Well, I lost any will to finish Phantasy star 3
I was in the third generation with adan, just at point to get the legendary weapons, and then I stopped to care, I don't know if I will finish his history or for the matter the other 3 endings that you could get in the end.
I will post my gripes with the game
1) I feel that after the first 2 dungeons in the game where you only had 2 characters, the game gets super easy, at least I never was in a situation where I will never see a game over screen. Maybe I grinded a bit too much, but it wasn't more than 2 hours apart from the actual game. also, 90% I only use the automatic attack, since this game doesn't requiere to had an actual strategy to win the battles. In ps2 when you had to fight against the cyborgs, lots of times you needed to do very specific things to win the battles, specially if your party wasn't designed to fight against those cyborgs. Even the boss battles are boring and feel repetitive, not to mention that are easy
2) It's a real drag to travel from city to city, isn't so more that the distance are too large, but more for the fact that you had to always cross those ''space tunnels'' to reach from one part to another. From a storyline perspective, it makes sense to had this sort of connection, but still, is tiresome, hell even in a city you need to pass from a dungeon to reach the other side of the city. It doesn't help that at times you need go from point A to B, and then return to point A. Plus the environments where way more repetitive than in PS2
3) The story was amazing, but it doesn't had a good narrative, at least my main gripe was how stupid was the choice of your wifes in both generations, specially in the second, when the final boss of each arc becomes a dating show host and makes you choice between 2 options which until then you didn't know that you had some sort of interest with any of them. Even the cutscenes where more ugly that the ones used at PS2
After playing it a lot, I could why this series was the black sheep on the series, even though I still enjoyed a bit, maybe next week I will try it again