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Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Appreciation Thread: Alien Storm > Golden Axe

Grind Stormer is really expensive.

And the Japanese versions of Comix Zone and Maximum Carnage are ridiculous. MC is like $1K.

edit: and Gleylancer. Lots of pricey shooting games.


Where did you find that? Those game weren't released at USA, so no official Genesis version is possible. Is there people building and selling Genesis cartridges?

Yep. Reproductions. Almost every Sega forum has a thread on them and it's pretty straight forward to track down sellers. I got mine from the Sega Age forums. Quality work for the most part.

Plus you can't use a Power Base Converter with a Model 2 without doing some permanent surgery to the thing; the thing is modeled to fit snugly on a Model 1, so it expects empty space where the Model 2 provides none, and as such it won't fit.

Thanks for that info. Good to know! I'm over due to track down a model one myself.


getting Moonwalker for a fair price takes some looking at the moment as well, congrats on that! depending on condition (CIB especially) and what you consider fair, both Contra Hard Corps & Castlevania Bloodlines can cost a bit too, but yeah ya'll named the biggest offenders

Well, I lost any will to finish Phantasy star 3

I was in the third generation with adan, just at point to get the legendary weapons, and then I stopped to care, I don't know if I will finish his history or for the matter the other 3 endings that you could get in the end.

I will post my gripes with the game

1) I feel that after the first 2 dungeons in the game where you only had 2 characters, the game gets super easy, at least I never was in a situation where I will never see a game over screen. Maybe I grinded a bit too much, but it wasn't more than 2 hours apart from the actual game. also, 90% I only use the automatic attack, since this game doesn't requiere to had an actual strategy to win the battles. In ps2 when you had to fight against the cyborgs, lots of times you needed to do very specific things to win the battles, specially if your party wasn't designed to fight against those cyborgs. Even the boss battles are boring and feel repetitive, not to mention that are easy

2) It's a real drag to travel from city to city, isn't so more that the distance are too large, but more for the fact that you had to always cross those ''space tunnels'' to reach from one part to another. From a storyline perspective, it makes sense to had this sort of connection, but still, is tiresome, hell even in a city you need to pass from a dungeon to reach the other side of the city. It doesn't help that at times you need go from point A to B, and then return to point A. Plus the environments where way more repetitive than in PS2

3) The story was amazing, but it doesn't had a good narrative, at least my main gripe was how stupid was the choice of your wifes in both generations, specially in the second, when the final boss of each arc becomes a dating show host and makes you choice between 2 options which until then you didn't know that you had some sort of interest with any of them. Even the cutscenes where more ugly that the ones used at PS2

After playing it a lot, I could why this series was the black sheep on the series, even though I still enjoyed a bit, maybe next week I will try it again

pretty fair here; im sure you know it, but PS3 took shit for betraying sci-fi theme, challenge, advancements like battle animations, and outside of what i thought was a very loose connection at best, main arching plot.

as a side story/gaiden, i think it could've worked - god knows IV is so good, it managed to tie it in as well - but even if you judge the game on it's own merits, as you said, the dungeons aren't great, the pacing is thrown off by padding like that (note: many JRPGs are guilty of this to be fair), and it falls short of the huge ambitions a game of "generations" shoots for...by all means, finish it up if you're inclined, but i can't tell you to go do so with the other 3 characters for the short (and somewhat conflicting, as i recall?) bits of the other endings, where a cursory youtube search would do.

honestly, if PS3 went by another name, i think people might've namedropped it with Shining in the Darkness, Vermillion etc as an interesting & ambitious title that still falls flat but more people might've said it was worth playing.
then again, it hails from an era where i'd finish shit like Super Hydlide, so i could be wrong here.

Bought a random Sega CD game today. So, I guess I need to buy a Sega CD. Figured they were dirt cheap. Fuck this $50 shit on ebay.

even a model 2? i got mine in a package deal, but i assumed they were decently priced, at least compared to working 1's

Eliminate Down, Twinkle Tale, and Undead Line are expensive, I think.

man ive never heard of any of these!

Speaking of Classic Game Room...I should go get a copy of Truxton soon. Thankfully, that one isn't very expensive at all.

haha i hate how susceptible i am to Mark's agenda; thankfully Truxton's cool.
i still want a cheap copy of fucking Cosmic Carnage, and ive no reason why; it's all his fault


pretty fair here; im sure you know it, but PS3 took shit for betraying sci-fi theme, challenge, advancements like battle animations, and outside of what i thought was a very loose connection at best, main arching plot.

as a side story/gaiden, i think it could've worked - god knows IV is so good, it managed to tie it in as well - but even if you judge the game on it's own merits, as you said, the dungeons aren't great, the pacing is thrown off by padding like that (note: many JRPGs are guilty of this to be fair), and it falls short of the huge ambitions a game of "generations" shoots for...by all means, finish it up if you're inclined, but i can't tell you to go do so with the other 3 characters for the short (and somewhat conflicting, as i recall?) bits of the other endings, where a cursory youtube search would do.

honestly, if PS3 went by another name, i think people might've namedropped it with Shining in the Darkness, Vermillion etc as an interesting & ambitious title that still falls flat but more people might've said it was worth playing.
then again, it hails from an era where i'd finish shit like Super Hydlide, so i could be wrong here.

Welp, I think that I will finish it because I really want to say that at least I finished PS3.

Even though I posted all those faults, I still liked that the game was a phantasy star game, and for me it's a sequel just like PS IV (Both are sequels since both games pass in the same timeframe, and It was really awesome to see a brand new world be built just for the incidents that happened in PS2. Hell, for me the sci fi elements in the game are perfect since this is a world which had to start from zero, and that forgot almost all the tech that they had built (even though is weird that they went from an advanced planet into a medieval world, but well, you could blame dark falz on that, and well, in ps4 everybody forgot the tech that they developed 1000 years ago)

I still had fun with the game, and by no means is a bad game, but compared to other 3 entries in the series, it's really bad, not vermillion levels of bad, but just bad in a sense that you are supposed to be amazing, but in the end, you just end being decent at best

(god my english is really, is like I know but can fix it xD, I need to take some english classes or I will forgot everything in the future, just like the people from palma and motavia)
even a model 2? i got mine in a package deal, but i assumed they were decently priced, at least compared to working 1's

Yep. Most of them say untested and shit too, gotta do some hunting for one that the seller actually assures works. Seems like sold prices fluctuate wildly, so guess I'll have to just keep an eye out or hope to find one locally.

what game did ya get?

Battlecorps. Don't know what it is. Just saw it in perfect condition for $3. Don't see many Sega CD games out in the wild, especially in good condition, so I grabbed it.

Looking at ebay the last three I see that sold with case and everything went for $13-20. So, guess I did well in grabbing it.


haha i hate how susceptible i am to Mark's agenda; thankfully Truxton's cool.
i still want a cheap copy of fucking Cosmic Carnage, and ive no reason why; it's all his fault

I bought Cosmic Carnage AND a 32X because of his videos. (Well, that and Knuckles Chaotix of course)

Cosmic Carnage is a hilarious game to play. I actually recommend it to anyone, as long as you don't go in expecting the depth or polish of a Capcom-level fighting game. CC is a fun game to bust out with some friends though, partly because of how hilariously awesome it is.


I scored a pretty mint copy of Moonwalker super cheap on eBay recently so I'm glad to add that to the collection.

Mind if I asked how much you paid?

Been wanting to add Moonwalker to the collection for years now. I had been on the fence about it at first, then when MJ died the price of that game skyrocketed over night. Looks like it's finally come back down to decent prices though. 20 - 30 (loose) seems to be about the norm, which I think it was before his death. I should bite the bullet on that one soon. It's such a bad game, but come on, it's Moonwalker.

I played some Contra Hard Corps today, god damn the game is hard. Finally made it past the third stage though, that boss fight is brutal. It's a pretty amazing game though, insane what Konami made the Genesis do, but I'd expect nothing less out of them in those days. That highway boss where he's chasing you is still pretty impressive today.


Mind if I asked how much you paid?

Been wanting to add Moonwalker to the collection for years now. I had been on the fence about it at first, then when MJ died the price of that game skyrocketed over night. Looks like it's finally come back down to decent prices though. 20 - 30 (loose) seems to be about the norm, which I think it was before his death. I should bite the bullet on that one soon. It's such a bad game, but come on, it's Moonwalker.

I played some Contra Hard Corps today, god damn the game is hard. Finally made it past the third stage though, that boss fight is brutal. It's a pretty amazing game though, insane what Konami made the Genesis do, but I'd expect nothing less out of them in those days. That highway boss where he's chasing you is still pretty impressive today.

I paid 27 + shipping which was under 10 bucks (I'm in Canada). Copy is complete and in pretty good shape. The manual is really crisp though and the staples are rusty but its from 1990...

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
Battlecorps. Don't know what it is. Just saw it in perfect condition for $3. Don't see many Sega CD games out in the wild, especially in good condition, so I grabbed it.

Looking at ebay the last three I see that sold with case and everything went for $13-20. So, guess I did well in grabbing it.

yeah its one of the better sega cd games good find

edit: also they posted that lot of games and it ravaged my bank account got
arrow flash
raiden trad
hell fire
thunder force 3
target earth
whip rush
air buster
insector x

and r type for master system


ugh, yesterday I was playing altered beast and I had this weird bug where after beting the third boss with the bear, Hades never appeared to strip you from your powers so I couldn't avance to the next stage, Is that an emulator bug or it was in the original game (Steam)


Probably asked many times before, but is there a good app/website/whatever to keep a list of the games you have?

I just thought about this the other day...i've got a list of games I want to get, but have no log of games I already own. I never accidentally buy doubles or anything like that, but it would just be for safe keeping.


Probably asked many times before, but is there a good app/website/whatever to keep a list of the games you have?

I just thought about this the other day...i've got a list of games I want to get, but have no log of games I already own. I never accidentally buy doubles or anything like that, but it would just be for safe keeping.

Backloggery and HowLongToBeat are both good options. They have different primary focuses, but are still quite good for the purpose you mentioned. IGN also has a collection tracker I think, though it's been years since I've used it and I'm not sure if it's even still there. I'm sure there are plenty of other options out there too. Failing that, there's always just a simple spreadsheet, which can work wonders.


Probably asked many times before, but is there a good app/website/whatever to keep a list of the games you have?

I just thought about this the other day...i've got a list of games I want to get, but have no log of games I already own. I never accidentally buy doubles or anything like that, but it would just be for safe keeping.

I bit the bullet and paid for an app called game collector.

I find it pretty convenient because you can synch it with a mobile device and it has features like cover flow and automatically adds details and artwork for games that you put into it. It has a "demo" so you can try it out and see how you like it. It limits you to like 20 games... then you have to pay to add more.


I just started opening up some boxes in my storage shed containing a lot of my games that were duplicates that were packed up, and was surprised to find that I had a few gems in there in terms of old Genesis shooters. These are all cart only doubles that I already have a second boxed version. It inspired me to break out my Genesis this afternoon and give a few of them a go again. It also made me realize that I need to dig through my full storage shed and more than likely sell most of my doubles collection, as I no longer have need for it (in a lot of instances, I ended up getting these duplicates in bulk purchases of Genesis games when I was trying to round out my collection back in 2000-2001 when I still had games on my list that I wanted to purchase... that list has been completed since then, so I am no longer buying in bulk).



Shooting game highlights in the first box I opened (there are about 20 boxes I have to go through, all holding about 20 games a piece) were as follows (if you can't tell by the label above):

(going from left to right)
Wings of Wor
Contra Hard Corps
Biohazard Battle
Thunder Force III
Ranger X
Elemental Master
Raiden Trad

I forgot how much I liked Wings of Wor. It is truly janky in a lot of ways, but it has a lot of great 90s charm to it once you get past the oddities. I'm also a huge fan of Elemental Master. I think that game is really under praised overall, and really acts as a bridge between a lot of the evolution of shooting games that started to be released at the time that featured walking characters. Yes, it wasn't the first, but you can feel a lot of direct parallels there.

And my god, Thunder Force III is just as brilliant as I remember.


you have doubles of musha and grind stormer? jeez

It's what happens when you buy a lot of back stock of used game stores liquidizing their 16 bit inventory (edit: prior to 2001 that is) lol. I know I have a third version of Grindstormer in one of these boxes, I just haven't gotten to it yet.

I'm really interested to see what I have in there with the Sega CD doubles. Though to be honest, I'm not expecting a lot of those to be in great condition as unfortunately they were part of a set of boxes that got damaged in a hurricane when my storage room flooded a few years back. I cleaned them up the best I could, but it wasn't the greatest clean up job. And I had to get rid of most of the inserts and instruction manuals due to fear of mold.

That was a horrible experience. I lost most of my SNES collection and a few arcade boards in that hurricane.

Not for Resale Ranger X? I had no idea that was a pack-in at one point. Seems like an obscure choice for a system bundle.

I've always been curious where that one originated to be honest. I'm thinking that it maybe was a pack in exclusive to Toys R Us or Kaybee Toy Store maybe?


you have doubles of musha and grind stormer? jeez

Best part is that he got them back in 2000, so they were probably 10 dollars each. Ha.

Noahd42 said:
I paid 27 + shipping which was under 10 bucks (I'm in Canada). Copy is complete and in pretty good shape. The manual is really crisp though and the staples are rusty but its from 1990...

That is an awesome price on that, especially considering it's boxed and with a manual.

I played some more Hard Corps. I'm kind of determined to finish that game but I don't know if I have it in me. I made it to the end of the fourth stage. Anyone actually beat this game? I know I can do it eventually, I've done all the other Contra games, but this one feels much more difficult. I think it's probably the fact that the A button doubles as the weapon select and standing still and firing. Shoulder buttons would have done this game wonders.


I played some more Hard Corps. I'm kind of determined to finish that game but I don't know if I have it in me. I made it to the end of the fourth stage. Anyone actually beat this game? I know I can do it eventually, I've done all the other Contra games, but this one feels much more difficult. I think it's probably the fact that the A button doubles as the weapon select and standing still and firing. Shoulder buttons would have done this game wonders.

I've beaten it a couple of times. But not recently, and unfortunately, if I was to pick it up now, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't make it past the second stage. You are right though. Hard Corps - in my opinion - is definitely the hardest of all the Contra games. It gets brutal early on and it really doesn't let up (especially if you decide to use one of the full sized characters).
The Japanese version of Contra: Hard Corps was designed with a lifebar in mind, and they removed that from the US version, so that might be why it seems so hard.

I think the boss of stage 3 or 4 was as far as I've ever made it. I can beat the first two levels without much trouble. I usually beat the first level without getting hit. After that, though...it varies.


Ah that's right, I remember reading long ago that this game had a health bar. I'm kind of glad it doesn't because I like my Contra experience genuine, but damn is it almost unfair. I feel like whenever I make it to a new boss I die almost every single time it introduces a new move. There are very few bosses I beat on my first try.

RyanDG, yeah finding a character I like is becoming tricky. I think I like Sheena, she seems to have the most varied weapon set. Ray is decent too but the spreader is nerfed in this game, almost not even worth using. I tried Fang tonight and though his machine gun upgrade and flame thrower are awesome, his size and close range weapons are an issue. The little robot I just don't like at all.

Also yeah, the boss on the third stage, the one that turns into the different astrological along with a tank and helicopter, is extremely hard. I actually couldn't defeat him using Fang tonight. I can do it with the others, but it's still tough.


Probably asked many times before, but is there a good app/website/whatever to keep a list of the games you have?

I just thought about this the other day...i've got a list of games I want to get, but have no log of games I already own. I never accidentally buy doubles or anything like that, but it would just be for safe keeping.

I just use a word document. It's pretty clunky but it enables me to keep track of my collection and wishlist. Then I just keep a wishlist or a priority pick up list of things I'm keeping my eyes out for. It works for me, I've only got about 60 Genesis titles so far which might help but even for my other consoles (about 50PS1, 80PS2 and 40 PS3) I can keep track no problem.

That is an awesome price on that, especially considering it's boxed and with a manual.

I played some more Hard Corps. I'm kind of determined to finish that game but I don't know if I have it in me. I made it to the end of the fourth stage. Anyone actually beat this game? I know I can do it eventually, I've done all the other Contra games, but this one feels much more difficult. I think it's probably the fact that the A button doubles as the weapon select and standing still and firing. Shoulder buttons would have done this game wonders.

Thanks, I'm glad to pick it up. Plays pretty well and the sound track is killer. I'm very impressed with what I've played so far and to get a solid deal on shipping a game of that quality was awesome.

I've played significant amounts of Contra HC in both single player and multiplayer form but haven't progressed very far at this point. Once I get reunited with my copy that will be one of the games I go hard at. The slide is crucial, there are a few lets plays of the game where people make it look simple...

I wish it had a health bar as mentioned by someone else above. That would make it a bit more accessible, but it is still such a solid game.


goddamn RyanDG that's a beautiful lot there! so jelly. if you're ever getting rid of Sagaia, Wings of Wor, Grindstormer or Biohazard Battle lemme know!

sega cd cases are really weak to begin with you look at them funny and the hinges break off

this is so true. i'd read somewhere that Saturn cases in the US were similar to Sega-CD because they had an excess left over, but i don't recall said saturn ones breaking as easy

The Japanese version of Contra: Hard Corps was designed with a lifebar in mind, and they removed that from the US version, so that might be why it seems so hard.

oh my god; yeah that explains so much about that game's design then

haha, im trying to think of a point in my life when that would've been remotely cool...late 80's irish was a kid who liked military camo but even then
Someone please post a link to where I can buy

1. SCART cable for model 2 NA Genesis


2. SCART to HDMI converter

I do not think there is such converter directly (unless you buy an expensive scaler). Better buy a SCART to Component, and if your TV does not have component (?) then plug a Component to HDMI (I would stick with component).


I just got my first Japanese Mega Drive game in the mail!

It's Puyo Puyo! :D

I should also be getting some empty Genesis game cases later today via UPS, and Sailor Moon for the Mega Drive should be here tomorrow. I have a Game Genie coming in the mail, too, which should hopefully be here in the next few days, then I can actually play my Mega Drive games. Hah.

EDIT: Just got my game cases:

They're obviously reproduction cases, and don't have the nice matte-finish of real Genesis/Mega Drive cases, but they get the job done.

Plus, I technically got them for free, anyway. Actually, I also got Puyo Puyo for free, too. Hah. Free Amazon gift cards from Bing and such are awesome. :p


The Chuck Norris of Peace
So I have a pal mega drive, and want to pick up a Mega/Sega-CD. Should I go for the pal one that fits with the one I have, or just give in and buy a complete ntsc-set? Are there any worthwhile games that only came out in one territory? Also, I have already Phantasy Star 2 and Contra Hard Corps in ntsc, so i guess i need a Genesis eventually anyways. But Sonic CD in pal-format lol. What a mess.

Oh, and was Pulseman ever released in the west?


So my girlfriend went and got her nails done today and mentioned there was a game store next door called Level 7 Games. She went in and sent me a picture of a decent amount of Genesis games. In the picture I saw Streets of Rage 2 which I needed to replace so she picked it up for me. I decided to go check it out myself and was very pleased. I ended up getting Shadow Dancer and Virtua Racing both CIB, and loose copies of Dinosaurs for Hire, Death Duel (I know it's awful, but I loved it as a kid), and Light Crusader for $4.99 a piece.

It's a good store and worth checking out if you're around Denver.


Target Earth does not fuck around. I remember tht game being super hard.

Every time I see the game I think someone has just drawn it on regular printin paper and glued it to the cart. It's hard as hell, but it is fun.

Any chance anyone has a contra hard corps they want to get rid of?
Just got my other Japanese Mega Drive game in the mail about an hour ago:

First loose game I've bought for anything besides the NES and Atari 2600/7800, but considering I saved around $100 on it, it's okay. Hah.

I got it a case, anyway, so it's cool:

Now I just gotta wait until that Game Genie gets here so I can play it and Puyo Puyo...it's estimated to arrive between Thurday and Tuesday. I'm really hoping it gets here on Thursday. Haha.

EDIT: I posted about the game in the May Pick-Up thread, and someone else (Laws00) had it for 10 years but wasn't able to play it, and I helped them finally play it since I already knew the Game Genie code (ATYA-AA86), even though I don't have mine yet. Helping out feels good, man.

I also finally got the tracking info for my Game Genie. It should be here on Friday. Can't wait!

Dave Long

Target Earth does not fuck around. I remember tht game being super hard.
You remember well. I picked it up locally awhile back and it definitely isn't taking prisoners. It's really cool, though. Definitely one of the ugliest boxes hiding a great game inside. It is part of the Assault Suits series of games developed by NCS and published by Masaya in Japan.
You can use Game Genie to play imports? WTF?

Most games don't even have software region lockout, so you can use it as a passthrough device so you don't have to cut up the console case to fit import carts. For the region-locked games, use Game Genie codes to bypass the protection.
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