Spike Spiegel
Honda Tadakatsu
Imagawa Yoshimoto
Hashiba Hideyoshi
Just from the look of him, Honda seems like he'll be a Lu Bu/Keiji Maeda -type "powerhouse" character. And bow-weilding Inahime could prove interesting, so long as she's not just a basic Magoichi clone. As for the other two, well... they should've been playable in the first game, Koei. Bad form. But at least Hideyoshi's got a new weapon; IIRC he was just another sword-weilding generic in SW.
Now where's Tokugawa Ieyasu?
Honda Tadakatsu


Imagawa Yoshimoto

Hashiba Hideyoshi

Just from the look of him, Honda seems like he'll be a Lu Bu/Keiji Maeda -type "powerhouse" character. And bow-weilding Inahime could prove interesting, so long as she's not just a basic Magoichi clone. As for the other two, well... they should've been playable in the first game, Koei. Bad form. But at least Hideyoshi's got a new weapon; IIRC he was just another sword-weilding generic in SW.
Now where's Tokugawa Ieyasu?