4. Full Sega CD support
Wait, what does this entail? That it can work as the Sega CD ram cart? Sounds like that would be a good reason to pay the extra, what with how much the ram carts go for.
4. Full Sega CD support
Wait, what does this entail? That it can work as the Sega CD ram cart? Sounds like that would be a good reason to pay the extra, what with how much the ram carts go for.
Right, here's the two Everdrive labels I made by request on another site if anyone wants to use them:
Wait, what does this entail? That it can work as the Sega CD ram cart? Sounds like that would be a good reason to pay the extra, what with how much the ram carts go for.
I believe it does currently have the feature to work as a backup cart for the CD. However it wont be too long before the release of a new dedicated backup RAM cart with a good size and price...
I believe it does currently have the feature to work as a backup cart for the CD. However it wont be too long before the release of a new dedicated backup RAM cart with a good size and price...
I believe it does currently have the feature to work as a backup cart for the CD. However it wont be too long before the release of a new dedicated backup RAM cart with a good size and price...
Hadn't seen this yet. Any good buzz or early word on quality?
damn, nice! been waiting for a good deal on the classic ones but this could be way better!
if i was thinking about an everdrive plus or whatever is this still worth it for me?
interested in this too but isnt stone age supposed to be pretty decent quality?
db Electronics is a one man show out of Canada. When you buy db Electronics products, you buy quality hand-made products. Every product is designed, assembled and tested by René within the confines of his mancave.
Well stone age doesn't really manufacture the things they sell. As to the quality of the RAM carts, I don't have any testimonials but here's the creator's page:
Also, it appears he's the same guy behind the PowerBase Mini.
Every poster in this thread needs this on their coffee table!
Sega MegaDrive/Genesis Collected Works Kickstarter
That special edition. That price @_@
How do I hold all these good feels?
Honestly guys I think Sonic 3 music is the best 16 bit music ever. I just -- I just fucking love it! It makes me whole.
So the game Devilish might be my biggest surprise yet on the Genesis. Its like Arkanoid with more Satan.
Thoughts on Bio-Hazard Battle?
okay, this game looks awesome...time to find a copy!
Speaking of Sonic music, have any of you heard the Sonicesque albums?
They're actually quite good original songs inspired by Genesis sonic music.
My favorite track is Hydropolis Act 2. I'm posting both Act 1 and 2 here because it does that Sonic 3 thing where the 2nd act is an arranged version of the first one. In this case it's got way more urgency like the level started flooding or something. I dunno, I just love imagining the types of stages that these songs provoke.
Hydropolis Act 2
Hre's another nice one:
Haunted Hillside
Thoughts on Bio-Hazard Battle?
was looking to get some sizzling action and adventure so picked up saint sword i hear it has sensation sword and sorcery anyone else love reading the bullet points of the game on the back of the boxes
There are so many Genesis games i've never heard of.
i love to find ones i never heard of at garage sales, its a constant fountain of gems!
I've done too much research, that this really doesn't happen anymore : (
I preordered one a few months back but didn't see any sort of email about it.
That cover is all over the place as far as sexual innuendo. XD
Let us know how it plays!
It's by Retro Gamer in the UK but they call it "The Genesis Book"? Fucking sellouts!This week was great for retro reading material!
And the flip side of the same magazine:
Latest issue of Retro Gamer:
Yeah, you UK folk got this stuff a month ago, but it's new to me! =P
Let's start at the cover :/How many inaccuracies are in that book woodypop?
This week was great for retro reading material!
And the flip side of the same magazine:
Co-signed.da best SNES design <3
I'm not sure what you mean. But I'm (just) a little disappointed, as all the content seems to be culled from the regular monthly Retro Gamer magazine. But it is nice to have it all compiled into one volume. Flipping through both sides (Genesis and SNES) makes me wish they mirrored some features/articles. For example, they have a "best SNES RPG's" feature, but not one for the Genesis.How many inaccuracies are in that book woodypop?
Haha, I know! I was just thinking that myself. They could have it least called it "The Book of Genesis." ;-)It's by Retro Gamer in the UK but they call it "The Genesis Book"? Fucking sellouts!
B&N, just last night. I'm pretty sure it just arrived in store (and I'm on the West coast.)Did you get this at B&N or did you order it online?
Wow, great find!hell yeah pretty stoked got a lords of thunder for sega cd for $30![]()
hell yeah pretty stoked got a lords of thunder for sega cd for $30![]()