or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Thanks, I figured that'd work but I wanted to make sure.
I'd been playing on the PS3 Mega Drive Collection but it just wasn't the same.
I never have any luck with things like cartridges and memory cards. I've avoided playing on my PS2 for years because it would never read the memory cards, and if it did it'd have a 50/50 chance of corrupted instead of saving data. Last week I decided to blow once on the slot and the card and it worked.
No prob! (and no the PS3 collection is not enough... I have it too! Just inspired me to lean into collecting the real thing)
I bet you 99.9% of your feeling of unreliableness is due to the carts being dirty. I used to have the same notions about carts, but now I consider them solid as a rock. More reliable than CDs/DVDs. To this day, I've never found an old cart that doesn't work perfectly when I clean it up (all consoles).