The new god looks amusing and fun to play. Bastet nerfs don't seem so bad, but I am also very grateful for the change to Qin. Warriors absolutely eating everyone alive with that item was so obnoxious.
That new god does look like a pretty cool kit. Lots of abilities that are a little out of the usual and that passive is very interesting. Having to get what...10 basic attacks at level 20 to get the full kill on him could be really difficult to do in a hectic late game battle. Especially if he's saved that yawn ability since it say that he can use it while sleeping. I'm not really pro enough level to speak to any of the other changes, but balance patches are always welcome to me.
My goal with this game was just to spend the $7 on the lowest amount of gems then just play with favor from there. But I'm hooked enough that I'm actually going to pay in some more. Too many cool gods to try out and favor gain is just too slow to get me there. It's really bad for me since even though I'm a rookie player and new MOBA player I *love* theory crafting builds, so it pains me to not have access to other gods to try out.
Loving the game so far...
Is it just me, or are there balance issues? I can recall some characters jumping at least 5-6 levels very early in the game and getting unstoppable.
Also, I accidentally got disconnected from a lobby and got put on a 30 min wait timer for ditching a game... I actually appreciate this.
Is it just me, or are there balance issues? I can recall some characters jumping at least 5-6 levels very early in the game and getting unstoppable.
I went from having a ton of fun with this game to wanting to quit it forever. Seriously it's a match where I either get two teammates that go 1/10 or a match where two people don't even connect for the whole game damn game.
This happens in all MOBA games. If someone gets some kills and a lot of early farm, they will be able to snowball ahead and wreck everyone. It's your team's job to make sure that doesn't happen. The main way to keep someone from snowballing is to group up and gank them, since getting killed really slows down your progress.
Take a break from Smite man. I've done it many times. It sounds like you've overindulged. The best way to blow off steam is to play a single player game.
no one levels any faster then anyone else but if you are laning with another person you split the exp and gold from the minions you kill so if its you and another person against 1 enemy that enemy is going to be getting more gold and exp then you but you can change that by constantly going into the jungle and killing a couple minion camps every now and then to even out
This happens in all MOBA games. If someone gets some kills and a lot of early farm, they will be able to snowball ahead and wreck everyone. It's your team's job to make sure that doesn't happen. The main way to keep someone from snowballing is to group up and gank them, since getting killed really slows down your progress.
Oh, that was mostly hyperbole on my part. I was very annoyed, but not like angry enough to throw a table or something. It's just amazing how you can go 10 - 20 games in a row of just terrible situation after terrible situation. Even when I skip one or two countdown cycles, I still end up in some sort of insanely mismatched team.
So this happened.
I'm Scylla. First time playing her.
20/3/19. !!
I would add something like "I have the weirdest boner right now" but she being the loli god is kind of inappropriate![]()
merc early game with speed buff and level 2 or 3 sprint will fuck your day up pop sprint pop your 2 then go ham on people theyll die fast
As long as you aren't one of those ragers who takes all of his frustration out on his teammates.This morning I kept getting matched up with this guy and all he did was whine about his teammates. I get it, I wasn't playing very well and neither were most of our teammates, but what's the point of bitching about it all game? I dunno about you guys but I play to have fun. If I was die-hard about winning I'd play ranked. -_-
Jesus Christ lol. That poor Mercury. I played against a Merc this morning and damn son I forgot how much damage he can do. He was absolutely curb stomping me as Ullr in the early/mid game, but then late game came and before he could close the gap on me I was critting him down. I love turning the tables on people.
Then I played Zeus and had the worst game I've had in a long time. The enemy Bastet was just eating me alive, I couldn't do shit against her.
The first Arena games with Kumbhakarna has been a bit... eh. Maybe I need to play him more to "click" for me, but in the other hand I liked Geb since the first game. He lack mobility, he is a bit less tanky that other tanks (or at least I could survive more with Geb, Bacchus, Sobek or Ymir), his ult is avoidable if you have good reflexes and isn't used basically on top of someone, and his passive 95% of the times won't activate.
I can see his CC repertoire being useful to save allies and to setup plays here and there in the mid game in Conquest, but the lack of mobility will be a problem, and he won't be picked in competitive because of that.
I agree. He has a fun looking skillset, but his only real strength is his peeling. Even then though, his peeling isn't as good as some of the other tanks (Baccus, Athena). On top of that, his damage is very low, his mobility is very low, his damage scaling is awful, and his skills don't boost his survivability at all. I kind of wish they at least tied some protection boost to his passive that also goes up every 5 levels.
I'm seeing Zap play him, and of course with a mate with mic it's another world. He is using the mesmerize, the root or the Ult to setup easy kills for an Anhur in lane (pillar + pin to pillar + Anhur ult). If he starts with the mes, he follows with the Ult, or vice-versa.
The matchmaking in this game has hit a new low for me. It has been putting me in matches vs 4 man premades constantly lately. This never happened like this in LoL. Is this how they intended for matchmaking to work? To put a team full of randoms vs 4 man premades?
I've got five unlock codes for Kumbhakarna that will also unlock his alternate skin, Rip Van Kumbha, thanks to Hi-Rez (they are so nice to us at AusGamers <3). These are first come first serve so best of luck (had to wrap spoilers to hopefully stop bots).
Did i miss something in my History class? Since when Hercules is a Roman God?
I don't think 4 man premades are a thing? Are they?
Is there a gaf guild/clan thingy or anything I can join? Starting to play the game more often and starting to learn the ropes more seriously. I'd love to get some games in with people![]()
Just made Lv.9 and having fun so far. But I REALLY hope Clan GAF can become a thing for this game. Getting a solid team that I constantly play with and learn from would REALLY make this game for me.
Apart from Twitter and Facebook is there any other free shit new players can get?