More Fun To Compute
Someone traded me and gave me Sol in Assault the other day and in chat the team is like "Okay Sol, you'll do the damage!" And I explained to them that I am garbage with Sol. I ended up going 0/8/4 or something like that. I'm absolutely terrible with Sol.
But then I realized I'm actually mostly terrible with any of the main damage dealing types. I have had a handful of games with positive Kratios and generally can get at least 3-5 kills no matter who I play as but I routinely do best when I'm either a guardian or support/healer style of play. I imagine it largely comes down to A) Being bad at initial engagements, B) Landing attacks/abilities/ultimates, C) Simply not knowing enough about every god to know when to back away from some or when others are vulnerable.
I still have even when I'm doing terribly but I know my teammates are rarely thrilled.
If you are a playing a carry then just wait and go in when you see a chance to deal a lot of damage. You shouldn't be making any initial engagement unless it's just poking at max range then falling back. If you go in when the team is fighting and get killed then you just think it isn't your problem. At that point you have to take risks and do crazy stuff to do your job because you shouldn't be cautiously poking the enemy tank when your initiator is fully engaged.
For ranged carries like Sol or Xbla the game strat is fairly simple. Farm up and stay safe until you get to late game then late game you go aggressive and anyone who runs at you just melts.