From Sonic Adventure on down (1991-2000)CurseoftheGods said:You liked Shadow and Sonic 2006?
So no I didn't like them much, but for some reason the visuals and 2D gameplay baited me to what I though would be a good sequel to Sonic 3.
From Sonic Adventure on down (1991-2000)CurseoftheGods said:You liked Shadow and Sonic 2006?
bumpkin said:So I finally gave the trial a whirl last night, and I really don't know if I'm going to buy or not... Something about how it plays feels off. First and foremost, he just feels like he's running through deep mud; that is until you eventually get going fast, and even then I'm not getting a sense of speed. It's like his animation is so over-done that he looks/feels like he's physically moving less distance than his stride looks like it should take him.
And the whole split-in-the-air animation when you get bounced high? It's more like an inconvenience than a perk. In the old games, you'd be balled up and ready to bounce on an enemy. Now you either do the homing attack and maybe hit something, or let yourself descend until you see something, but miss because it's too late.
I had high hopes. Currently they're dashed.![]()
You're kidding, right?Tatsumaki Senpuukyaku! said:#
2 months ago 12
This is why I always loved Sonic games more than Mario. Yeah, Mario is great and all, but I could never get past the fact of how there is always a complete lack of story. At least Sonic games put a lot of plot in them that tie up past occurrences and secrets. Sadly, Sonic is going down a little, which is actually annoying because games like Sonic Adventure prove Sonic team can very well make a great 3d game with a great story and character development.
sonic adventure was great when it came out. i thought the story was cool the same way s3&k was...not good, but as a 12 year old, coolRoto13 said:You're kidding, right?
Sato Koiji said:So after experiencing the trial Ive come to a conclusion.
Sonic 4 is utter crap.
The defining thing that made Sonic the greatest plattformer IMO was the physics combined with the speed. You could do that perfect high speed jump collecting the rings that were in the air perfectly.
In Sonic 4 you suddenly slow down for NO FUCKIN REASON!!!! Slow down...the jumping is crap and it seems Sonic has tucked some weights in his shoes.
Miserable pile of talentless shitheads= Sega/Sonic Team.
I give up. Ill enjoy the Mega Drive games I will just give up. I cant do it anymore and I don't care.
You say that as if people who played the full game haven't said anything similarsteveovig said:All this from someone who hasn't played the full game.
.TheOGB said:You say that as if people who played the full game haven't said anything similar
Segata Sanshiro said:the experiment, if anyone was wondering, was to see if i could elicit any of the classic hog fans to say something along the lines of "liking the game is also a valid viewpoint, if different from my own" without throwing a backhanded remark in there somewhere.
Small children liking a story doesn't mean it proves that Sonic Team knows how to make a game with character development. I don't really give a crap about the stories in Sonic games because I'm not Chris Chan, but the story in Sonic Adventure was by no means good. It was invasive.0 HP said:sonic adventure was great when it came out. i thought the story was cool the same way s3&k was...not good, but as a 12 year old, cool
SwiftSketcher said:six months ago:
one month ago:
Wow, it's like there was no warning of what to expect.
Eh, I don't think that's really the case. People really really want a new classic Sonic game. They still do. They'd love to not have to complain.Gram Negative Cocci said:People love to bitch, what else is new?
RagnarokX said:Eh, I don't think that's really the case. People really really want a new classic Sonic game. They still do. They'd love to not have to complain.
steveovig said:All this from someone who hasn't played the full game.
Well everyone has known this wasn't going to be a classics duplicate for well over half a year now. And they were misled by PR many months ago, yes we get it, you were lied to. ITS BEEN NEAR 7 MONTHS GET OVER IT. Yet these same people purchase/demo the game and go in expecting something different? I expected a greater majority to judge the game on it's own merits by this point, instead of the NOT LIKE THE CLASSIX = ABORTION rating scale that seems to be so prevalent.RagnarokX said:Eh, I don't think that's really the case. People really really want a new classic Sonic game. They still do. They'd love to not have to complain.
Well, Sega clearly hasn't heard the complaints. The game would have received a lot less if Sega hadn't claimed they were making a new classic game, and the quality of Sonic 4 without taking the intention that it was supposed to be a new classic game into account doesn't get rid of the fact that people still want the game they didn't get with Sonic 4. 16 years is a long time.SwiftSketcher said:Well everyone has known this wasn't going to be a classics duplicate for well over half a year now. And they were misled by PR many months ago, yes we get it, you were lied to. ITS BEEN NEAR 7 MONTHS GET OVER IT. Yet these same people purchase/demo the game and go in expecting something different? I expected a greater majority to judge the game on it's own merits by this point, instead of the NOT LIKE THE CLASSIX = ABORTION rating scale that seems to be so prevalent.
Nothing wrong with trying the demo even if you expect it to be shit, playing it in some way is the final confirmation. Now buying it after moaning about it to only moan about it is dumb, don't support sega with sales if you know it's going to be shit yet people in this thread did so anyway.SwiftSketcher said:Well everyone has known this wasn't going to be a classics duplicate for well over half a year now. And they were misled by PR many months ago, yes we get it, you were lied to. ITS BEEN NEAR 7 MONTHS GET OVER IT. Yet these same people purchase/demo the game and go in expecting something different? I expected a greater majority to judge the game on it's own merits by this point, instead of the NOT LIKE THE CLASSIX = ABORTION rating scale that seems to be so prevalent.
well it does because by time you learn to compensate. Gaining momentum by air dashing & getting better at controlling Sonic on air makes thing much more smoother. Also some of the other levels have more of the genesis era level design and less of the enemy lock on to speed bumper spam.Zaraki_Kenpachi said:Joke Post? None of those things change by playing the full game. The physics are the same for the full game, they didn't make it different just for the demo.
Well, see I think its the opposite. When people shout "WEREHOG SUCKS!" and we see Colors with no werehog, just pure Sonic platforming gameplay, they listened. When people shout "MINECART and PINBALL LEVELS ARE WASTES OF SPACE" they are removed and replaced with actual levels. I agree the physics are not what they should be, but at the point the game was at, changing the physics of what the game was built upon with so little time left was unrealistic. Keep an eye on episode 2, that's where we'll see the changes. If we don't, by all means take it as Sega ignoring the fans. But the Sega I see is listening to the fans for once. It's not everything but its something, only getting better.RagnarokX said:Well, Sega clearly hasn't heard the complaints. The game would have received a lot less if Sega hadn't claimed they were making a new classic game, and the quality of Sonic 4 without taking the intention that it was supposed to be a new classic game into account doesn't get rid of the fact that people still want the game they didn't get with Sonic 4. 16 years is a long time.
People weren't expecting anything different playing the demo. The demo confirmed some complaints and absolved others. I think the general gist of classic fan impressions is something like "The game is better than I expected, but the physics/music are a deal breaker." It's important to offer feedback or nothing will get done.
Sega may not do anything to fix the problems regardless of how much people complain, but not complaining guarantees this will be the case.
steveovig said:All this from someone who hasn't played the full game.
RobbieNick said:If he played the demo and didn't like the way he controlled, you wouldn't need to play the full game to tell you if it sucks or not.
(Yea, I know this is coming from the guy who loves the game and has been defending it.)
steveovig said:True but I guess I'm just very defensive about this game. It's a VERY underrated game and everyone should like it, as far as I'm concerned.
That is EXACTLY how I felt after playing the demo. It just felt like a homemade remake with flashy graphics and bad music.Zaraki_Kenpachi said:After playing the demo, the game feels really awkward. :/
steveovig said:True but I guess I'm just very defensive about this game. It's a VERY underrated game and everyone should like it, as far as I'm concerned.
But that's exactly what a lot of people don't want to doNonexistentK said:well it does because by time you learn to compensate. Gaining momentum by air dashing & getting better at controlling Sonic on air makes thing much more smoother. Also some of the other levels have more of the genesis era level design and less of the enemy lock on to speed bumper spam.
Is it really?steveovig said:True but I guess I'm just very defensive about this game. It's a VERY underrated game and everyone should like it, as far as I'm concerned.
steveovig said:True but I guess I'm just very defensive about this game. It's a VERY underrated game and everyone should like it, as far as I'm concerned.
TheOGB said:But that's exactly what a lot of people don't want to do
jman2050 said:How about "liking the game is also a valid viewpoint, even if it's wrong as all hell". Is that close enough?
It's pretty damning that even after being implicitly told what I was doing, you guys still fail the test.Gram Negative Cocci said:Even if you separate this game's mechanics from the old sonics, are they good on their own? Is losing all momentum when you let go of the dpad a good thing? The homing attack and general level flow tend to result in a lot of autopilot (Lots of speed booster/spring chains). Again, is that a good thing? I just don't think sonic 4 is fun in its own right. took me a sec...RobbieNick said:I'm not expressing anything here. I just thought this was funny.
There's a few themes stuck on my head too. I wasn't feeling the soundtrack, but it's kind of growing on me. There's some really nice tunes in there.DeVeAn said:Splash Hill Act 1 theme is stuck in my head. I think the music is pretty good not as awesome as most of the older games but still good.
The music works well with the game and the visuals, also I consider this game good. It has some flaws and it's certainly no 16-bit throwback but the levels are well designed and the gameplay is solid. It's more New Super Mario Bros-ish than Mega Man 9'ish.Rewrite said:There's a few themes stuck on my head too. I wasn't feeling the soundtrack, but it's kind of growing on me. There's some really nice tunes in there.
Except most Mario games have different physics.Monty Mole said:Even after all these years and with 3D iterations, Nintendo always gets the feel of Mario spot-on. Just a shame Sega can't do this for Sonic.
FateBreaker said:I guess I'm in the minority. I don't think it's as good as the previous Sonics, but I'd be lying if I said I did not enjoy it. I like the music...that is getting way too much hate. If you compare any music to Sonic 3's, you're never going to be satisfied.