can barely win" and "I am going to ass rape you now, you fucking goblins" while it's certainly a great game the half-decent combat, and huge scope can make it tiringsyllogism said:Gothic 2 is better than Risen, are you playing it for the first time? I don't see any reason to skip Risen if you aren't, otherwise you are probably going to be a bit exhausted by the whole Gothic experience after you finish that.
slasher_thrasher21 said:Ok I need some help guys. Fairly early in...
I'm in theBandit camp and doing some of the missions. I've gotten the guys to dig the artifacts again, I got the people to deliver the crates again, and some other various quests. It seems I somehow have to fight that one douche bag since he is trying to take over the camp. I'm not sure how. I just recently found out I need some gold peices of a sword, anyone know where I find them? It just seems at this point I'm stuck on most my quests in the swamp. I go to the red or green quests markers for each quest and no one is adding anything new to the quests.
Also when do you start making more money so you can get more skills and armor? I still have really jack shit except I increased my strength just a bit. Or do I need to leave and do some missions for the other factions?
Thanks in advance.
dionysus said:Fight in the arena and loot the bodies of your opponents for at least 3 of the sword pieces. There is another in a chest at the excavation site and I believe one of the workers has the last piece. Alternatively, I think you can pick pocket some of the pieces. A hint for the arena fights, if you run around and shoot them with a bow or crossbow, it is a lot easier than meleeing them.
Also, there are a few bandit quests not physically in the swamp that you can do. Go to the waterfall section for some.
well yeah, this is definitely what the arcania devs are trying to achieve. no idea how similar the games will turn out to be though. piranha bytes have been doing this for such a long time, it's impossible to tell what those completely new guys will be able to do for their first game there. it's the guys that did the desperados/robinhoodlegendofsherwood games, so should be interestingJonStark said:Sofar I'm liking this game. Will Gothic 4 play the same ? I herd they were two very similar games.
oh man. that anno bug is the best thing everCrye said:Is this normal? :lol
Still only demo version but I think it might just be me, wouldn't be the first time my machine decided to go do something awesome. ;p
oh yeah, that's another bug I've had-- in a couple of the houses, if you stand in the doorway and swing the camera around it will sometimes warp your guy on top of the house. heh.Victrix said:Curious, unusually (for pc gaming) I've had precisely 0 crashes since I started playing. I have had a few goofball incidents of warping 8 feet in the air, usually while jumping/levitating around, but other than that... no technical issues whatsoever.
Confidence Man said:Game is soooo nice looking. Comparisons to Oblivion have to be a joke. Even with modded textures and stuff, the lighting and shadows in Risen are far beyond what that game is capable of.
That's not even considering the artistic elements, with the larger varieties of flora and the sculpted world that doesn't look like it was made in a terrain generator.
BioNut said:I don't like the DOF in this game. It it is a little too oppressive and the distance it starts isn't far enough away.
I mean if I walk outside my site doesn't blur that bad when looking long distances.
Beautiful pics though.
BioNut said:Loving this game so far.
The biggest negative I have found is the lack of any relationship formation (friendship/romance) leads you to not care about any of the NPCs. They end up being quest vendors that give you something to do and then when you are done are all like, "Big gulps huh? Whelp, see you later."
This is extremely apparent when you getPatty out of the city, help her dig up all of the treasures, save her life and get back her fathers map. The whole time you actually feel attached to the NPC because of her story and her fathers story and then at the end she gives you some vague idea of what she will do in the future and then tosses up a duce while she trots back to her tavern. From that point on she will only sell you shit. I mean, no more idle chatter or anything interesting.
Or there is Sara, the girl you survived the ship wreck with. You help her get a place on that farm and she doesn't speak to you again the whole game, lol.
Nobody is friendly to you in this game save doug and sambut they soon become nothing more than vendors as well.