Why would I be joking?
Because turning down $500 for something that's essentially completely redundant for you would be incredibly stupid?
Why would I be joking?
I was thinking more along the lines of "selfish", honestly.Because turning down $500 for something that's essentially completely redundant for you would be incredibly stupid?
I was thinking more along the lines of "selfish", honestly.
I own 4 copies of PDS and I can't bear to sell any of them I was once offered $500 for one of my copies, turned the guy down.
For those that have bought Panzer Dragoon Saga in the last few years, how much did you end up paying for it?
$250 last September.
I paid $160-180 back in December of 2008, although that's not really "recently".
Looked it up. $176 on eBay back in September 2009.
I think the auction ended up around 205$+20$ for shipping on Ebay. It was in 2011 iirc.
$310 about a month ago.
$275 here like a month ago. I can't believe I dropped that much coin on one game but it was in good condition and all of the money I spent was money returned to me I thought I'd never see again.For those that have bought Panzer Dragoon Saga in the last few years, how much did you end up paying for it?
Holy hell. Thanks for the input.
I've wanted to play it for so long but have never pulled the trigger. Is it really worth the $300-350 price tag?
Some of the effects in Panzer Dragoon II Zwei look incredible--like the water stage. Is that what the VDP2 chip does? It looks like Mode 7 on steroids.
It very much is mode 7 on steroids. We used it to great effect in Street Racer on the Saturn which may no have been the greatest game ever but I was very proud of the cool effects we achieved with the mode 7. The coder I worked with at the time managed to interrupt the drawing to allow 3 or 4 layers iirc, so we had the road for the track itself, then the clouds in the sky as well as cloud shadows on the floor. My memory is a bit hazy on this it was my first job in the industry and it was a very long time ago. I think we had fog on Franks stage as well as water with reflections of the clouds on Surfs stage.
I was working at Toys R Us as a teen when PDS came out. The day of release, they dropped it down to 20 bucks (as well as Shining Force 3). I went to buy all the copies when some poor young gent came in the store. He was desperately looking for the game and heard that we had copies. I gave him one as I couldn't bear to have a fellow RPGers heart broken. Sold them all some years ago, the price has always been high...even at 300+ now that isnt much more than they were going for 10+ years ago.
Can't believe you actually got to develop on the Saturn. I wish Sega still had consoles. By the time I joined the industry Sega was already out T_T The closest I can get to developing on the Saturn now is working on mods like translation projects and such lol
I was working at Toys R Us as a teen when PDS came out. The day of release, they dropped it down to 20 bucks (as well as Shining Force 3). I went to buy all the copies when some poor young gent came in the store. He was desperately looking for the game and heard that we had copies. I gave him one as I couldn't bear to have a fellow RPGers heart broken. Sold them all some years ago, the price has always been high...even at 300+ now that isnt much more than they were going for 10+ years ago.
Shame, there are only 6000 copies of the first print of the US version of PDS you should have kept one at least. It's rarer than the PAL version but the PAL version is much more collectable due to the slip case and awesome art.
Is it really worth the $300-350 price tag?
Some other soul is probably still enjoying those copies I sold today (I hope!)
I was a massive Sega fan boy as well so I was pretty made up about getting to work on the Saturn and did everything I could to make the Saturn version much better than the PS1 version
The video below shows the variety of effects we had with the mode 7, mostly involving interrupting the cloud layer and allowing it to appear as either shadows on the road, reflections or fog.
Looks bloody rough these days though. I think I had a stupid limit on the 3D objects like 8 verts per object so I had to build things in chunks and stick them together and texture them in the tool.
I bought PDS at the European launch, after experiencing the first disk through the Official UK Saturn mag. An amazing time.
Damn that's awesome. Thanks for sharing. So was it really as bad to develop on as the internet says? From my experience, most machines are kind of a pain to develop on so was it really that much worse?
Well, the long and short of it is that the Saturn could make great looking 2d games, the Playstation was better at 3d. Personally, I think 3d started too early and looked like crap, should have waited another generation...in the mean time, we would have had fantastic looking 2d games. I think that is partially what Sega was banking on. Instead, we got Bubsy 3d.
I'm still toying with the notion of buying the JP version of PD Saga and using a guide.
It does indeed look special. I remember seeing the big fish go transparent under the water. That was around the time when all the PlayStation fan boys just loved to say "Saturn can't do transparency. This clearly showed that it could along with many other games. But yeah, even now with the fantastic water seen in GTA5, the water in Panzer Dragoon Zwei while looking nothing like real water still manages to look fantastic even now.Some of the effects in Panzer Dragoon II Zwei look incredible--like the water stage. Is that what the VDP2 chip does? It looks like Mode 7 on steroids.
speaking of SOTN, that crap Saturn port hurts my soul
It does indeed look special. I remember seeing the big fish go transparent under the water. That was around the time when all the PlayStation fan boys just loved to say "Saturn can't do transparency”. This clearly showed that it could along with many other games. But yeah, even now with the fantastic water seen in GTA5, the water in Panzer Dragoon Zwei while looking nothing like real water still manages to look fantastic even now.
I always loved he look of Saturn Street Racer. To be fair it wasn't a very good game (well, on the SNES is was good) but it sure did impress. You are right about the reflections by the way.It very much is mode 7 on steroids. We used it to great effect in Street Racer on the Saturn which may no have been the greatest game ever but I was very proud of the cool effects we achieved with the mode 7. The coder I worked with at the time managed to interrupt the drawing to allow 3 or 4 layers iirc, so we had the road for the track itself, then the clouds in the sky as well as cloud shadows on the floor. My memory is a bit hazy on this it was my first job in the industry and it was a very long time ago. I think we had fog on Franks stage as well as water with reflections of the clouds on Surfs stage.
Would the PAL version of PDS perform any differently than the NA version on an NA Saturn with a pro action replay?
I never got it to work on my own NA Saturn.Other PAL games worked fine, though Guardian Heroes had some annoying graphical glitches.
PDS actually runs quite well in an SSF emulator with even a crappy PC ( I've run it on a 2007 dell without a proper graphics card with no issues).
So you can buy the Japanese version and (legally?) play the American version on your PC.
Anyone have any cool stories of buying Saturn games on Craigslist? Like finding a rare game for cheap?
There's barely any Saturn stuff on Craigslist up here in Cleveland.
I have the action replay cart for my Saturn, so I should be good to run the import, right?
It definitely should. I use Action Replay to play the JP versions of X-Men vs Street Fighter & Castlevania: SOTN. Looked up the eBay prices for the JP version of PDS and wow, what a difference to the American version. Now I feel tempted to get the game.
Yes, but it may take some getting used to.Is Nights playable with the normal pad?
Won a japanese Saturn (hope this won't be broken as the 3DO I got a few weeks ago).
Is Nights playable with the normal pad?
Some good but obscure japanese games?
Did they ever translate the 2 other episodes of Shining Force? Were they ever made?! What happened to the guy who fell off the bridge!?!?
Won a japanese Saturn (hope this won't be broken as the 3DO I got a few weeks ago).
Is Nights playable with the normal pad?
Some good but obscure japanese games?
For those that have bought Panzer Dragoon Saga in the last few years, how much did you end up paying for it?
$60 in 2010 is a great price for PDS. Congrats.