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Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Appreciation Thread: Alien Storm > Golden Axe

I think Super Tempo is a sequel to 32X Tempo, actually.

Saturn Space Harrier should make 32X Space Harrier obsolete, especially with the Mission Stick support. If you're intent on getting a home port, go Saturn.


Okay, but haven't those games gotten better ports elsewhere?

I don't see a whole lot of appeal of solid port that's still less than ideal just because it happens to be on 32x.

well...you could possibly get a 32X and a few ports for less than the Sega AGES saturn disc sometimes, heh


I like Virtua Racing Deluxe.

The 32X is still worth a purchase if you ask me, it gets a terrible rap but like others have said, some pretty good ports exist for it. Knuckles Chaotix is great as well once you get over the initial confusion around the rubberband-style gameplay. I've heard Kolibri is a unique and fun game too, but I have yet to get my hands on a copy. Same goes for Tempo.

It's not too expensive to get your hands on a 32X with a few games.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Knuckles Chaotix is anything but worthwhile.

It's the only Sonic game I've played where "hold forward to win" is pretty much true.
I think Super Tempo is a sequel to 32X Tempo, actually.

Saturn Space Harrier should make 32X Space Harrier obsolete, especially with the Mission Stick support. If you're intent on getting a home port, go Saturn.

Sure the Saturn version is great, but so is the 32X version. Absolutely pick up 32X Space Harrier.

Also, yeah, Super Tempo is the sequel to Tempo. Tempo isn't a great game, but it is a good game. It's slow-paced, but solid quality. As for Knuckles Chaotix, though... the levels are bizarrely empty. Seriously, many stages have almost no enemies or obstacles that can hurt you, and there are no death pits. And levels are not short. It gets really boring, really fast. Flinging yourself around, once you learn the rubber-band system, is kind of interesting, but it'd be more interesting if there was any content in the stages. It's an extremely disappointing game on that front.

However, the bonus stages are fantastic! They're 3d tubes you move around, picking up rings and chaos emeralds and stuff. It's sort of like railed 3d platformer Sonic. Great stuff, I love the bonus stages. I wish that they had made a whole game out of that, and abandoned the half-baked, and half-finished, main 2d game.
Food for thought: Lost World strikes me as the Chaotix special stages, if they were turned into a more modern-styled platformer. Walking on walls in a mostly tube-shaped stage, notably, although Lost World walks on the outside, while Chaotix mostly walks on the inside.


A little while ago, I mentioned that I was starting to clear out my storage sheds and reorganizing some of my older bulk boxes of duplicate games that have just been sitting around. I sort of realized that these games really need to be played by people who can appreciate them, especially since I have my own copies in better condition. I haven't gone through any more of my genesis boxes yet (working through my Saturn and Sega CD collections first), but I've decided that I wanted to go ahead and offer them up to a Gaffer.

Here's what I have in mind, I am willing to give away the following games for free, with a couple of conditions (listed below):

Thunder Force 3
Elemental Master
Bio Hazard Battle
Wings of Wor

Here are the conditions. They have to go to someone in the US. They have to go to someone who is wanting them to play (rather than resell, since I know a couple of the games have some decent resale value) - I know I can't test this, but to be honest, these are cart only, and some have stickers on them. They aren't the "highest quality" to resell anyway (though they have all been verified and tested to work).

And then the final condition, whoever decides they wants them, has to make a donation to one of the following charities:

Child's Play - http://www.childsplaycharity.org/
Appalachian Trail Conservancy - http://www.appalachiantrail.org/
Free Arts for Abuse Children - http://www.freearts.org/

Which charity you choose doesn't matter. And the amount you donate doesn't matter.

Here's how this will work:

If you are interested, go to this Google form: CLOSED and enter your GAF user name. About 4pm est tomorrow, I'll put everyone's names who did this into a random number generator and spit out the winner. I will PM that person who will then have 48 hours to confirm that they made a donation (just via an image to my pm - personal information can be blacked out for confidentiality if necessary) and once that's done, I'll send out the games next week. After 48 hours, if a donation hasn't been made, I'll redraw another number.


I may throw in one or two extra games as well, depending on the size of the package I send (nothing special here, probably just some random doubles).

These are all cart only games. And some do have stickers on the labels and on their backs. They all do work however, so they will be easily enjoyed for someone looking for a way to kick start their shooter collection on the Genesis.

US resident/citizen, don't own a single one of those games, would be willing to give them a shot (not religious play, but casual play nonetheless), and I can totally donate to charity as needed.


ah, that's pretty awesome of you, Ryan! think i'll sit this one out, i've got most of that lot, except for:

Bio Hazard Battle
Wings of War

if they're all going in one direction, it'd be a waste to have dupes of such high quality titles. best of luck to everyone!


You know, if someone gets drawn and some of the games would be duplicates, I'd be willing to just send the ones that aren't duplicates to the winner and just pass on the duplicates to another gaffer.


I personally really like both Virtua Racing Deluxe and Knuckle Chaotix.

Food for thought: Lost World strikes me as the Chaotix special stages, if they were turned into a more modern-styled platformer. Walking on walls in a mostly tube-shaped stage, notably, although Lost World walks on the outside, while Chaotix mostly walks on the inside.

It's funny you should mention that. Did you see the Desert World Level 2l playthrough IGN has? It's the "beehive" level and is straight up Knuckles Chaotix special stages when you're inside the hives. Running along the inside of a hexagonal tube avoiding "gaps" and "bombs/spikes".



That's really cool and super generous of you! I'd enter, but MUSHA and Grindstormer are the only ones I'm missing.


Neo Member
A little while ago, I mentioned that I was starting to clear out my storage sheds and reorganizing some of my older bulk boxes of duplicate games that have just been sitting around. I sort of realized that these games really need to be played by people who can appreciate them, especially since I have my own copies in better condition. I haven't gone through any more of my genesis boxes yet (working through my Saturn and Sega CD collections first), but I've decided that I wanted to go ahead and offer them up to a Gaffer.

Here's what I have in mind, I am willing to give away the following games for free, with a couple of conditions (listed below):

Thunder Force 3
Elemental Master
Bio Hazard Battle
Wings of Wor

Here are the conditions. They have to go to someone in the US. They have to go to someone who is wanting them to play (rather than resell, since I know a couple of the games have some decent resale value) - I know I can't test this, but to be honest, these are cart only, and some have stickers on them. They aren't the "highest quality" to resell anyway (though they have all been verified and tested to work).

And then the final condition, whoever decides they wants them, has to make a donation to one of the following charities:

Child's Play - http://www.childsplaycharity.org/
Appalachian Trail Conservancy - http://www.appalachiantrail.org/
Free Arts for Abuse Children - http://www.freearts.org/

Which charity you choose doesn't matter. And the amount you donate doesn't matter.

Here's how this will work:

If you are interested, go to this Google form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1vVPPoWPvnEqeQywsDusbi5x0kamm_-qDIhyaiqjoHJg/viewform and enter your GAF user name. About 4pm est tomorrow, I'll put everyone's names who did this into a random number generator and spit out the winner. I will PM that person who will then have 48 hours to confirm that they made a donation (just via an image to my pm - personal information can be blacked out for confidentiality if necessary) and once that's done, I'll send out the games next week. After 48 hours, if a donation hasn't been made, I'll redraw another number.


I may throw in one or two extra games as well, depending on the size of the package I send (nothing special here, probably just some random doubles).

These are all cart only games. And some do have stickers on the labels and on their backs. They all do work however, so they will be easily enjoyed for someone looking for a way to kick start their shooter collection on the Genesis.

That's a great idea.... there are some great titles there on my list. However, I'm in Canada so good luck to you and everyone signing up!


And we're done... I went ahead and put all of the names into the random number generator and popped out with Rygar 8 bit as the name drawn.

I've sent you a PM too.
I had a mega drive,mega CD then a multimega which my sister gave to her old boyfriend with my 50 games!
quick question, how reliable are megadrives and mega cds? Was wanting one to join my Saturn and Dreamcast, but don't want to risk if there is a chance it may not last a year through old age


Lame, how the hell did I miss that post up there? I would have gladly donated for a chance at Musha or any of those really. Very cool of you even though I didn't get to enter.

I had a mega drive,mega CD then a multimega which my sister gave to her old boyfriend with my 50 games!
quick question, how reliable are megadrives and mega cds? Was wanting one to join my Saturn and Dreamcast, but don't want to risk if there is a chance it may not last a year through old age

A mega drive will last forever for the most part. CD system is a different story. You can find one that still works, but I wouldn't recommend buying one unless its confirmed to boot games.


I've been on such a shoot em up kick too...cant believe I missed that. lol I would have just been happy with Thunder Force III too.

Congrats Rygar.
I never get any luck with raffles :V

'Grats, Rygar. They're probably going to a better place with you than the almost-guaranteed dust collectors they'd become over at my place.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
ill hook you up with thunder force 3 when he sends them and if anyone wants any of these let me know
Bio Hazard Battle
Wings of Wor


Just to give everyone the heads up, Rygar claimed the prize with his donation. I'll be shipping out the games on Monday for him. Once I start cracking into some of the other boxes (I really should post a picture of my storage room just for laughs for some of you guys... I have rubbermaid containers filled to the brim with cartridges) I may do this a bit more. I have a rather large backstock of Sega Genesis and SNES duplicates I'm going to need to be getting rid, and I really can't be bothered to go through the process of selling them all, so this would be an easier way to do it for me.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
you can have em also this took so long to get here i forgot i even bought it


^congrats m'man! hope you got a good deal on it, looks like it's in great shape from the case. i hear if you get a game going with someone else who knows what's up it's a blast.

and PMing you my address!

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
case is good cart is perfect only thing is the front and back cover of manual came off but they are in their with it just gotta restaple it


^can you do that cleanly? ive wanted to restaple a few but was certain i'd fuck it right up

also not to push my luck (haha) but if either of ya'll got extra shells for any titles you dont want lemme know, if not i'ma go buy 2 more sports titles on ebay! printing the covers while there's still color toner left here, no one seems to have wings of wor so gynoug it is i guess, heh

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
yeah just gotta butterfly the pages open and take out the old staples carefully then line up a stapler down the spine and restaple it back together just nerve wracking to not rip the pages while getting the old staples out


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
On a bit of a retro shopping spree. Has Pirates! Gold been in the ~$25 range for a while? I recall it going for a fair bit more years back when I was first looking for it. That was one of those always-play-whenever-it-showed-up-on-Sega-Channel games that I never found at retail back in the day.

Also, Puyo Puyo 2 is slightly pricier than I would have expected, at least on eBay / Amazon. With how popular that series was in Japan at the time you'd figure it'd be dirt cheap and sub-$10 easily. Gotta be that import shop markup.
Weird, seems like the Saturn version is the best bet for getting Puyo Puyo Tsuu for under $10. Or go the cart-only Remix Super Famicom route lol, but what you get in extra modes you lose in resolution :/


totally grabbed Puyo Pop Fever for GC for less than $1 recently, still gotta get around to that one.

man how do we still not have an XRGB/upscaler thread? i always got questions bout that thing
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