How many times can you post that on gaming side before you get banned?
I expect to see this garner some use.
I can see this being posted many times around E3 time.
does this apply to OVAs and other things with no legal alternatives?reviews or impressions of pirated software, and livestreams of pirated software play are all strictly prohibited.
OT is OT; it's undergone a gradual cultural shift away from open "nerdiness" and thrives on spectacle, shock and disgust articles like it always has. This is the natural culmination of a years-long recursive feedback loop of confirmation bias from topics splaying out the worst aspects of "otaku culture" to an aghast audience; we need look no further than Gaming Side's "waifu panic" to see how a significant percentage of posters have become resistant to the mere presence of "anime girls" in video games from years of extremely disproportionate overexposure to legitimately "problematic" outliers like Criminal Girls and a small number of defensive, extremist "otaku culture" devotees picking the wrong battles and poorly communicating the language of their subculture to outsiders. Hobbies of Japanese origin have always been especially susceptible to this because of the permissive attitude toward Asian othering ("Japan is weird", "oh, Japan", etc).
People who know what they're talking about can find us and engage if they wish. Ignore hopeless causes and keep posting here.
Holy shit Blood Blockade Battlefront's OST is fuckin amazing. It is the top OST of the season, no the year.
Some good stuff. Based Bones on top of their game.
Kaiba 01
I think I recovered enough from the insanity that was Kemonozume finale to continue on my Yuasa quest. This was certainly quite a bit to taking in, an amnesiac main lead with a hole in a chest, people swapping bodies like like its nothing or getting loaded onto some kind of computer, even a super cyclops emu that for some reason stalks the protagonist. I'm a bit confused on some things they introduced but I imagine I'll fill the gaps later.
I enjoyed this episode, I liked that we saw some good progression with Isla and Tsukasa's partnership as well as setting up the main sort of direction for the plot
Humanity has Decline 1-4
I gotta ask
is there an OT for SNAFU S2? search isn't getting hits.
I don't think so.
Also you have some great taste. Yui best girl.😎
that's a shame
thanks breh. nice to see other Yui fanspopulation: two
There's nothing saying you can't make it yourself.
Danmachi - 01
After so many post i decided to check this anime.
It was alright.
I mean this setting has potential.
As for Hestia , she is a cool character BUT not exactly "that" impressive. i expected more given how freaking fast her popularity rose.
Plastic Memories - 02
Honestly becoming a bit grating. Like I feel like a potentially interesting scifi world is being shoehorned into a very typical slice of life mold. The show's done nothing to really differentiate robots and humans in any sort of meaningful way, they seem to eat, drink, and go to the toilet as any other human would. There's nothing from their outside appearance that would betray their actual nature and their unique personalities are completely indistinguishable from any other person you'd come across. How does the world function as it does in its current state with this knowledge in mind? Why aren't there robots everywhere doing every task if they're truly so human like? If the show is trying to sell me on the idea that the robots have their own "souls" with their own sets of likes and dislikes then why aren't we exploring situations in which a robot simply doesn't like the owner its assigned to or the tasks its given and chooses to do something completely different? Instead what we see is Isla being painfully incompetent at the basic aspects of her job as weak shots in the dark at humor instead of exploring what could be genuinely interesting avenues for storytelling.
I think another problem with Plastic Memories is that this story has been told and been told better, like I would rather watch Bubblegum Crisis again.
Exactly. She is fun and cute but seriously, shes not that amazing.
Exactly. She is fun and cute but seriously, shes not that amazing.
that's a shame
thanks breh. nice to see other Yui fanspopulation: two
Yui's the main reason I'm sticking with the show through season two.thanks breh. nice to see other Yui fanspopulation: two
Yui is the best.
Plastic Memories really does need one because in addition to what I have mentioned before, the tonality is just completely wrong. This series is trying way too hard to be a generic jokey and upbeat slice of life anime that just happens to be asking profound questions on the nature of humanity, robotics and forced obsolescence. These are not two tastes that taste great together.
This is the only show I will ever go DTL on, Saika is the true Hachiman pairing!
The one and only benefit of watching Monster is that every other show seems to move at breathtaking pace now !Did not like this at all. Insanely slow and insanely boring.
Plastic Memories really does need one because in addition to what I have mentioned before, the tonality is just completely wrong. This series is trying way too hard to be a generic jokey and upbeat slice of life anime that just happens to be asking profound questions on the nature of humanity, robotics and forced obsolescence. These are not two tastes that taste great together.
True. But remember. Steins;Gate was like that as well in its early episodes.
That is another thing, this show has not be shy about showing the plot cards it has and pretty much everybody has predicted how this will end.
Also, I will say this right now, Stien's;Gate has a MUCH more likable cast.
SaikaxHachiman is the best pairing on the show by far.This is the only show I will ever go DTL on, Saika is the true Hachiman pairing!
SaikaxHachiman is the best pairing on the show by far.
Yui is an annoying character, does she ever say or do anything that isn't some kind of ship tease? It's basically her entire character. She had a few brief moments in the first season where I didn't hate her, but nothing in season 2 so far has changed my opinion of her, the ship tease has actually been ramped up, and her little outburst in episode 2 to Hachiman was utter cringe.
She's the weakest of the main characters, and I really wish they'd do something to change that.
She won me over in episode 2 .Sorry cajun, but you need to board that train.
She won me over in episode 2 .Sorry cajun, but you need to board that train.
I agree with you there. Okabe and the others are a much more entertaining bunch than everyone in Plastic Memories so far.
My hopes are that this show doesn't keep that predictable end and manages to do something really creative.
Like a good villain. I mean, they're androids. Can somebody hook one of them up to a super computer have them go all GLaDOS on everybody? That'd be a freaking awesome twist.