PS4 Pro runs GoW Ragnarok at 45fps average in performance mode and can go as high as 55fps. On shit Jaguar CPU. Believe me we are GPU bottlenecked with GoW Ragnarok and likely all cross-gen games that don't feature RT. Base PS5 could run the game at locked 120 if they reduced visuals or maybe even just resolution to 1080p. Zen 2 is sleeping in Ragnarok.
Oh i know very well how ps4pr0 runs ragnaraok, and its 45 fps avg or as high as 55 doesnt matter, coz its still cpu bottlenecked, in cpu bottlenecked scenarios it doesnt even hit 40

Edit: afaik not a single game that runs 30 or 30 with drops on base ps4 that can hold stable 120 in high fps mode on ps5, only targer 120, but with big dips
Pretty sure same thing on xbox series consoles, they only can get to stable 120 modes in games that run 60 on last gen, good example is halo infinite, multiplayer mode runs 120 on xbox series(even series s, on smaller maps), but campain- well, u can see it all in DF's vid, keep in mind its not testing at launch but season 2, when devs had plenty time for optimisation/patches xD
big focus on pc and series s campain there, but few snippets of xsx 120fps mode dipping in open worlds when there isnt much going on, imagine how nasty it gets when its durning driving vehicles or big shootouts
we can see more of those nasty fps drops in halo infinite 120fps mode on xsx there, again not driving when its worst, notice how john tries to dmg control it all, i remember back in the days when they discovered mario kart dips 1 frame every now and then they made huge deal out of it, for comparision =D
Here is how cpu bottleneck looks, even on s2 halo infinite, ofc DF didnt do this test coz it would show reality, aka improvements were made but it still is far from stable 120fps(dips under 100 in cpu intentive scenarios)
But u can see it for urself, btw in exactly same mission xbox one x(so weaksauce jaguar cpu, last gen) was getting 50 to 60fps on performance mode.
All in all proof is there, cpu's in those next gen consoles arent even 3x stronger from last gen, from what i see around 2,5x stronger only.