Gifu Dodo 1-12
There's so much manliness overflowing here I fear as though I'm not nearly manly enough to watch the rest. I will continue however for the sake of righteousness.
On Wed. 5/6 at roughly 22:45, after the marathon completes, we'll have major news about "tri."! The PV for Part 1, chosen children and cast info, medium info, schedule... and other surprises!
Are people still expecting this to be good? The show diving into shit territory to join the other 95% of Toei's output within in the first 3 episodes seems like a pretty safe bet.
I thought Turn A is one of the ones to save for last because you have to have seen the previous entries to fully get?
I mean, that's the only reason why I haven't watched it yet (still have Zeta, ZZ, CCA, F91, X, Victory to watch).
Delayed till fall season I'm calling it.
I thought Turn A is one of the ones to save for last because you have to have seen the previous entries to fully get?
I mean, that's the only reason why I haven't watched it yet (still have Zeta, ZZ, CCA, F91, X, Victory to watch).
Only inasmuch as if you want to get every last reference to other shows which usually doesn't extend any further than being able to place which show a particular mech came from. If you're insistent on that route though, you'll need to add G and W to that list!
Turn A can be enjoyed on its own just fine. You don't get all the references, maybe, but they're secondary to the show.
Best character in the show
Nanoha ViVid 1
Sound! Euphonium 2
KyoAni, why you so good!? I like the reverence they have for the instruments. They clearly did their homework. Reminded me a lot of when I was in band in school.
Aside from the kid who sleeps and vivio classmates, you should have seen all those characters in strikers.
Also the show doesn't need to confirm something that everyone knows out-universe or in-universe.Fate and nanoha are together and vivio has 2 mamas. Nuff said.
Going to watch And Yet The Town Moves right now. Do hope this show is interesting to watch as I heard good things about it.
Oh wow, that registered as something else in my head.
Okay, don't watch any of those minus My Little Monster and Kimi no Todoke.
if only for more Natsume!
Even if you don't expect anything, it still hurts to see franchises to like unresolved .
It'll take one hell of an ED to dethrone Shin Sekai Yori for me.
Going to watch And Yet The Town Moves right now. Do hope this show is interesting to watch as I heard good things about it.
<Information overload >
Everyone loves monster girls.*Starts reading Monster Musume*
*Sees crazy. CRAZY girls and tits aplenty*
Ah, so that's why this so popular.
Man, both OP's seem to have been carpetbombed off of Youtube.hey klk 2nd op was legit
It's great but the manga is even better.
I suppose the bigger problem was the StrikerS cast was largely forgettable. Also, I am with Black Falcon, the best friends designation is, while not inaccurate, as they are indeed best friends, still lacking the proper gravitas and has disturbing deeper implications. It is a problem that needs fixing.
So OP of the decade is Death Parade, while ED is Blood Blockade Battlefront?
It'll take one hell of an ED to dethrone Shin Sekai Yori for me.
Euphonium has cuties and hugs. I really love it.
+1 to Shinsekai Yori ED (btw, is it Shinsekai, Shin Sekai or is both correct?)
As I said, that was quite a while ago. Should they really be assuming that people just watched a show which aired eight years ago? Are those other characters from the enemy group in StrikerS, or something? Otherwise I have no idea.Aside from the kid who sleeps and vivio classmates, you should have seen all those characters in strikers.
They went out of their way to have Vivio say how Nanoha and Fate are friends (no mention of anything beyond that), that 'I call both of them mama' as if they aren't really a couple, etc. Here's the quote:Also the show doesn't need to confirm something that everyone knows out-universe or in-universe.Fate and nanoha are together and vivio has 2 mamas. Nuff said.
We could just call it From The New World and be done with it
Someone with better Nihongo-fu than I would be better placed to judge, but I would Romanise it as "Shin Sekai" because "shin" is used adjectivally. "Shinsekai Yori" to me would mean "From Shinsekai", the suburb in Osaka, whereas the show is clearly named after the New World Symphony and the double-entendre inherent in the name is key (because it's a whole new world that the story takes place in).
As much as I love Turn-A Gundam it's still really nutty and weird; I'd really recommend you start with something like Gundam 08th MS Team or preferably Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket.Turn-A Gundam - 01
I've always found getting into Gundam a bit of an intimidating experience because of the wealth of different series and the amount of variance there seems to be in quality. The only Gundams I can recall having seen in my life were the old Gundam Wing and G Gundam back when they were airing on Toonami. A friend of mine recommended I check out Turn-A so here I am.
A low key episode but I like that they didn't feel the need to throw in some cataclysmic event from the outset in order to hook you into the series. Really liked the way they were able to establish little elements of the world without feeling the need to do a super heavy handed exposition sequence either. It's refreshing.
Sound! Euphonium 2
Budget cuts already? Kind of a dull episode, and the indecisive MC kind of makes this a chore to watch.
Love Lab
Wohooo! Another great anime. I really enjoyed this one; the relationships between the girls were fun and lively, there was always something going on and everything was just so pretty. I enjoyed every second of it, great slice of life with great comedic elements to it. The last episode, although obvious, was a real tear jerker, glad everything worked out in the end.
Hoping for a season 2!!!
Sound! Euphonium 2
KyoAni, why you so good!? I like the reverence they have for the instruments. They clearly did their homework. Reminded me a lot of when I was in band in school.
Aside from the kid who sleeps and vivio classmates, you should have seen all those characters in strikers.
Also the show doesn't need to confirm something that everyone knows out-universe or in-universe.Fate and nanoha are together and vivio has 2 mamas. Nuff said.
Going to watch And Yet The Town Moves right now. Do hope this show is interesting to watch as I heard good things about it.
*Starts reading Monster Musume*
*Sees crazy. CRAZY girls and tits aplenty*
Ah, so that's why this so popular.
We could just call it From The New World and be done with it
Someone with better Nihongo-fu than I would be better placed to judge, but I would Romanise it as "Shin Sekai" because "shin" is used adjectivally. "Shinsekai Yori" to me would mean "From Shinsekai", the suburb in Osaka, whereas the show is clearly named after the New World Symphony and the double-entendre inherent in the name is key (because it's a whole new world that the story takes place in).
NHL playoffs start tonight.
bye bye anime.
Yeah, no. This is Japan. He's as good as blackballed.