Sales-Age Microsoft Q1: Gaming revenue up 9%, Content & Services up 13% and Xbox hardware down 7%

So what. They bought most of those franchises.


Linux User
Of course, AI is the future.

Hey Xbox stop pursuing being a Monopoly and exit the Console Market, so PlayStation can become a Monopoly. PlayStation GAF users are something else. With all those answers in this thread asking to Xbox going full third party, you know all that talk about the ABK Buyout about fear of becoming a Monopoly was pure hipocrisy.
This may surprise you but I wanted Activision to remain independent and Microsoft use those 70 billion dollars to make videogames not put it into Kotick's ass.


Thank you to the mods for the updated topic title.

Looks like it's on track with some differences, differences that can (and likely will) be overcome with CoD bundles and/or other assorted deals very easily.

Imagine a $199 CoD Series S bundle with 3/6 months of Game Pass. It's gonna sell like hotcakes.
The difference not shown on the chart is the pricing of the consoles. Xb1 launched at $499. XB series launched at $499 and $299. So the demand that normally kicks in as the price drops was already there, front loaded with Xbox series.
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