Which is the best FIFA Soccer for Genesis?
Personally I always thought FIFA '95 was the best.Which is the best FIFA Soccer for Genesis?
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The splatterehouse series' atmosphere was unbelievable for the 16 bit era. It was a legitimately scary, isolating experience.
It was basically its own internet. I mean, cable internet comes through your cable provider too... Sega had to get cable providers to set this up. It's quite different from just sending television feeds down the cable.It was called Sega Channel. You got it through a cable provider, wasn't really "online" per say.
I've been tracking these two for the european Mega-CD. Bloody expensive, Batman is nothing short than 400€ on eBay and Flink... well I never saw it in good condition.
I may go with the ntsc version (cheaper and superior version with 60Hz etc) but still, I want them PAL in my collection!
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The splatterehouse series' atmosphere was unbelievable for the 16 bit era. It was a legitimately scary, isolating experience.
I have 3, not 2. Waiting until closer to Halloween to pull it out. I hear people like 2 more?
Zany Golf...Never did play the Genesis port, but I can't imagine it looking the same. Ironically, my first avatar for GAF was this:
Keep in mind that the Batman game on Sega CD is a completely different game than the cartridge version. Sega CD game is all behind-the-card driving stages, from what I've heard, while the cartridge is one of the best run-and-gun games on the system plus a really long horizontal shooter stage.
Yes, we went into that last page. :VKeep in mind that the Batman game on Sega CD is a completely different game than the cartridge version. Sega CD game is all behind-the-card driving stages, from what I've heard, while the cartridge is one of the best run-and-gun games on the system plus a really long horizontal shooter stage.
And much like the driving levels in Batman Returns, it is hard as all fuck, prohibitively so. The only good thing about Adventures of Batman & Robin on sega cd is that it contains what people call the lost episode of the cartoon, but you can watch that on youtube.
No way! The SCD Adventures of Batman & Robin game is a great game! Sure, it's impossibly hard (I've never gotten past the "Joker's cyberworld" level...), but even so, the gameplay, graphics, and cutscenes are all very good. The game's one of the system's more visually impressive games too, right up there with Silpheed and SoulStar, and it's not too expensive either. I'd say people should definitely get it, hard or no.
so since I stupidly left a $5 sega cd on the shelf at goodwill, I've been considering actually buying one.
What's the best model to get?
I agree with you on everything, except gameplay. Why I wouldn't recommend anyone to get it unless they are really really into TAS Batman.
Zany Golf. I remember the Apple IIGS at my town library had it. Never did play the Genesis port, but I can't imagine it looking the same. Ironically, my first avatar for GAF was this:
Price: GBP 119.99
Approximately US $191.35
Woo! Managed to snag these off a craigslist posting for ten bucks each.
I haven't played Earthworm Jim in YEARS. I'm so stoked. I never had a chance to play Comix Zone either. I only ever got a chance to gawk at it in store demos as a kid.
...I paid $30 for my NTSC copy <_<
On another note, I really want the wireless controllers. But then I'll also want the wireless Saturn controllers, and those are like $150. Each. Eep.
I should probably just get cable extenders, then, but Saturn ones only come in black, which doesn't go well with the white Saturn controller... #firstworldproblems
US Flink is not a hugely expensive game; it's not common, but it's not super pricey. $30's a reasonable amount for it. I have no idea why the European release is so valuable, but yeah, the US version isn't.
On another note, I really want the wireless controllers. But then I'll also want the wireless Saturn controllers, and those are like $150. Each. Eep.
Frankly they're not so good. I have the Saturn ones and its infrared communication, so if you're not at the right angle in front of your console or if someone steps between you and the receiver then the signal is lost. It can take some time to get accustomed to not moving too much.
I thought about modding mine to PC HID controllers by putting some bluetooth in them, but then I got lazy. I still think it's a great idea though.
It was basically its own internet. I mean, cable internet comes through your cable provider too... Sega had to get cable providers to set this up. It's quite different from just sending television feeds down the cable.
Did you get to try it at the time?
I'm fond of the Genesis 2/Sega CD 2/32x combo.
CD-X is pretty sweet, though.
This poster on NFG is making RF controllers for old systems. Should be way better than IR.
What is the screenshot of #6 on that article?
Buzz feed article is what happens when someone who isn't a Sega fan pretends to be.
So, who wants to help a Sega fan make the best goddamn Sega Genesis panel possible?
I'm running a panel i'm calling "Gems of the Genesis" and retro gaming convention in upstate New York in a couple weeks. Well i totally have some ideas for what to show, i figured i would ask for some input from you guys, since you seem to what the kids like. This particular panel is looking at games that aren't talked about much when it comes to Genesis. So, i'm looking for you guys to really suggest the diamonds that are lost in the rough. So help a fellow Sega dude. (Also, 32x and CD are fair game, though i don't want to use them too much).
So, my 6 button controllers' d-pad is starting to become a bit stiff. Does anyone have a clue as to what might be a good lubricant to use on the pad's pivot point?