You mean like comparing a smartphone to a radio?
There you go again. Keep bolding stuff for people, Ill check back tomorrow to see how many more things youve had to bold for people.
You mean like comparing a smartphone to a radio?
Should be counted as the same as Drunk Driving
My brother does this constantly and it drives me insane. We nearly got in nto a head on collision because he was looking down at his phone not two minutes after I told him to stop.Distracted driving laws make the problem worse. I know it sounds crazy, but if you look around in rush hour traffic where I live, everybody -- and I mean every single person -- is using their phone. This is despite harsh distracted driving laws.
The real kicker is that now -- because of the distracted driving laws -- they are doing it more dangerously. They hold the phone below the seat level, so that instead of at least pretending to have their eyes pointed at the road, they physically have to turn their head down to look at the phone.
These laws are not reducing the instances of distracted driving, while they are simultaneously making each instance of distracted driving more dangerous.
Yeah, I rented a Ford Edge a couple of weeks ago and I'd never drive another. I felt totally blind on the rear sides.A bit OT, but I've noticed lately how the A-pillar/side-view mirror on some cars can create a pretty big blind spot, especially on the passenger side. I've been driving my mom's 2012 Buick Regal a lot and I've noticed how other cars or pedestrians can suddenly appear from that area.
I watched a really old woman get hit as she was walking across an intersection because someone started driving as soon as the light turned green. They saw the "go" in their periphery while looking at their phone, unaware there was still a tiny, slow lady at the final part of the crossing in front of them.
Exact same thing happened to me at a pedestrian crossing. Woman stopped for pedestrian in front of me, started texting and maybe saw person in front of me finish crossing so accelerated straight into me.
Fuck anyone so incredibly selfish that they think they should have the right to seriously injure or kill someone so they can check their Instagram every ten seconds.
Realistically we need to follow the European approach and make the cost of driving/getting a license really expensive.
But neither republicans nor democrats want that.
It's easy. If the cellphone is in your hand/lap/accessible while driving that's too much. If the vehicle is on then your cellphone should be either off, in your pocket in DND or nowhere within hands reach.Good in theory, but there isn't a way to qualify cellphone distraction.
with drunk driving you can put a number on blood alcohol level and draw that line, which is necessary for laws.
Cellphone usage? How do you say, empirically, that cellphone usage was the cause of distraction - at what point do you blame the cellphone. Obviously something like full admittance of a call during the even of an accident is evidence enough, but as you go down the line into grey areas, where do you draw that line?
I'm all for laws though, that limit cellphone usage during driving.
It's a hard thing though. because we have such laws, yet I still see people making calls, which I believe are totally a different thing than talking to another person in car, and people checking their phones are (badly) trying to discreetly look at their phones on their lap, which in many ways is probably worse.
It isn't fine. Just stop trying to defend it. You're making yourself look like more of an ass than you probably are. I've almost been hit at a crosswalk because of it. I've seen people almost been hit. I now take pictures of assholes doing it and report them to the police for their ticket because it's illegal in my province. It's dangerous and can/will kill someone. You are not paying attention to the road if you're on your phone, period. Stop comparing it to a fucking radio.I do. The person i was responding to was talking about how using phones WHILE STATIONARY is fine, and someone said but its still a distraction at which point I said so is using a radio
I now take pictures of assholes doing it and report them to the police for their ticket because it's illegal in my province. It's dangerous and can/will kill someone.
It's easy. If the cellphone is in your hand/lap/accessible while driving that's too much. If the vehicle is on then your cellphone should be either off, in your pocket in DND or nowhere within hands reach.
It's easy. If the cellphone is in your hand/lap/accessible while driving that's too much. If the vehicle is on then your cellphone should be either off, in your pocket in DND or nowhere within hands reach.
I check my phone at stop lights. I don't respond to or check anything else while in motion. I simply refuse. I see distracted drivers drifting all over the roads, though.
I think most people are starting to understand the nuance of this and they know when it's appropriate and when it's not.
Bluetooth earphones also helps.
Looks like we have less danger on the road than in 1975. The number of fatalities has gone down even though the population has tripled.
I check my phone at stop lights. I don't respond to or check anything else while in motion. I simply refuse. I see distracted drivers drifting all over the roads, though.
If the car is in drive and you're on your phone, you're fucking up.
I hate being behind you and waiting for you to notice the light's turned green, too.
Not to mention when you look up from your instagram to see the light's green so you accelerate without looking around to "catch up" and create a potentially dangerous situation.
Put your phone away.
If the car is in drive and you're on your phone, you're fucking up.
I hate being behind you and waiting for you to notice the light's turned green, too.
Not to mention when you look up from your instagram to see the light's green so you accelerate without looking around to "catch up" and create a potentially dangerous situation.
Put your phone away.
Not sure why you responded to my same post twice. The scaling fine is a decent idea, but I'm not sure how that would work with the unemployed or those who are currently on a welfare program of some sort. There still needs to be a level of punishment available, and it will ultimately hurt the perpetrator in one form or another. But I believe that enacting laws to potentially save lives rises above the comfort level of those putting others in danger, ie. just don't fucking do it.No, but public policy should not disproportionately destroy the lives of the poor. Rich guy can afford a 1000 fine, poor guy ends up in license suspension cycle and in and out of jail. I believe it's Norway that scales fines to income.
That would be an enforcement issue. Not sure why you would want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. And really, this isn't some social justice issue, nobody of any background should be using their phone while driving. Again, just don't fucking do it.all these laws are just another way to punish the poor and minorities. that's who will be targeted and ticketed and fined disproportionately while the people driving their beamer in the nice neighborhoods get a pass
It isn't fine. Just stop trying to defend it. You're making yourself look like more of an ass than you probably are. I've almost been hit at a crosswalk because of it. I've seen people almost been hit. I now take pictures of assholes doing it and report them to the police for their ticket because it's illegal in my province. It's dangerous and can/will kill someone. You are not paying attention to the road if you're on your phone, period. Stop comparing it to a fucking radio.
Thanks for your input. I'll keep doing what I'm doing, though. I don't even have an instagram. lol
Making it as serious an offense as drunk driving won't do shit except give police another excuse for pulling over minorities.
People do it for two reasons, they haven't been educated in just how dangerous it is, and even when they have, human beings have this natural flaw where we think "yeah but not ME. I'm not distracted, I'm fine, I'm looking down for a second, I'm a good driver, it doesn't apply to me".
No laws, no ads, no self righteous anger is going to stop the rise in accidents caused by device distraction because we are fighting human nature. It won't stop until our driving becomes fully automated.
Just because you've experienced people doing that, not all of us who check our phone messages at a light do this.
If I check my phone at a light, I'm still checking the intersection like every other second. You can tell when its about to turn green anyway by looking for when the other direction turns yellow. Also the bad drivers who accelerate without looking around would probably do that even if they weren't on a phone, as they'd probably be distracted by something else.
Also, my car doesn't have 'drive' so I guess I'm good anyway.
That would be an enforcement issue. Not sure why you would want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. And really, this isn't some social justice issue, nobody of any background should be using their phone while driving. Again, just don't fucking do it.
Why are phones not disabled when the gps detects movement greater than 15 miles per hour?
Android and iOS should have this baked into the core of the OS.
Why are phones not disabled when the gps detects movement greater than 15 miles per hour?
Android and iOS should have this baked into the core of the OS.
because the baby is already dead and they're gonna target minorities for manslaughter charges.
because most vehicles have more than one seat.
I put my phone down and look around before I start moving. Its not really much diffent when Im not checking my phone and staring off the side of the road at something.
Im not going to start driving without knowing my surroundings
It doesn't matter. It's still illegal to drink while being a passenger. It would do everyone good to stay off the phone in the car.
because the baby is already dead and they're gonna target minorities for manslaughter charges.
It doesn't matter. It's still illegal to drink while being a passenger. It would do everyone good to stay off the phone in the car.
I dont' understand all the whining about people checking their phones at stop lights. Near where I work there is a series of ~30 second+ stop lights. Yes, I may shoot a txt or read an email at said stop lights. No, that doesn't mean I'm peeling out of there before being aware of my surroundings. Deal with it.
Worst case I don't notice the green light immediately, but that's rare and probably actually happens more often just from staring off at the side of the road while stopped.
Speaking of, is wearing headphones while behind the wheel legal? I see it so much but there is no way that can be allowed. People act like its completely normal...
Smartphones don't kill people, stupid people kill themselves (and potentially others).
This has to be satire. This is literally the "guns don't kill people" line, but guns as smartphones, and bad people is replaced with stupid people.Smartphones don't kill people, stupid people kill themselves (and potentially others).
Am I the only who can't stand headlines like this? It's not the phone that's killing people, it's the assholes who don't keep their eyes on the road.
Am I the only who can't stand headlines like this? It's not the phone that's killing people, it's the assholes who don't keep their eyes on the road.![]()