Edited the Giant Bomb Quick Look into the OP. Click on the pic to go to it if you're curious about it.
Giant Bomb Quick Look
I liked this.
Some of the things Jeff said were pretty spot on.
Edited the Giant Bomb Quick Look into the OP. Click on the pic to go to it if you're curious about it.
Giant Bomb Quick Look
Does this game not tell you how to spindash? I haven't seen a single game reviewer use it.
Does Sonic sell at all in Japan, or is it now predominately a western thing? Did it ever sell well in Japan?
Not really. Sonic primarily does better in the west.Does Sonic sell at all in Japan, or is it now predominately a western thing? Did it ever sell well in Japan?
Does this game not tell you how to spindash? I haven't seen a single game reviewer use it.
Finally, all red rings and s-ranks done.
How long it take you?
[*]1 - What the fuck am I supposed to be doing.Hidden World
NOTHING! no really, after I demolished 20 odd cubes and then got crushed trying to figure out what the hell the point of the stage was I tried again and let the clock run down to see what happens, the stage ended and the next one unlocked.
I have no idea what the point of the stage actually is, I'd say for grinding the animals but you don't need any at this point so....yeah.
Don't get too excited about the other hidden stages either.
The game doesn't really tell you much of anything, it just leaves you to experiment and find your own way. Occasionally there are hints on the gamepad you can press but they're kind of jarring to use.
That pamphlet which is standard Nintendo-issue is really helpful to figure out some stuff.
It pretty much never sold well in Japan.
I've completed all the missions on the Wii U version and a message popped up saying "Congratulations, you've completed all the missions. Here's your reward." and then nothing happened. What is the reward? I can't find a thing... Has my game glitched me out of the final reward, after 50 hours of (great!) gameplay?
mario and sonic games usually do well.
So i am further in the game and i still dont see the terrible brokenness of a game.
I would say its a safe 8 with good arguments for a 9 or more going from what reviewers would look at usually.
When does it become a complete broken mess like the reviews indicate.
So i am further in the game and i still dont see the terrible brokenness of a game.
I would say its a safe 8 with good arguments for a 9 or more going from what reviewers would look at usually.
When does it become a complete broken mess like the reviews indicate.
It doesn't, but more than 9 is really stretching it a bit.
Finished the Wii U version the day before release, and here's my thoughts:
- Visually impressive. Clean and colourful, if not as gorgeous as Generations was.
- Plot is incoherent/disjointed and the Deadly Six have no build up whatsoever. They may as well be badniks.
- The controls are good for the most part, but there are tacked on gamepad features that hinder more than enhance.
- Hint System is relegated to the Gamepad, need to be tapped, and there aren't enough. I know that sounds silly, but there are times when you REALLY need some clue for mechanics and such and there just isn't any.
- I don't know if this is just me, but Sonic seems to have terrible air control. A real pain in the ass for parts that require more precise platforming.
- Ice slide levels are at getting you killed due to some funky jumping mechanics in them. (You jump/axels to the side and things go very wrong... hard to explain)
- Super Guide type item's box is always in the way.
- Parkour system is barely used unless you're finding secrets/Red Rings
- Speaking of secrets, the timer on this version hinders that somewhat.
- Bosses are an absolute joke.
1 - What the fuck am I supposed to be doing.Hidden World
I have also just now finished the main levels on the 3DS version so for comparison:
- Still looks great, though video quality is horrendous. Sound quality is great though.
- Nice strong 3D effect that doesn't cause the framerate to plummet.
- For those who like 2D, there is definitely some anti-aliasing when the 3D is off.
- Level variety is an improvement in my book. More puzzley stuff and exploration.
- Much more time to explore and enjoy the level design. And in minutes and seconds too. (Usually 10+)
- Sonic almost feels too responsive at first, but once you get used to that the platforming becomes nice and fluid. Great control over his movement and even has a camera reset on stages that need it.
- Parkour is used all over the place, and is a lot easier to use. (Unlimited boosts horizontally, one-off boost vertically)
- Bosses are more varied too. Still easy, but not as easy as the Wii U version.
- Plenty of lives here. And they aren't reset when you quit.
- Gyro controlled boss is the worst one. Mandatory 360 swivelling.
- Secret Levels are pretty baffling to control, but I still say it's a step up from the one from Sonic Heroes.
- And having just finished watching the credits...
Hard Mode unlocked.
So yeah, DIMPS have actually got the superior game here.
3DS version is great fun, and different enough from the Wii U version to make buying both little more worthwhile.
I'll be back with more impression of the 3DS version after I've finished it some more. =P
Is it good on 3DS?
Reviewers say no, you all say yes...
I thought that was quite fun honestly. Mind you I've played quite a bit of the Super Monkey Ball series.I reached Silent Forest. The snowball level is the stupidest thing I've seen so far. I mean seriously, who thought that was a good idea?
Anyway, despite that, the game's great so far. I enjoy most of the levels.
Reviewers also said the Wii U game was mediocre, but I'm having a blast. If you're a Sonic fan, you should definitely try it yourself.Is it good on 3DS?
Reviewers say no, you all say yes...
Is it good on 3DS?
Reviewers say no, you all say yes...
Next Thursday (in 4 days) seems like the only chance for a demo before the game actually releases. Sega should've released it this week to diminish the negative effects of the reviews the next day. : /I don't see them not bringing over the demos so we can try for ourselves at some point, honestly.
I don't see them not bringing over the demos so we can try for ourselves at some point, honestly.
Maybe Sonic Team should just......stop trying to make their games challenging. They clearly don't know how to do it right. I mean I felt Colours and Generations were both a bit too easy, but you know what? They were both consistently fun throughout. It seems like whenever Sonic Team attempt to make a Sonic game challenging they do it badly and it just feels annoying. It happened with Unleashed. It happened with Lost World. Maybe it's best to just leave other platformers to provide challenging gameplay and just focus on making Sonic games fun.
TBH I always feel kind of short-changed when playing a modern Sonic. Effortlessly blasting through levels, while no doubt fun, gives more the feel of an interactive ride than a game. For the majority of 3D Sonics, it's only toward the end that I'm genuinely tested. Lost World though is challenging from the start, and I have to apply myself to keep up. Sonic Team has obviously looked very closely at what NSMBU and DKCR did to bring back tight, unforgiving platforming, and they've pulled it off, IMO.
Is it good on 3DS?
Reviewers say no, you all say yes...
I just watched ~80% of a playthrough of the 3DS version... and it seems to be terrible :/ The level design is a huge mess.
TBH I always feel kind of short-changed when playing a modern Sonic. Effortlessly blasting through levels, while no doubt fun, gives more the feel of an interactive ride than a game. For the majority of 3D Sonics, it's only toward the end that I'm genuinely tested. Lost World though is challenging from the start, and I have to apply myself to keep up. Sonic Team has obviously looked very closely at what NSMBU and DKCR did to bring back tight, unforgiving platforming, and they've pulled it off, IMO.
"That actually looks decent"Finally manged to upload my blind runhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyzGRTjIFNQ of the 3DS version to Youtube (most of the deaths edited out etc.).
Looking forward to trying out the Wii U version. Hopefully it doesn't have as many glaring errors as the handheld version did.
"That actually looks decent"
*special stage*