
Serves the assholes right.
As an aside, my buddy had to camp out before his local Wal-Mart opened abnout two weeks ago to get a Wii; I know, not a PS3, but trust me, there's relevance... So anyway, my buddy was the first in line and the store handed out something like 8 tickets. The last guy in line, much to my friend's shock, actually was allowed to get two tickets.
When my friend asked why he wanted two, the guy proudly responded, "to sell them on Ebay."
Well my friend is an out-spoken guy. He'll say anything to anyone. So after the guy announces this, my friend just starts to go off. He called the guy a scumbag, that he hopes the guy's proud of himself for taking systems out of the hands of people who actually want it to play, and so on and so on.
When some new people approached the line -- after the tickets had been handed out -- my friend said to 'em, "hey number 7, tell them how their kid isn't getting a Wii for Christmas because you're an asshole." Everyone else in line, who was waiting to get one for themself or for a family member, was laughing their ass off.
Wish I could've been there... That would have been the best YouTube ever! :lol