Canti said:Maybe a premature question but do we know how many episodes there any going to be? Will save states carry across to the next? I'm thinking maybe it'd be best to wait for a "complete" Sonic 4 (probably cheaper too) where you can play every level back to back in a years time?
autobzooty said:Interesting side note: Sonic 4 comes out the day the milk in my fridge expires. Coincidence?
Absolutely.Segata Sanshiro said:Right, but games like Sonic Rush aren't shit, but for some fans, they're still let down by them. They have a specific Sonic game in their heads every time SEGA makes an announcement, and the odds of the game SEGA's making ever matching that is close enough to nil as to be negligible.
Oh, wow, a 9. Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush games never got scores that high oh wait... IGN gave Sonic Advance 2 and Sonic Rush 9s. People that are against this game don't think it will be a terrible game. They are annoyed that it's just another Sonic Rush/Advance game while Sega claims it's the game they've been wanting for 15 years; that Dimps used the horrible Sonic Rush physics engine.G0523 said:
Segata Sanshiro said:Right, but games like Sonic Rush aren't shit, but for some fans, they're still let down by them. They have a specific Sonic game in their heads every time SEGA makes an announcement, and the odds of the game SEGA's making ever matching that is close enough to nil as to be negligible.
dark10x said:Absolutely.
Sonic 4 is not a bad game. Not at all, really.
The Dimps games may not feel like classic Genesis Sonic, but they definitely play well in their own right.
You don't need the old team to get it right. Even fan games get it right. You keep saying that fans want the game to be exactly like the Genesis games, but we really just want it to be like the Genesis games where it matters; gameplay (which includes physics and level design), that's very important. Stuff like the momentum of Sonic in the air, spinning actually being important, not uncurling when going off a ramp. The retro elements of Sonic 4 are superficial.RobbieNick said:Exactly! So, what's wrong with that? DIMPS make great Sonic games their own way. Sonic 4 may not play EXACTLY like it's Genesis precursors, but it doesn't have to. As long as it evokes the feeling of classic Sonic every once in a while, it's hit it's mark.
Genesis purists need to realize that the old team is gone and they are never gonna get a Sonic game that's identical to the games they played back in the day. That doesn't mean they can't enjoy a modern Sonic game, but they obsess so much over tiny, unimportant details that they don't even try.
I'll end it like this.
Not really. This is Gamesradar, if you've read their articles you see they're not exactly a beacon of intelligence. Their publisher is also infamous for being paid off to give a 9 out of 10 to a broken game, just something to consider.G0523 said:GamesRadar's Review (PS3 Version) 9/10 Eat it, haters.
I kind of feel the same way about Sonic 2 vs Sonic 3. I think Sonic 2 is a much better, more focused game all around. Sonic 3 became too labyrinth for its own good and just wasn't as fun to pickup and play. Of course I still love the game, but Sonic 2 is where it's at for me.I wouldn't put Sonic Rush anywhere near Sonic 3. Sonic Rush did what it did good, but it was a completely different kind of game. It was fun for what it was, but I'd rather have a platformer.
Sometimes reviews aren't really about the core game (gameplay) itself but things surrounding it. Comic Jumper is getting excellent reviews despite being a rather broken, boring game because most reviewers are 30+ year old males with.. certain attributes.. and it being a game about comic books and having "snarky," self-referential humor, it touches them in a special way. So, if Sonic 4 is really the mess people are claiming (or just based on Sega and Sonic Team's storied history), people look past that and see the number 4 in the title and the supposed throwback to the games they grew up with and it touches them in a special way.andymcc said:this game has so many questionable (shitty) design choices in it's levels, it's really perplexing that it's receiving so many positive reviews.
Andrex said:I think the Megaman 9 comparison was apt. You say Sonic 4 doesn't have to play exactly like the old games but I think it should, MM9 and 10 felt like true sequels because of how closely they adhered to the old designs.
Err, I think the people this could apply to all seem to HATE the game.So, if Sonic 4 is really the mess people are claiming (or just based on Sega and Sonic Team's storied history), people look past that and see the number 4 in the title and the supposed throwback to the games they grew up with and it touches them in a special way.
That's what everyone wanted, really. We've had nearly two decades worth of evolution to the franchise and I think people just wanted a throwback. There have been way more Megaman games released in that time frame than Sonic games.Mega Man 9 is Mega Man 2 with new bosses. No evolution to the franchise.
They definitely did not feel like classic levels to me, that much was obvious, but I did not make a connection with MMZ. Could you elaborate on that?Segata Sanshiro said:Actually if you want some real talk, MM9 didn't feel like a true sequel at all. One of the most important things about the Mega Man games is the level design, and MM9 and MM10 weren't using Classic level design strategy, they were using MMZ level design strategy. That's something only the really hardcore MM fans would pick up on, though. Most of you guys didn't notice it, didn't care about it, and enjoyed the games because they were fun games and hit the major superficial points you folks associate with "Classic Mega Man".
Well I don't really follow reviews heavily so that could be right. Assumptions and all that.dark10x said:Err, I think the people this could apply to all seem to HATE the game.
It's those that have no real history with the series (or simply a casual history) are enjoying it much more.
Segata Sanshiro said:Actually if you want some real talk, MM9 didn't feel like a true sequel at all. One of the most important things about the Mega Man games is the level design, and MM9 and MM10 weren't using Classic level design strategy, they were using MMZ level design strategy. That's something only the really hardcore MM fans would pick up on, though. Most of you guys didn't notice it, didn't care about it, and enjoyed the games because they were fun games and hit the major superficial points you folks associate with "Classic Mega Man".
Actually if you want some real talk, MM9 didn't feel like a true sequel at all. One of the most important things about the Mega Man games is the level design, and MM9 and MM10 weren't using Classic level design strategy, they were using MMZ level design strategy. That's something only the really hardcore MM fans would pick up on, though. Most of you guys didn't notice it, didn't care about it, and enjoyed the games because they were fun games and hit the major superficial points you folks associate with "Classic Mega Man".
Good. Well, that just shows your understanding of what makes a Mega Man game a Mega Man game is a layperson's understanding. Just like most people's understanding of what makes a Sonic game a Sonic game. Starting to get the analogy here?Andrex said:How in the world could it be like MMZ's level design? That game had tons of powerups to traverse the levels, in MM9 you couldn't even slide! I call BS.
Segata Sanshiro said:Good. Well, that just shows your understanding of what makes a Mega Man game a Mega Man game is a layperson's understanding. Just like most people's understanding of what makes a Sonic game a Sonic game. Starting to get the analogy here?
If I ever feel like spending any serious time writing something about a game I like for the benefit of people around here, I'll fill you on on the design philosophies of the various Mega Man series. For now, it's 3:30 AM, I am playing Onimusha 2, and I don't care enough to go hypernerd on GAF at the moment.
ShadiWulf said:![]()
by Hilary Goldstein. the same guy who did the Unleashed review for HD platforms.
He gave it an 8.0 and likes it a lot.Suzuki Yu said:you mean that terrible terrible guy who did the Unleashed HD review
anyway what's the score? and for what platform? i can't see anything at the moment
And New Super Mario Bros. hit 0/3. You really need to try to step outside the boundaries of your own perspective here. Something can be simultaneously good and yet not good for you.Andrex said:Well I'm always up for expanding my knowledge of level designs.
I think the point is that Megaman 9 at least nailed 2/3 of the things people look for in a retro sequel: controls and A/V. Sonic 4 is 0/3.
Segata Sanshiro said:And New Super Mario Bros. hit 0/3. You really need to try to step outside the boundaries of your own perspective here. Something can be simultaneously good and yet not good for you.
No that is just a poor man's image of sonic 4, this game is using a sonic rush engine for it's base and overall it's rather shitty, that sonic worlds engine made for multimedia fusion is better then the dimps effort in every way.RobbieNick said:Exactly! So, what's wrong with that? DIMPS make great Sonic games their own way. Sonic 4 may not play EXACTLY like it's Genesis precursors, but it doesn't have to. As long as it evokes the feeling of classic Sonic every once in a while, it's hit it's mark.
No, they called it New Super Mario Bros. Like it was a New Super Mario Bros. game. The first new one since Super Mario Bros. 3. Are you saying there were no expectations for New Super Mario Bros. to be like the older games?Andrex said:I already said it may be good, but that doesn't preclude disappointment.
They didn't call NSMB Mario 4 did they?
I guess hell froze over because this guy bashed the hell outta Sonic unleashed.ShadiWulf said:![]()
by Hilary Goldstein. the same guy who did the Unleashed review for HD platforms.
"Sonic Rush engine"? You really think they are using the same code base as a DS game for Sonic 4?Diablohead said:No that is just a poor man's image of sonic 4, this game is using a sonic rush engine for it's base and overall it's rather shitty, that sonic worlds engine made for multimedia fusion is better then the dimps effort in every way.
I'm not even a huge Mega Man fan, and I'll agree that the level design of 9 and 10 felt very different from that of say, 2.Segata Sanshiro said:Actually if you want some real talk, MM9 didn't feel like a true sequel at all. One of the most important things about the Mega Man games is the level design, and MM9 and MM10 weren't using Classic level design strategy, they were using MMZ level design strategy. That's something only the really hardcore MM fans would pick up on, though. Most of you guys didn't notice it, didn't care about it, and enjoyed the games because they were fun games and hit the major superficial points you folks associate with "Classic Mega Man".
Segata Sanshiro said:No, they called it New Super Mario Bros. Like it was a New Super Mario Bros. game. The first new one since Super Mario Bros. 3. Are you saying there were no expectations for New Super Mario Bros. to be like the older games?
Actually, seriously, don't bother. I think I've had this exact same conversation with like, seventeen to twenty other Classic Hog fans, and it never goes anywhere. Enjoy playing the game or not playing the game or buying the game or not buying the game or looking forward to the next one or not looking forward to the next one or whatever it is you're going to do. Onis need some mushin' so I'm outta here for now.
Maybe not the same code base but damn it has a lot of familiar things about it, full on dimps.dark10x said:"Sonic Rush engine"? You really think they are using the same code base as a DS game for Sonic 4?
Segata Sanshiro said:No, they called it New Super Mario Bros. Like it was a New Super Mario Bros. game. The first new one since Super Mario Bros. 3. Are you saying there were no expectations for New Super Mario Bros. to be like the older games?
Actually, seriously, don't bother. I think I've had this exact same conversation with like, seventeen to twenty other Classic Hog fans, and it never goes anywhere. Enjoy playing the game or not playing the game or buying the game or not buying the game or looking forward to the next one or not looking forward to the next one or whatever it is you're going to do. Onis need some mushin' so I'm outta here for now.
It doesn't really have many bottomless pits, though, and it is nowhere near as fast paced as Sonic Rush.In that sense, Sonic 4 is part of the Rush lineage. Cheap enemy placement, reliance on homing attack and "speed." I'll pass.
Sonic the Hedgehog 4 doesn't do very much that's new. Instead, it takes a step back to a time when Sonic was awesome. I would like to have been able to bring a friend along to play as Tails and experience the old Sonic levels in a new way -- in co-op. Otherwise, there's really little to complain about. Sonic 4 is short, but sweet and well worth downloading.
Well, that's slightly encouraging. But I also can't shake the feeling that the title started life on iPhone and most of its gameplay tenets are based around it. In fact, the homing seems like an adaptation for a lack of good controls on a touchscreen platform.dark10x said:It doesn't really have many bottomless pits, though, and it is nowhere near as fast paced as Sonic Rush.
ShadiWulf said:
by Hilary Goldstein. the same guy who did the Unleashed review for HD platforms.
IGN Review said:You even take a ride on a crazy mine cart at one point.
dark10x said:It doesn't really have many bottomless pits, though, and it is nowhere near as fast paced as Sonic Rush.