Just read the majority black town of Altadena is ashes and a disabled father refused to leave his son who has cerebral palsy.
Some folks are acting so gleefully because celebrities have lost their homes but COMPLETELY forgetting that regular people live out there too!
All due respect, but why does race matter? A ton of people are losing their lives and livelihood in this, of all different creeds. Just not understanding the emphasis here, I guess.
Also, just to note, Altadena is not majority black, but there are communities inside of it that are. Altadena as a whole is majority white IIRC, not that it matters as I don't think fire has a prejudice.
Edit to add a bit more: Partially because I don't want
to think I am solely trying to call him out or be a jerk and also because I just feel like talking a bit more about it...
Truly heart breaking for all involved, including this story and others that have been shared. Continued prayers for all.
It might be hard for some who have never been to LA to understand, but I was there a little over a year ago standing at the Griffith Observatory and looking around. It is, obliviously at the time, pretty obvious how something like this could take off in the hills easily. It's also hard to fathom how large LA and it's "pockets" as I refer to them are. Every part of the town is almost like a major city elsewhere. So many variables at play here.
By the way, if you put the politics fighting aside and the fact that it's a huge place with quite a few problems, I feel like a lot of people may not know that there are plenty of great, normal people there, regardless of what you hear in the media and social media. Some truly chill people, honestly similar to the east coast coastal mid to south towns, most of the not-celebrity people there are nice and chill. You wouldn't expect it, but it is true for a large portion of the every-day person populace. I have certainly been in worse and unfriendlier places. Lot of people in LA ( and surrounding areas) are willing to talk and help when you are visiting. Not every block is a crap hole, at all.
God bless LA, hope and prayers for defeating this and healing.