They could make the shorts a pinch shorter or the top a tad bit tighter but that is it! Maybe give her more bust too but that is literally it!Don't you touch that outfit
They could make the shorts a pinch shorter or the top a tad bit tighter but that is it! Maybe give her more bust too but that is literally it!Don't you touch that outfit
I kinda already stated them, in post 29.
What's the time span of RE3? Are people sure that her discovery of him is on the same day?
Uhh... you said something about the camera perspective that is hard to decipher, exactly (I'm guessing you don't like it)? I wouldn't consider third person perspective a "gameplay mechanic" in-and-of-itself.
Clothing damages and messy hair. It looks fake in RE2 where they have such neat clothings and perfect hair in a horror environment.
Don't be silly. Next you'll asking for one-hit deaths in the name of "realism".
Leon's clothes do get super-messy after the sewers section though.
Copy thread from Resetera.
- They went through all the trouble of updating RE2 into this graphical powerhouse and the environments are no more interactive than the prerendered backdrops of the 20 year old game. It comes across as them needing to use similar tricks to make the game look this game, which is disappointing.
What about you guys?
Just FYI I was joking about you being silly. It was a reference to some previous idiocy in the thread.Considering the zombies can easily tear through bones and flesh, it makes no sense for their clothes not breaking off.
This is not some new tech or anything, Soul Calibur, Ken’s Rage, and DOA have done clothing damages ages ago.
They should be pretty much naked at the end of the game. But alas.....
Too be honest I wouldn't be surprised if they released an update with an option for fixed camera, the game already has auto aim.The case is, the game has more RE4 inspired type of gameplay, which is kinda of free camera view and shot. If this is characterized or not as not a type of gameplay I sincerelly don't care, not my point.
I kinda agree, but for this happen in RE3 Jill will need to change her outfit and its a lost cause from both scenarios.Considering the zombies can easily tear through bones and flesh, it makes no sense for their clothes not breaking off.
Too be honest I wouldn't be surprised if they released an update with an option for fixed camera, the game already has auto aim.
And It would be just how you want it because that that's how it plays.
Don't be silly. Next you'll asking for one-hit deaths in the name of "realism".
Uh, 'scuse me, but I'm pretty sure escalating from 'realism' to 'instant death' is a textbook example of 'argument to absurdity', or 'reductio ad absurdum' for the more pretentious among us.Just FYI I was joking about you being silly. It was a reference to some previous idiocy in the thread.
I guess some of those decisions were made to respect the original game's gameplay, how hard would it have been for capcom to make glass breakable? maybe they wanted to keep it so you would be able to see the guy coming through the window just like in the original. I haven't played the game, just watched some videos but that seems like the most likely reason to me.
Yeah, they definitely dropped the ball all around in terms of immersing players into the world. The game is great at creating a tense atmosphere, and that's it.Another thing I miss in REmake 2: characters commenting about itens and stuff in the scenario. Was disappointed Claire didn't comment about Chris office for exemple. In previous games the comments were in text, like a point and click adventure.
The game is not scary at all. Even with the original soundtrack, it does nothing for me.
I don't think RE2 is terrifying at all. It is of course my opinion, but I honestly never jumped once. It is somewhat atmospheric in the dark corridors near the start, but after that, it was just mostly a lot of dull backtracking. And when the jump scares are there, you get a warning sign way too often. When I seen the dogs in the cages all fierce looking, you know what to expect.
Deploy the RE Engine on asses. RE always had the best asses. Get in some butt models and scan em' in.
I do NOT want Capcom to focus any more on story than they did in the original. This isnt a cinematic action game like the Last of Us or any other modern cinematic game.
Gameplay HAS to come first.
Also, don't fuck with Jill's design. I cannot state this enough.
This is a bit strange because the early Resident Evil games were all intended to be highly cinematic action games and marketed as such. That specific period in gaming history was all about copying Hollywood and selling games as essentially movies but better. That's why the characters are called "S.T.A.R.S." (they were the "stars" of the "film") and why the fixed camera is so... cinematic. The games were absolutely meant to emulate the experience of watching a horror movie.
They just happen to also be great games, because it was mid-90s Capcom and they were really insanely good at their job back then.
Honestly, I think the series is all hype now. Remakes or not, the remake of 2 is about 4 hours long each way and while I thought the graphics were great, the overall game is not a patch on the 1998 version.
The game is not scary at all. Even with the original soundtrack, it does nothing for me.
I don't think RE2 is terrifying at all. It is of course my opinion, but I honestly never jumped once. It is somewhat atmospheric in the dark corridors near the start, but after that, it was just mostly a lot of dull backtracking. And when the jump scares are there, you get a warning sign way too often. When I seen the dogs in the cages all fierce looking, you know what to expect.
Well, I have to start again because I have no healing items. I am fighting Super Tyrant at the end and when Ada drops the rocket launcher, my health is reading critical. The bastard keeps ending me.
I did not do a good job of being careful with my kit, but it is my first time playing the remake. Well, fourth, but I never got very far during the first few attempts.
Thats what the shotgun is for Steve.My only complaint about RE2 remake is how zombies can take multiple headshots without dying. I'd be cool if they reduce the number of resources the player gets and increase the number of enemies as long as long as they make the zombies go down a little easier.
You know Damn well this is the first change being madeDon't you touch that outfit
The knife can break bro, go play the game.I want them to limit the move-set of the knife. Not played RE2 yet, but I saw a video of someone just knifing all "dead" zombies as a precaution.. and while that is effective, it also makes the whole "is it really dead" thing less exciting..
Marv is actually already dead. It's a well known story paradox they need to fix.and finds Marvin Fatally wounded inside of the police station.
You're not meant to fight the Tyrant.I wish Remake 2 had given me some incentive to actually fight Tyrant.
An angles camera mode that would you follow in corridors, maybe? Good ideaHow about "cool camera angles mode"? That would be an improvement.