^you should totally do this and sell me your Robo Aleste & MUSHA!
End of an era. After long being THE affordable Genesis gem, Gunstar Heroes finally hit the ceiling along with everything else.
End of an era. After long being THE affordable Genesis gem, Gunstar Heroes finally hit the ceiling along with everything else.
What was the price at before? I've had one for awhile, but look at Amazon its like 40 bucks.
^you should totally do this and sell me your Robo Aleste & MUSHA!
Don't tempt me. While I love the games dearly, they could fund a nice backlog of GB/GBA collecting. As I've gotten older I have decided to narrow down my game collecting to a more realistic perspective and systems. I see some of the same guys in this thread pop up in those threads as well so you probably understand. LOL
Probably the last of the Konami releases that haven't exploded. Bloodlines and Hard Corps got expensive recently.
Don't tempt me. While I love the games dearly, they could fund a nice backlog of GB/GBA collecting. As I've gotten older I have decided to narrow down my game collecting to a more realistic perspective and systems. I see some of the same guys in this thread pop up in those threads as well so you probably understand. LOL
Yo lemme get dibs on that Rolling Thunder 2.
What? Games? Is someone selling games?
I was sitting out on the porch and I felt my elbow acting up, which always means someone online is selling games.
i remember that time i ignored your elbow and missed out on $20 Chase HQ for saturn...never again
You have a few i'd love to get my hands on. Will have to see though, not to try and coax you worse.
The thirst is real.
Yo lemme get dibs on that Rolling Thunder 2.
Nice collection. I'll get around to pozting mine sometime soon. Although I must say there's nothing I hate worse then loose Genesis games. SNES and some of the other systems I can tolerate cart-only but I have a ton of great Genesis games loose (Turtles, Phantasy Star etc) that I don't consider part of my proper collection because it's not cib.
It's a sickness...
Nice collection. I'll get around to pozting mine sometime soon. Although I must say there's nothing I hate worse then loose Genesis games. SNES and some of the other systems I can tolerate cart-only but I have a ton of great Genesis games loose (Turtles, Phantasy Star etc) that I don't consider part of my proper collection because it's not cib.
It's a sickness...
Man, I tried to get into Saturn stuff back in the day but it just didn't click with me.
Don't pay more than $15 for a Genesis at a flea market. I went a couple weeks with that solely imbedded into my brain and finally came out victorious.
Yeah, never pay top dollar for preowned stuff at a flea market. Recently I talked a vendor down to $3 on an HDG model 1 because it didn't have the power cable. Still salty because somebody raided the software before me though, lol.
I don't know if it is just my area, but it really has just been a waste of gas for me to even try to go around to flea markets and yard sales. I have literally never found anything that wasn't already priced to ebay prices or already raided.
Yeah, never pay top dollar for preowned stuff at a flea market. Recently I talked a vendor down to $3 on an HDG model 1 because it didn't have the power cable. Still salty because somebody raided the software before me though, lol.
I think it's just people being more savvy and not giving a fuck. Typically if a seller advertises on CL about their yard sale starting at 8:00, best believe thirsty motherfuckers be out there waiting in their driveway at 5:30 and shit, haha. You're totally right. If you're not doing the earlybird thing, it really is no use.
I think that motherfucker had a Christmas Carol dream the night before because I've never seen Wario make deals like he did that day.
And yes, "no early birds" means get there an hour early or everything will be gone.
ANOTHER THING, my garage sale rules are that if shit is still on the table, it is fair game. Resellers better pick up as much as they can carry around me if we're there at the same time.
good fuck those guys resellers are the worst if they leave something good on the table grab it before their punk asses god i hate them so much they are all pretty much scum bags
I don't know if it is just my area, but it really has just been a waste of gas for me to even try to go around to flea markets and yard sales. I have literally never found anything that wasn't already priced to ebay prices or already raided.
No, that won't help.
yeah, sadly there's no lessening it without a CRT unless you get an HDTV with less input lag - here's a handy site
Just in general, yes. It's a great guide for modern stuff but the older stuff will still have problems.
JP Alisia Dragoon has incredible box art.