never did play that one but i imagine it wasn't super memorable?
Thoughts on Wonder Boy in monster land?
underrated Metroidvania that every SNES HAS LTTP NUFF SAID vote in that cursed thread totally slept on.
Just beat Lords of Thunder with no deaths. Not super hard because you can refill your life/power up your weapons before each stage. Love that game though. One of my favorite shmups of all time for sure.
I was told it's even better on PCE Engine/TG16 CD.
I was told it's even better on PCE Engine/TG16 CD.
Ive heard this as well, but couldnt tell much difference other than the music. Seemed like maybe you got less money in the stages, but im not sure.
Finally started playing through Snatcher again. Promising myself ill actually finish it this time. Just now getting to outer heaven.
I only just noticed that this thread is in the community section now. When in the heck did that happen and why is the SNES collecting thread staying in the gaming section?
I only just noticed that this thread is in the community section now. When in the heck did that happen and why is the SNES collecting thread staying in the gaming section?
Because it won the poll
Complete, or cart only?Btw anyone have an Earthworm Jim they'd want to trade for Shinobi 3?
Complete, or cart only?
$20? that's a steal! gorgeous too, id be all over that box
Asian system it looks like, but a steal nonetheless.
Looks superb on my TV. Like, it's no different to an emulator. I'm impressed.
Glad you're happy with the image. I disagree that an emulator-style image should be the goal, but at the very least stop stretching the image! Please! Use 4:3 mode.
I took the photo immediately after plugging the console in - rest assured, I'm the one person who wouldn't be seen dead playing a retro game in a non native ratio!
yeah, i noticed it the other day...i thnk this is the only retroGAF thread that got tossed into the forum ghetto. shame, but i don't wanna narc on the other ones till the mods notice i guess....
RIP to new members though
It probably got moved because it's the most active of these threads.
yessss, it arrived! And I'm amazed - considering it was only £20 on ebay with free shipping, I assumed it was just the base console on it's own (listing was literally for the console by itself, no indication otherwise). BUT NO!
Boxed! And inside there's a 3 button pad in mint condition, a decent RGB cable/AC adapter and a copy of Sonic the Hedgehog 1!
Looks superb on my TV. Like, it's no different to an emulator. I'm impressed.
I think I got a good deal here.
how did you make it look so good on the TV?! :O
wow what kind of model is it?
Asian Model 1. PAL, modded for region free 60hz.
Asian Model 1. PAL, modded for region free 60hz.
oh sorry i meant the TV model, the scaler is impressive
oh sorry i meant the TV model, the scaler is impressive
short little Crusader of Centy/Ragnacenty/Soleil overview video
short little Crusader of Centy/Ragnacenty/Soleil overview video