I honestly thought you were being sarcastic until I had a look through your post history and saw
Anyway, fantastic OP, Amir0x. I really enjoyed reading through it and completely agree on all points.
Thanks on the compliment Liquid. Seriously though, holy DAMN @ him being serious then. I can't even... like,
what? They're only supporting the indie game hipsters like? I genuinely don't even know how to respond. Maybe I should be glad he didn't expand on his point, although I genuinely encourage him to share and perhaps add to the idea so we could discuss it. I can only imagine it's due to ignorance one arrives at such a conclusion.
Paz's remarkable story is one of dozens of such testimonials I've read since PS4 has been announced about how Sony is doing everything but pay off indie developer's homes to encourage them to make games on the platform. I'm not sure how they can not be considered welcoming. Sure, Nintendo is also welcoming to indies - not trying to take that away from them, and I mentioned it a few times in this topic - but... completing his thought and following him down that road I cannot.
They also announced PS4 Twitch integration and almost everyone thought that would be a XB1 exclusive too. So they not only announced new games, but they also took two things from MS that were considered console exclusive lol
But I think the reason the XB1 version is delayed is, because it is the "Xbox One Edition". Probably some exclusive nonsense (bigger maps apparently).
I'm glad they got Twitch because the refrain from some groups after E3 was "sure Sony has the superior integrated game recording functionality, but you have to upload it to an inferior place like UStream!"
So I guess I was the only one who was totally pissed off after Sony conference to the point where i cancelled pre-order for my PS4 (and it was just after e3 preorder so i was getting it on release day) ?
Indies are cool but i don't need to buy PS4 to play them - nearly everything annouced is coming to PSV/PS3 and/or PC.
AAA third party games are cool but I'm going to get them on my PC and trust me i won't have to settle for BF4 to run at 720p to get 60 fps.
So yeah for me not even a single trailer from Naughty Dog/Santa Monica/someone else was huge disapointment.
Why bother buying day 1 edition when it will be blood bath if i can wait untill slow parts of 2014 and get it when retailers start to compete for sales since there's no interesting content on start ?
Your actual rationale is perfectly sound. You want to see Naughty Dog and SSM's game, or Sony Bend's game, or any of the other huge AAA titles in development, because those types of exclusives provide a good reason to buy PS4 over anything else.
However, while you're true that most of everything from the indies is multiplatform - the same as most of all retail games are multiplatform - there were a substantial number of exclusives that were announced for PS4 that came from smaller developers.
Rime, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Resogun and Shadow of the Beast are legit exclusives, Rime and Shadow have a far more significant budget than most indie games anyway and are almost AAA games in their own right.
Now you can say those don't interest you as well, and that's cool. I get it, in such a scenario then it only makes sense to wait to 2014. Hell, I'd argue that for you even if they did show a trailer for Naughty Dog's game or Sony Santa Monica's game, it would still make sense to wait to 2014 for most everybody.
But I think of your comment's tone sort of suggested that Sony did not announce any major games or exclusives, and that of course is not true. We have increased the stable of exclusive only-on-PS4 games by 4 this Gamescom at least.
My argument in this topic is not only why highlighting the indie games was smart for gamers and those smaller developers, but also why maintaining this plan remains strategically brilliant. In all regards, Sony has played it like a maestro - they are playing to all their strengths, calculating for the strengths of their enemies and adjusting accordingly. They want their trump cards so that at any moment they can reveal big bang up titles when they need to. Considering there will be 20 exclusives on PS4 from Sony WWS in that first year, and most of them remain unannounced, you're only going to be waiting a few weeks (TGS) for some more announcements, probably find out about another exclusive or two (I know, I know... if it's an indie exclusive it doesn't count

), and then we'll see the trickle. Drip. Drip.
And then for your tastes, the VGAs are obviously going to do the ticket. That'll likely be where they show Naughty Dog's game at the very least. Then you can pick up your PS4 in 2014.
EmptySpace believes that just because a game has an AAA budget does not automatically mean it is going to be good or great.
He also thinks the overwhelmingly majority of the 80+ million target audience of the PS4 do not game on PCs, therefore most (if not all) of the indies and multiplats will be first-time experiences for dozens of millions of people.
heh, "because Stone Cold says so"?