Rygar 8 Bit
Jaguar 64-bit
finally found a complete mega bomberman some how quite the challenge most seem to be loose carts
most seem to be loose carts
Consequence of the shitty cardboard boxes that later releases suffer from?
whatever you do, don't look up the other Altered Beast sequel, think it stayed in PAL-land on PS2
Oh wow, there was an Altered Beast sequel on GBA. I wonder what it looks li...
Yeah, no reason to play the Genesis version in 2014 with all the better options out there (PS1, Capcom Classics comp, or even the the X86K version from the early 90s).
*Lady image*
holy crap this resource is good but im in for like $100 of manuals {;_
PS IV for $15, Hyperstone Heist for $18, ToeJam & Earl...why so muchhhhhhh
Yeah. I spend $110 bucks today on there, but fuck it, i got:
Manuals: American Gladiators, Art Of Fighting, Doom Troopers (also the poster), Earthworm Jim 2, Fatal Fury, High Seas Havoc, Hit The Ice, Mario Lemieux Hockey (i have a copy with the puck), Power Rangers, Ranger X, Shining Force 2, Wolverine: Adamantium Rage, and then the Punisher Case, which i also now have a complete copy of, with tattoo.
Not to mention, a local friend hooked me up with some really cool pack-in freebies: The Earthworm Jim 1 poster, and the giant Crue Ball sticker.
Had a hell of a week!
i'm cart only all the way
manual and box chasing is nuts! but i'll take em if i find them cheap
i'm cart only all the way
manual and box chasing is nuts! but i'll take em if i find them cheap
Nuts is what I am doing: not only original box/manual but also posters and inserts. Quite a search, actually, but my collection is becoming a beutifull thing.
Too crazy for me. It always makes me smile when I buy an old game and see the promo inserts, a poster, anything like that, but just trying to get a decent box and manual is already hard and expensive enough.Nuts is what I am doing: not only original box/manual but also posters and inserts. Quite a search, actually, but my collection is becoming a beutifull thing.
god im seriously questioning if i should've passed on a fucking black & white PSIV manual for $15
what has my life become
How much did you pay for the box/game?
got the cart loose for i forget? $20 something? its in a clamshell but for that much on the manual i might just try to get it CIB cheap and sell this one now, the data on it isn't mine anyway
aye it it was doomed to shitty cardboard
Could be the card board box cut and used as the cover for a normal case. I found Vectorman 2 in a thrift shop in that condition. Wouldn't have been able to tell if I hadn't found out it was cardboard only, then pulled out the artwork to verify. Though from the language in his post, I'm not sure if he means it's a clamshell for PSIV, or just a generic Genny game case.PSIV never came in a clamshell so you must have a repro box, I'm afraid.
Pretty good cardboard box reference: http://www.segaage.com/forum/messageview.cfm?StartRow=1&catid=42&threadid=51294
By the way, does anyone know if the 6-Pak comes in a clamshell?
The 6-Pak did come in a clamshell!
Cool, thanks. I thought so, since I have one now, but I always question the authenticity of these things now. Especially if the list above doesn't really confirm or deny it.The 6-Pak did come in a clamshell!
Haha, I hear ya. I just bought an extra copy of the 6-pak to get the box and manual, plus having gone and bought Sonic and Columns already, and being on the lookout for those three. Collecting is funny like that. I'm even tempted to rebuy the first two Sonics to get rid of the 'not for resale' label, but I just don't think it bothers me quite enough.The 6-pak is such an awesome deal. The original Orange Box.
*goes back to looking for non-Sega Classics branded CIB copies of Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, and Revenge of Shinobi on eBay*
Haha, I hear ya. I just bought an extra copy of the 6-pak to get the box and manual, plus having gone and bought Sonic and Columns already, and being on the lookout for those three. Collecting is funny like that. I'm even tempted to rebuy the first two Sonics to get rid of the 'not for resale' label, but I just don't think it bothers me quite enough.
Forget if I posted this before, forgive me if I did...I'm 40 and my memory sucks. In the process of moving my gaming stuff that has been in my parents basement/attic for 20+ years as my wife and I get set to move into our new house. Here is a small batch of random Sega stuff I snagged...
Some of these carts are from FuncoLand's used section and without a box...it was disheartening but hey, at the time they were cheap as dirt. My new games are in boxes. Although I had a box for Phelios and have no idea where that is. I think my younger brother raided my stuff to play and may have lost it. :|
Can't find my Nomad battery pack either. They easy to come by?
I have always been a SHMUPs guy so the Genesis really paid off for me back in the day.
Fucking top shelf stuff there. Dragon's Fury, Rolling Thunder, MUSHA, Lightening Force, Contra Hard Corps, the Shinobi trilogy...
What a great system.
Affordable? Stick with its shitty composite.What is the best option for an affordable AV out Genesis solution?