Well, I would have told you Wukong, but I haven't used him since the update. Tyr and Chaac would also be along the same lines as Darth Monkeyman.
ThanksChaac, Vamana.
Well, I would have told you Wukong, but I haven't used him since the update. Tyr and Chaac would also be along the same lines as Darth Monkeyman.
ThanksChaac, Vamana.
I'm in a winning streak, 8th win in row. Including a full 4vs5 Assault game where our fifth player never connected.
World Cup Xba skin:
We're opposites!
Matchmaking is so weird. I go on winning streaks and losing streaks, all the time. It was the same in Dota 2. Why can't they just match you up with people of similar skill? Instead, I either stomp or get stomped.
God a vuvuzuela. It makes the sound when you use the poison ability?
World Cup Xba skin:
And Ward skin:
I just got into an arena game where I was with a 4-man premade. They weren't good, but I wouldn't have cared until they started blaming me, saying that it would be great if I did something, one of them saying that Janus (me) is just autoattacking and using his 2 on low HP targets, and another one saying "we know that".
I did 33k player damage, while their highest was 15k. I hate these kind of people so much.
did you point that out at the end that usually shuts them down
I can't stand people that bitch about KS'ing. I went 22-1 in a Siege, and this poseidon went 2-5 and complained about me KSing the entire game. I did 40,000 dmg, I think I earned a few kills.
In my opinion, kills are fair game. I would rather secure a kill then take a chance of them getting away. Today I let someone I was playing try to get a kill that I felt like he earned, but we ended up both dying under a tower when I could have easily secured the kill.
I can't stand people that bitch about KS'ing. I went 22-1 in a Siege, and this poseidon went 2-5 and complained about me KSing the entire game. I did 40,000 dmg, I think I earned a few kills.
In my opinion, kills are fair game. I would rather secure a kill then take a chance of them getting away. Today I let someone I was playing try to get a kill that I felt like he earned, but we ended up both dying under a tower when I could have easily secured the kill.
A hunter doesn't kill steal.
You only kill steal from hunters.
12 wins in a row already ^____^
Pretty much all I play is siege, and I think it's better this way. Felt too crowded with ten players, and 4v4 doesn't slow the pace of the game down any. Had a win in under ten minutes yesterday.So Siege is still 4v4 huh? :/
So Siege is still 4v4 huh? :/
Man, is it bad that I'm almost 30 and still miss a lot of skillshots on adcs/assassins? I'm still really bad at narrow skillshots and it hurts my game a lot if I'm forced into adc/jungle.
Maybe I should force myself to only play ADC for a week.
I was struggling hardcore earlier as Cupid. I would either miss a heart bomb or hit the wrong target. Also I can't hit Loki's ult from a distance for the life of me. Maybe my mouse sensitivity is too high or something.Practice certainly helps.
Any particular characters or abilities you're having trouble with?
Man, is it bad that I'm almost 30 and still miss a lot of skillshots on adcs/assassins? I'm still really bad at narrow skillshots and it hurts my game a lot if I'm forced into adc/jungle.
Maybe I should force myself to only play ADC for a week.
IMHO the key to getting better in Smite is knowing when to run, understanding your escapes, and when to initiate without dying.
This advice can be applied to every single game with a meta and honestly isn't all that helpful. I don't mean to offend.Yep. Knowing when to attack, when to defend, when you need to go to your mate's lane to help him and when it's better to stay on yours, when to run away because the situations isn't worth it, when to try a gank, etc is the most important thing, over the pure execution of abilities (skillshots, avoiding damage, hitting basic attacks consistently).