In relation to expecting more, those topics would make sense.FunkyMunkey said:Yeah, and is there any new news there or can we skip over them as I already did?
I didn't say I was glad, only that it was much less obvious. It might still be there, just a lot smaller, when I look at that picture.FunkyMunkey said:Because, I believe it looks really awful. Do you think it looks better? I noticed you mentioned that you're glad the spines on his back area are gone, so do you think only having a few random ones jut out of his head and curve up look decent?
Good to know you aren't angry, then. I really didn't want to get involved in a prolonged snipe-fest, I just didn't understand what you could mean by expecting more from Super Sonic, when your complaints for the most part go back to the same fundamental argument that's been occurring through this entire thread and since about February in its predecessor, when someone found a picture of a booster on a hotel wall. Super Sonic does make the issue more obvious, but this isn't really a fault of the Super Sonic mode.FunkyMunkey said:And I apologize for "flipping out", you post a laughing smiley at expecting "so much more" and imo, what I posted was enough for me to shake my head at. Plus I'm on an IV of coffee; we'd probably agree about 75% of the rest of the game to boot. The rest of your points, *clap* and I bow at your composure.
Kulock said:I think it looks fine, personally. It would be nice if some day they could work out a system of animating quills like Mickey Mouse's ears, so they could perform some of the same animation cheats they used in the old games, but this wasn't going to be the game where that happened. In lieu of that, I don't think this is particularly bad.
Kulock said:Good to know you aren't angry, then. I really didn't want to get involved in a prolonged snipe-fest, I just didn't understand what you could mean by expecting more from Super Sonic, when your complaints for the most part go back to the same fundamental argument that's been occurring through this entire thread and since about February in its predecessor, when someone found a picture of a booster on a hotel wall. Super Sonic does make the issue more obvious, but this isn't really a fault of the Super Sonic mode.
Sonic 4 has the best looking Super Sonic so far, imo.Kulock said:
Unleashed was a great game and the music was also excellent.Ashkeloth said:I dare anyone to listen to the following tracks from Unleashed and say that the music on Sonic 4 (outside of a couple of tracks) is actually good:
Windmill Island
Rooftop Run
Cool Edge
Jungle Joyride Night
Tomoya Ohtani is just amazing with sound in all regards, and I wonder what the music in this game would be like if he had done it instead of Jun Senoue.
Say what you will about Unleashed's gameplay, but everytime I hear a track from it, I feel like going and picking it back up from a store for the music alone.
RobbieNick said:Playing through Wii version now. Only up to Carnival Street zone. A few improvements here and there.
Jun Sunoe added some exta tones to each theme. Sounds a little less "Chip Tune"-ish for lack of a better word. It sounds a little different than the iPod.
The physics do feel different. I couldn't seem to use the same method for my speed run. The boost jump (H.A. with no target) doesn't give you as much boost. He also gets to top speed much quicker. It just feels better.
Sadly, the world map DOES open up all the zones just like on the iPod version. (Why?!!) However, you can just keep progressing normally by pressing A at the end of each stage.
Running past at the end is not such a huge improvement as I keep making the mistake of running past the giant gold ring at the end.:lol
The special stages have a big improvement as the tilting is much more responsive and they give you more time to finish a stage. Before, it was too difficult. Also, if you don't like tilt, you can have the option for the control pad.
isny said:Can you not run back and jump into the ring if you run past the end of the stage? (Like in Sonic 1?)
.la1n said:I'm having fun playing this game, I like fun.
RobbieNick said:You see what happens when you give a game a chance instead of trashing without trying it first?
RobbieNick said:LOL Yea, but you have to react fast. It's mainly my own fault.
You see what happens when you give a game a chance instead of trashing without trying it first?
claviertekky said:Problem: People have tried it out and trashed it.
I'm curious to see what people think of the console version. The iPhone version has a lot of issues that won't be present in the final console game.claviertekky said:Problem: People have tried it out and trashed it.
.la1n said:Indeed. I was judging this based completely off footage / being burned by sega on all there attempts at bringing sonic to 3D. This game however is fun. It's not classic 2D sonic, the physics aren't old school perfect but I'm enjoying it and at the end of the day I guess that's what really matters.
dark10x said:I'm curious to see what people think of the console version. The iPhone version has a lot of issues that won't be present in the final console game.
RobbieNick said:QFT!!
So far, the Wii version blows away the iPhone version. Think 3-D Blast Genesis vs. 3-D Blast Saturn. Remember all the huge improvements made? Yea.
dark10x said:I'm curious to see what people think of the console version. The iPhone version has a lot of issues that won't be present in the final console game.
Jazzem said:But the Mega Drive version still has an awesome soundtrack![]()
claviertekky said:It's not Sonic 4 as SEGA promised. This is not Sonic back to his Genesis roots.
SEGA lied, and that already is worthy of low marks.
Better controls, sprites with decent animation instead of ugly polygons, 60 frames per second instead of the sub-30 fps on iPhone, and classic progression. While they are certainly similar enough, I feel that what the iPhone version loses is enough to take it from solid Sonic game to problematic, below average Sonic game.Aside from two level changes, the console version isn't that much different. The casino one is already shown on video which seems boring as it plays like a bonus stage rather than an actual level.
You missed the point. It's not marketing. Some people already echo the problems I have with the game for those who bought the Wii version.jonnybryce said:Let's not judge the game on it's merits as a game; if it's fun or enjoyable. Marketing misled me so now I can't like it.
claviertekky said:It's not Sonic 4 as SEGA promised. This is not Sonic back to his Genesis roots.
SEGA lied, and that already is worthy of low marks.
Aside from two level changes, the console version isn't that much different. The casino one is already shown on video which seems boring as it plays like a bonus stage rather than an actual level. The issues regarding about gameplay that people have problems with the iPhone version will still coexist in the console version.
The console version is not thát good. Im going to write a review tonight, going to give it a 6,5.dark10x said:I'm curious to see what people think of the console version. The iPhone version has a lot of issues that won't be present in the final console game.
What makes you think I'm judging this game from the iPhone version?DR2K said:What exactly did they promise? Some of you Sonic fans can be such man babies. :lol
And here I thought we judge games based on how well they play, not some vague blanket statements a developer makes.
Have you even played the iphone version? :lol Which has so far been well received by critics and users alike. The console versions so fa have received an even better reception, what does that say?
Jazzem said:
Wessiej said:The console version is not thát good. Im going to write a review tonight, going to give it a 6,5.
*shrug*Wessiej said:The console version is not thát good. Im going to write a review tonight, going to give it a 6,5.
i'll be skinning the demo alive on the 14th, going to do everything with it and abuse it so much it will cry.DR2K said:Actual problem: Most of the criticism this game is getting is by people that haven't even touched it.
Super sonic music...dark10x said:*shrug*
Has to be better than the iPhone version.
claviertekky said:What makes you think I'm judging this game from the iPhone version?
All I've seen were leaked videos from that build months ago which don't have that issues dark10x stated aside from those two Act 2 levels and that new Casino level.
It's a bad game. AVGN could write a review on it. This is not what the fans wanted.
Definitely, then they can make an opinion whether they like it or not.Teknoman said:Well I say anyone remotely interested in Sonic should at least try the PSN/XBLA trial when it hits.
Teknoman said:I'll take Diamond Dust, Rusty Ruin, and Gene Gadget genesis then. But Green Grove, Bonus stage, Volcano Valley, Panic Puppet, and Boss themes from the Saturn version still win for me.
Of course now I have to retract my earlier statement :lol But thanks for pointing some of those out to me.
ZeroGravity said:This game is awful. I'm too seething with rage at how bad and utterly frustrating it is to even put it into words.
RobbieNick said:Give it a shot as an homage to past Sonic titles and not a sequel to Sonic and Knuckles and you may be surprised.
Sir_Crocodile said:You mean a homage to bad sonic games?
Sir_Crocodile said:You mean a homage to bad sonic games?
???RobbieNick said:Without saying your name (out of respect because you do a lot for the Sonic community), I know who you are and I know you work at Sonic Retro and TSS and you're very much a Sonic purist and have been against this game from the very start. At least try to have fun with the game. Give it a shot as an homage to past Sonic titles and not a sequel to Sonic and Knuckles and you may be surprised.
RobbieNick said:I know who you are
Jazzem said:Well if it's anything, you've got me listening to some of the Saturn soundtrack and I like what I hearThough I prefer the more upbeat style of the MD music, I like the generally ambient nature the Saturn songs go for.
Either way, I think we can agree the soundtrack is by far the best facet of either version![]()
RobbieNick said:Without saying your name (out of respect because you do a lot for the Sonic community), I know who you are
RobbieNick said:Only if you count the Genesis titles bad.
Mama Robotnik said:Do you realise how strangely sinister this comes across as, RobbieNick?
Moreover, do you know who I am too?