It'd be cool if Harebrained wrote a postmortem about the game and maybe released some sales info![]()
Very powerful. Especially with the Kneecap ability.........
Done. 20 hours. Fantastic value for money. A triumph for Kickstarter.
Great game but there are shortcommings of course:
1. Too simple
2. Too linear
3. Too easy
4.The ending mission with the bug hunts was not anyway as good as the whole corporate run with combined combat and Matrix action. That previous mission was the highlight of the game and should be a starting template going forward.
Just finished last night at the 20-hour mark on Very Hard, and these are my feelings exactly. I didn't mind #1 and #2 because the pacing and writing were so good, and it seemed clear the purpose of the official campaign was to give a broad overview of the themes of Shadowrun, for fan creators to have a jumping-off point. My biggest concern is #3--how unbalanced the systems are, which may not be fixable in the editor. Mages and shotgunners with their stuns/AP damage are clearly OP, while decking has almost no use outside of the Matrix, and shaman spells seemed mostly situational or flat-out useless (Silence doesn't do what you think it would, etc.). Hopefully weapons and spells can have their attributes changed in the editor, but if not, additional content will have to lean on story pretty hard. I thought the last encounter was adequately climactic, but that Matrix corporate mission was amazing; I haven't felt that kind of adrenaline-pumping tension in a game since XCOM.
The lack of time (and money) to do proper balancing and Q&A clearly shows. I figured they prioritized getting in a lot of mechanics and systems, rather than trying to refine a few of them. I think this was the best choice, as the existence of a lot of systems and mechanics will give more freedom and options for modders, whereas they would have had less if HBS hadn't gone for the quantity over quality approach to the game systems.
Time will have to bear this out, once we see the extent to which there is freedom of editing the systems as much as content.
It'd be cool if Harebrained wrote a postmortem about the game and maybe released some sales info![]()
Yea I started on Lost Lamb last night, while parts make it obvious that it's not as well written and a little less professional than the main campaign it seems good for being out so quick.
Did some people get the editor early?
Also as for balance, in the editor you can really jack up the enemies stats to make it harder, I feel the general campaign they wanted it to be a bit easy in general so everyone can get through the story at a good pace.
Also remember too linear isnt always bad, if you felt it was bad cause it was so linear, say why. So if any of HBS reads here they can know what you want.
Also as for balance, in the editor you can really jack up the enemies stats to make it harder, I feel the general campaign they wanted it to be a bit easy in general so everyone can get through the story at a good pace.
Yeah, there some issues with spelling and such. And I hope the fan-based stuff will be a lot less "go here next" obvious. I like to figure out and explore. The official campaign definitely had a lot of handholding.
Did some people get the editor early?
The random encounters were cool but there was a part where I had encountered the same encounter three times before I must have got through the zone they had laid out that triggered it.
Plus I dont think you are supposed to import your character from campaign, even though it lets you, because I was one shotting everybody.
Personally I think it could be interesting to try using the editor to make a campaign which is entirely like an actual adventure game. No weapons, no combat, instead a more complex adventure scenario in the Shadowrun universe, where your character build and stats simply determine what paths are open to you and what solutions you have to pursue for a given problem. I wonder how feasible that would be.
Personally I think it could be interesting to try using the editor to make a campaign which is entirely like an actual adventure game. No weapons, no combat, instead a more complex adventure scenario in the Shadowrun universe, where your character build and stats simply determine what paths are open to you and what solutions you have to pursue for a given problem. I wonder how feasible that would be.
Very possible. There are a ton of variables you can set in the conversation trees for what starts them to what effect they have. You have secret variables hidden from the player that are added to from their various choices, branching story paths, mulitple endings, etc.Personally I think it could be interesting to try using the editor to make a campaign which is entirely like an actual adventure game. No weapons, no combat, instead a more complex adventure scenario in the Shadowrun universe, where your character build and stats simply determine what paths are open to you and what solutions you have to pursue for a given problem. I wonder how feasible that would be.
Personally I think it could be interesting to try using the editor to make a campaign which is entirely like an actual adventure game. No weapons, no combat, instead a more complex adventure scenario in the Shadowrun universe, where your character build and stats simply determine what paths are open to you and what solutions you have to pursue for a given problem. I wonder how feasible that would be.
I have a question, from a somewhat early mission. You're helping Coyote out with a certain something important.
Can you save her brother? He shot himself in my game soon as I encountered him.
So far enjoying the game, but I have one question...spoilers though
When do I get a chance to hire Coyote as a runner, if at all? I rescued her and helped her out find her brain-fried cousin and when I went back to the bar, she mentioned I should keep her in mind for jobs. But when I talk to the fixer she doesn't show up as a choice
Fuck! I knew I should have reloaded. Damnit. I don't know what I did wrong then =[You can.
Fuck! I knew I should have reloaded. Damnit. I don't know what I did wrong then =[
Damn. I hate missing stuff like that =[ oh well. It all happened so fast and was over before I even knew what was happening :lolMaybe it was your dialogue choices? I think that's the only thing that affects it.
I can't purchase cyberware despite having the money for it. Is it because I'm an Elf Shaman?
As I was playing, I thoroughly enjoyed it. But now that I've finished it and had time to's overall a big disappointment.
Not disappointing because it was bad....but because it wasted so much potential. I just keep thinking about what it could've been. No real impactful choices, barely any runs / missions, no factions....nothing.
The Berlin campaign won't remedy any of this unfortunately, it'll just be more of the same.
Think there's going to be mod support for the game, depending on how strong the uptake will be, mods should really help adding to depth etc.
Beyond the scope of the editor, though I personally didn't have any problem with either.As for Shadowrun, I hope the editor provided is deep and robust enough to ensure some of the bigger underlying problems are solvable, mainly inventory and class tweaks / changes. But from what I've read so far, I don't think class mechanics are open for editing?
I have a quick cyberware question. When it says you can not remove it, does that mean once you get a leg implant, you always have to have a leg implant? If so, how do you upgrade the leg? Just buy any leg implant?
Since I only have 5 essence I am trying not to screw up my decker too bad.
Can someone who's finished the game tell me how far I am? I suspect about halfway through.
I just finished the mission where you rescue the girl from the un-killable bug creatures.
Ok I want to know if I am on the last mission. because I have some real trouble because of how I skilled and the lack of money.
I am back where we first saw the bugs to kill them with the Aegis guns. Is this the last mission? I am kinda frustrated that this is now so hard because of faults I made.