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Sega Genesis/MegaDrive Appreciation Thread: Alien Storm > Golden Axe


New stuff I picked up today.


Phantasy Star II and III were pretty cheap (315 yen/210 yen) and Earnest Evans as well (390 yen). Anett Futatabi was the most expensive at 1790 yen. (both CD games have the spine cards as well)

Now I just need the Phantasy Star I MD release to have all of the MD PS games. The weird thing about PSII is that the manual has holes punched in it. I wonder if they expected you to put it in a binder or something?

I need to get El Viento now as well to complete that trilogy. (EE and AF)

On another note, I randomly won an auction for 10 Mega Drive games for 1000 yen. There was no picture though and nothing in the description except saying that they were 10 games. I don't know what games they are and if their are any boxes or anything with them. With shipping it should be less than 1500 yen, so roughly 150 yen per game is worth taking a gamble on...I guess I'll have to see what I get.

Dave Long

Damn that looks fantastic. I really hope this guy gets back to me. Very close to my apartment too. What is the model number on yours? 27in. as well?
I am not there to check the number. I will try to do that tonight. It is 27 inches. Same as my old trinitron that finally gave up over a month ago now, however this on is completely flat and has component inputs, too.
Is that typical? What's to prevent someone from making a quick buck by PCB swapping a Japanese version of the game into an American cart?

Good luck on the MD lot, smbu2000

I suppose its possible. I'd just like to own that version. Not that i would pay for it until way farther down the road, but still. I love the game, i'd love to have that version.

Is that typical? What's to prevent someone from making a quick buck by PCB swapping a Japanese version of the game into an American cart?

Good luck on the MD lot, smbu2000

I would not trust blindly any ebay seller on this issue. As 16-bit said, it is just a matter of PCB swapping. Plust the image on the auction is clearly misleading: the original 1989 US release of Revenge of Shinobi did not come with a registration card and the poster included is different (this is like from 92).


I would not trust blindly any ebay seller on this issue. As 16-bit said, it is just a matter of PCB swapping. Plust the image on the auction is clearly misleading: the original 1989 US release of Revenge of Shinobi did not come with a registration card and the poster included is different (this is like from 92).

Yea that's the first thing I noticed. Sonic shouldn't be anywhere on that thing.
Yea that's the first thing I noticed. Sonic shouldn't be anywhere on that thing.

There are five different versions of Revenge of Shinobi (1.00 to 1.04). The last one is the digital re-release from 2009 on Wii/Xbox360/PS3. The first four were released on Genesis (I believe just 1.01 and 1.02 were released in Europe). Version 1.04 is the Sega Classic cover, all the previous 3 have the same cover, so you cannot tell the difference just by the look of it. But there is an easy way to check for the rare original 1989 version 1.00: in the title screen there is no copyright notice, it just says "1989" (Actually it says " (c) Sega 1989/ Music (c) 1989 Yuzo Koshiro"). All other versions says 1989-90, or have a copyright in the title screen or a copyright screen after the title screen (Marvel copyright). You do not have to play until the later stages to find out if the enemies are there. And you can ask the seller for the title screen (of course if he knows that he have an original 89 version he will charges more, you will alert him). But even so it is no worth $90 IMO.
Wow, really? That's a lot easier than asking them to play through Stage 3 to see if the enemies have Rambo bandanas.

Well, I do not have the game and the reports seems to be conflited (you know the internet). Some guys says that version 1.01 also do not have the copyright notice (which would make sense since version 1.01 removes Batman and version 1.02 address the Spider-man copyrights).

I am also not sure if they changed the Rambo enemies in version 1.01 or 1.02, so...

At least it should be easier to find than the Thriller Moonwalker....



kills me that so many people are likely selling this one and i/they don't know it...i swear when i see it locally for like $5 or less i just try my luck

Wow, really? That's a lot easier than asking them to play through Stage 3 to see if the enemies have Rambo bandanas.

haha ive emailed several Ebay & B/S/T sellers here asking them to do this, not a single one does it of course...i'm always like "cmon its an awesome game!"


kills me that so many people are likely selling this one and i/they don't know it...i swear when i see it locally for like $5 or less i just try my luck

haha ive emailed several Ebay & B/S/T sellers here asking them to do this, not a single one does it of course...i'm always like "cmon its an awesome game!"

They cant make it past that karaoke club ninja boss.


ugh...cast flame thing to take out most of it, or just keep using mijin or whatever! they prolly got it on easy with unlimited shurikens anyway


I've been disappointed by a string of recent game purchases, as I've hopped around looking for something to tide me over until later in the year. I then realized I had not yet completed my revisit of all the games on the superb Genesis Ultimate Collection (360 version, in my case).

A few days later, and I'm around six hours into what was one of my favorite games of my teens, Shining Force II. It's still a fantastic game.

In particular, I love the leveling system. There's a strategy to not only how you manage and position your force in combat, but to how to level them. Some of the weaker members of the force become either very powerful or extremely useful later on, so you've got to set up kills for them early on. And just having the most powerful attackers plow the field not only robs the rest of the team of XP, but they will gain very little as they race ahead of the curve. So there's this entire strategy to maxing out the overall XP you can harvest from a battle, in addition to protecting your party. Achieving an efficient, XP-rich victory is very satisfying.

It adds a wonderful layer to combat, especially since you level up mid-battle and can put newly raised stats and magic to use in the next round. And that's before I've gotten everyone up to the point where they can be promoted, and the rewards and risks of promoting too many party members too closely together.

I enjoy how evenly matched the enemies are to the force. We learn most of the same spells, have similar specs, and can kill each other in a similar number of blows. This isn't one of those games where there is a lot of fodder on the screen; make a couple mistakes and you'll have party members dropping like flies.

But what really caught me off guard was the story. One of my favorite Genesis games is Phantasy Star II, which while known for a few story events (and for being a rather brutal dungeon crawl) really has a pretty light story in terms of overall progression. Really, there are just a few major events. But in the first half dozen hours in Shining Force II, a pair of thieves has unleashed an ancient evil (hey, someone has got to); a king was possessed, setting off a cross-kingdom war; a cataclysm swallowed up the entire initial town, sending the residents fleeing across the ocean; they tear down their ship and set up a new town; and now we're following a resident phoenix and have just met the phoenix king inside a volcano. It's a really fun romp and I last played it so long ago, I realized that while I remember certain battles I don't remember how I got there. It will be fun getting surprised all over again.

Meanwhile, each new battle is very gradually introducing complications and interesting layouts. Varied terrain, which restricts movement; enemies grouped in multiple directions; narrow paths, restricting movement and attackers; dark caves, limiting visibility. And so on.

Just a lot of great combat design and if my memory serves, it gets better and better as it goes. What a gem.
Well, I do not have the game and the reports seems to be conflited (you know the internet). Some guys says that version 1.01 also do not have the copyright notice (which would make sense since version 1.01 removes Batman and version 1.02 address the Spider-man copyrights).

I am also not sure if they changed the Rambo enemies in version 1.01 or 1.02, so...

At least it should be easier to find than the Thriller Moonwalker

That, i lucked into from work. We have 3 copies, and once i found out about it, i spent an entire day getting to 3-1 on each cart. As luck would have it, the 2nd of the 3 i played was an REV00 version.

Of course, that's the one in my collection now.


yeah, GhaleonEB got not only a great collection (likely at a dirt cheap price) but is describing my experience with SF2 a few months back, never go to play it in the day but played 1 multiple times. so great, and 2 did indeed seem to improve a great deal, though i admit part of me was still hoping they'd splinter the series back then & release a Shining in the Darkness 2

That, i lucked into from work. We have 3 copies, and once i found out about it, i spent an entire day getting to 3-1 on each cart. As luck would have it, the 2nd of the 3 i played was an REV00 version.

Of course, that's the one in my collection now.

...wait, there were multiple versions of Moonwalker, as well? shit


yeah, GhaleonEB got not only a great collection (likely at a dirt cheap price) but is describing my experience with SF2 a few months back, never go to play it in the day but played 1 multiple times. so great, and 2 did indeed seem to improve a great deal, though i admit part of me was still hoping they'd splinter the series back then & release a Shining in the Darkness 2

Yeah, I'd have loved that. We got a spiritual sequel with Shining the Holy Ark, but it took too long, and never got another. (Sword of Vermillion fit the bill, but it's been couple decades since I last played that one.) I still go back and do a romp through it every five years or so.

I love dungeon crawls so much. As for the collection, I got it new, which I think was $30. Still an absolute steal. Plus, it let me re-play the original Phantasy Star.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
It was much cheaper on Steam during the sales. ;) But yeah Shining Force 2 is one of my all-time favourites. Played through that game so much it's almost stupid. Never gets old.

The levelling strategy is harder in the first one because XP does not carry over to your next level. So if you're level 8 and have 90 XP, and get 48 XP from a kill, you reach level 9 at 0 XP instead of level 9 at 38 XP. ShF2 greatly improved that.

Foxix Von

Had no idea the Ultimate collection has the original Phantasy Star.

Yup! It just has to be unlocked in a monumentally stupid way. IIRC correctly you just have to beat the first boss of Sonic 2 with two players. It was extra silly for me since at the time of playing it I didn't have a second controller so I just used a guitar hero controller, lol.


On the Mega Drive versions of (Super) Shinobi is there anyway to tell which version is which besides playing the game? Is it the same as the Genesis version?

I still need to pick up the game and I'd prefer to get the early version if possible.

Good luck on the MD lot, smbu2000
Thanks. I hope there is something good in there, hopefully boxed as well. I guess I'll see...
On the Mega Drive versions of (Super) Shinobi is there anyway to tell which version is which besides playing the game?

The very first runs of Japanese Megadrive games had holes punched into the spine of the manuals as there was a collectors binder promotion. That version will be 1.0 as mine is.

There are later version of the Japanese Super Shinobi that have also been censored.

Still the best way is to play. Might me possible to dump the rom and check the checksum also.


The very first runs of Japanese Megadrive games had holes punched into the spine of the manuals as there was a collectors binder promotion. That version will be 1.0 as mine is.

There are later version of the Japanese Super Shinobi that have also been censored.

Still the best way is to play. Might me possible to dump the rom and check the checksum also.
Oh, so that's why my recently purchased copy of Phantasy Star II had holes punched in the spine of the manual!

Thanks for the info, that should make it easier to spot the game!
Genesis and a bunch of games from ebay showed up:

Because I am a dumbass I also bought a Box HD Gen 1 and one with an S-Video/Stereo AV mod.

I wonder which version mine is. I'm sure it has Green Godzilla, but I don't remember if it has the © at the beginning, and my genesis is toast...

Also, it's a TecToy version, so nobody will ever buy it.

Tectoy in the cardboard box? Even that one should be version 1.01, since the MegaDrive came here in late 1990 (yes, I am from Brazil too).
The very first runs of Japanese Megadrive games had holes punched into the spine of the manuals as there was a collectors binder promotion. That version will be 1.0 as mine is.

There are later version of the Japanese Super Shinobi that have also been censored.

Still the best way is to play. Might me possible to dump the rom and check the checksum also.

Can you post a picture of the manual with the hole?
Ain't no shame in an S-Vid mod. If you don't have access to RGB, any opportunity to avoid the Genesis' shitty composite signal is good.

Think this is one of the reasons why the RGB on the genesis seems so good. Because all the other options are just completely shit.

Also think I just got my first good deal on a game ever. Picked up a complete Moonwalker at a thrift store for 2 ducets. Manual edges are a little bent, but that is it. Was the only retro game they had in a big stack of modern sports games.
Thanks! But I never saw a Super Shinobi with holes like that, at least not on ebay.

It's just the very very early production runs of these games that had holes, not just Super Shinobi and PSII, I think I have 3-4 games with these holes. I guess people think a previous owner punched the holes in and don't sell them as they are not mint.

I'd love to see the binder they were supposed to be stored in.

Foxix Von

So I need some good 2 player games to play when I have the lady friend over, anyone got any recommendations? We just snagged a copy of Battletech last night because supposedly the two player mode is... weird but we're looking forward to trying it.


So I need some good 2 player games to play when I have the lady friend over, anyone got any recommendations? We just snagged a copy of Battletech last night because supposedly the two player mode is... weird but we're looking forward to trying it.
Gunstar Heroes, Toejam & Earl 2
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