Watch a story mission and some in-depth gameplay in this Twitch stream.
Story trailer
Meet Ratbag, one of your Orc companions, in this more lighthearted story trailer.
Behind the scenes with voice actors Troy Baker and Nolan North
This game gets very little hype on GAF and probably elsewhere, but it looks fantastic. It's developed by Monolith, who you may know from No One Lives Forever, Condemned, and F.E.A.R. So, yeah, they're good.
Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor is an open-world action-RPG set in Tolkein's Middle-Earth, taking place between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. It's got an Assassin's Creed feel in it's movement, a Batman Arkham feel to it's combat, and the open sandbox style of a game like The Witcher 3 or Dragon Age. The main character, Talian - voiced by Troy Baker - co-exists with a wraith, who is able to revive him and give him Wraith-like abilities. This creates some unique gameplay opportunities, like a sort of teleportation and controlling minds of enemies and even creatures.
The main innovation in the game is the Nemesis system. This allows enemies to remember your interactions with them and adjust their behavior and actions toward you accordingly. As one example, a low level orc may somehow manage to kill you. In turn, he will move up in their rank, as killing you was an important goal for him. You may be revived and meet up with him again some time down the line and he'll comment on how you're supposed to be dead, and may remember things about your interactions. It's a very sophisticated and deep system, and it's one of the ways the game separates itself from those action RPGs that precede it. Every Orc is different, and memorable in their own ways.
The game is being developed for PS4, XB1, and PC. Another developer is handling the port for PS3 and 360. The last-gen versions will have reduced features and a lesser version of the Nemesis system, so there is no need to worry about the negatives of a "cross-gen" title here.
Devs said PS4 version is 1080p and targeting 60fps. We don't yet know the resolution of the XB1 version, but they are targeting 60fps on that version, as well.
Here a couple of previews for the game:
IGN said:Pretty much everyone from IGN who got their hands on WB and Monolith’s Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor at E3 2014 was immediately surprised by just how great the game felt.
My time with the game was an absolute treat, and the only reason I left the demo was because of a conflicting appointment. And at an E3 as packed with incredible games as this year’s has been, that’s saying something.
Gamespot said:I have a difficult task ahead of me. I need to try to convey why, after just the first day of E3, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor is quite likely my personal game of the show.
In the time I played, I was repeatedly flabbergasted by the continual layering of deep systems and large-scale consequences that I never expected.
Polygon had a great 30-minute video with a lot of info and gameplay footage from this year's E3 that I HIGHLY suggest watching, which is on YouTube right here:
I'm really, really excited for this game. Its release date just got pushed forward a week, from October 7th to September 30 of this year. I don't know if maybe because it's a licensed game that it's not getting a lot of attention, but I certainly think it's worth some.