Stealth best retro gaming wrt price vs value:
og xbox
I've only played the first Wipeout on the Saturn and HD.
I was really confused as to why HD didn't seem to play anything like the first Wipeout did.
Retro gaming in general is skyrocketing in prices. Just look at SNES games!
Although Genesis games are still fairly reasonably priced, and Saturn games always were a bit more expensive for some reason.
Stealth best retro gaming wrt price vs value:
og xbox
Dragon Force is kicking my ass. I perused the manual a bit but I'm going to have to look up some FAQ's.
Any tips for a complete Dragon Force newbie?
Which ruler did you pick? If you say Wein I am going to hurt you.
Should I start over?
I don't often say this, but YES.
His campaign SUCKS. Worst troops, no character.
(Okay, Teiris' are the worst, but she has a good plot and you can upgrade her easily.)
If you're too deep though, I can give you advice.
I'm only a few hours in so I don't mind starting over. Which kingdom would you suggest starting with?
And in many degrees the PS2 earned that glory.True word. But most people don't care about Xbox. PS2 gets the glory.
If you want a challenge? Gongos, Leon.
If you want to get punished? Teiris, Wein.
If you want to steamroll the game? Mikhal, Junon.
Every plot is good, but the other five are really great. The last two unlockables are just plain OP.
I would suggest Mikhal or Junon.
Thanks for the tips! Probably gonna go with Mikhal.
And in many degrees the PS2 earned that glory.
but I bought Otogi cib for $5 and it feels all kinds of good.
Thanks for the tips! Probably gonna go with Mikhal.
I'm more or less the same. I find it rewarding to explore a console's library as much as possible, and that's a lot harder to do on the "mainstream" machines because there's just so much more ground to cover.Oh, no doubt. PS2 is a dream machine. I don't own one and I don't collect one just because I don't want to start down that massive, massive road. Maybe that's wrong of me.
HeheOne day soon I need to get a JP PS2 or a region free one. That library of JP shmups and fighting games.
But for now I have Pander Dragoon again, and all is right with the world.
There's an amazing one that compares Grandia PS1 to Saturn.
Oh what could have been.
Which ruler did you pick? If you say Wein I am going to hurt you.
Dragon Force is kicking my ass. I perused the manual a bit but I'm going to have to look up some FAQ's.
Any tips for a complete Dragon Force newbie?
Wish there was a Saturn Grandia translation patch in the works. Can't be bothered to play while reading a guide.
Ah, right, CJ mentioned finding one of those tokens when I asked for help some months ago. If that's where they are, then that's where I'll focus all my efforts on, since Wein's cavalry isn't enough to take on that vampire's (Vlad?) zombie army.Crystal Castle(Northern Wein/Southern Teiris) - Every turn search at that castle for a chance to get a Dragon Token. Dragons beat everything in the game except samurai.
When fighting close battles, just stay on defense and force the enemy to come to too(if not a stalemate) Units on defense fighting units of the same type will kill 2/3 to 1.
Honestly I thought Weins storyline was fine - The weakest main char is Teiris no doubt, but even with dragons shes is unstoppable.
What do you do about thick black horizontal lines across the screen in some games?
Horizontal in the actual picture.Horizontal? Vertical? In the picture or on the borders?
I never actually switch troop types for any of the officers whenever I play Dragon Force anymore. Once you know how to exploit the AI it just makes it too easy.
I beat Wein's story once without handing out a single award to anybody.
For those that have bought Panzer Dragoon Saga in the last few years, how much did you end up paying for it?
For those that have bought Panzer Dragoon Saga in the last few years, how much did you end up paying for it?
For those that have bought Panzer Dragoon Saga in the last few years, how much did you end up paying for it?
And as you can see from those posts, PDS has (essentially) been rising in price every year since it went out of print and stores closed out their Saturn stock.
I wonder if we'll ever see it literally disappear, where every copy is in the possession of someone who won't part with it.
I'm really hoping this is a joke.I own 4 copies of PDS and I can't bear to sell any of them I was once offered $500 for one of my copies, turned the guy down.
I'm really hoping this is a joke.