so trigger shits the bed again huh?
Well I know what I'm starting.Etotama - 02
I'm enjoying this more than I should. I guess I just enjoy the Zodiac banter, and there's something intriguing to me about the "pretty mode fights". I'm just sitting here with a dumb smile on my face.
All those cuties.Subaru sister already appeared in episode 1:
Yep that the familly name. And subaru is in episode 2.
Ps: they didn't adopt all the numbers , but you get the point.
Vivid is about the old belkia wars and the new society. it may be bland now , but as vivid will continue , there will be some intresting things that will happen.
They will mention that quite soon, when the plot will need it.There is a reason why they showed vivio visit to the church after all.
so trigger shits the bed again huh?
It's Turning Girls!No I mean that gif. Its hilarious.
and really cute.
Fret not. You will soon see the light my child.tiger is ok
Lets not forget the importance of GAiNAXer Ms. Sadakata on achieving that series liveliness for its character animation, in conjunction to the young talents at Tatsunoko Productions (how many of them could be involved on this? That is an important part too)... then again, not many seem to give a damn about such key staff positions like, for example, animation director when the Crunchyroll news editor of turn gives more importance in correcting (or worse even, only notices) a mistranslated Papi's character VA credit than the typo on Takaya Sunagawa's name, still present. :-/They also worked on Muromi-san together and that was awesome.
The cold water paper cup was voiced by non other than Tatsuru Tatemoto, TRIGGER's PR man!I dont think I can see stack of cups same again
Basically they're treating the wounds of society by cutting out the most cancerous people first, so to speak.TRIAGE X - 02
Still no idea what a triage is.
Its seems like it'a a concept of goodwill after being reborn or something like but amplified.
Trully i have no idea .
Today is Megumi Day!
She is in the next episode?
Yes she is today in this episode (I think? It's the entrance soo... yes!)
Yes she is today in this episode (I think? It's the entrance soo... yes!)
My soul is ready to get comfy.
My soul is ready to get comfy.
How long is this supposed to go? How many episodes?
God yes. Fuck Hestia, Megumi takes the throne.
I don't think the split actually works out that way. I'm seeing plenty of people who liked Inferno Cop not care for this.I see that the post-Ninja Slayer world has been divided into two groups and it's pretty clear which of those groups liked Inferno Cop!
Not too sure, but I thin it's just 1-cour.
Megumi is my favorite. I hope her voice is calm and cute like I imagined it to be.
I also really like Yuki a lot too!
I think it will be 2-cour like many other J.C. manga adaptions, but DanMachi is already 2-cour... most likely Soma will get more seasons later on like Bakuman.![]()
Not too sure, but I thin it's just 1-cour.
Megumi is my favorite. I hope her voice is calm and cute like I imagined it to be.
I also really like Yuki a lot too!
God yes. Fuck Hestia, Megumi takes the throne.
Only 1 cour? thats really short.
What anime is this Megumi godlike character in?
She's from Shokugeki no Soma, sorry I mean Food Wars.
What anime is this Megumi godlike character in?
Shokugeki no Soma. You will love her. Everyone loves her calmness. Also she doesn't have cow tits like Erina and is just sweet.
Shokugeki no Soma. You will love her. Everyone loves her calmness. Also she doesn't have cow tits like Erina and is just sweet.
Lol 1 "cow tits." I'm guessing you'be checked out Etotama then? If not, lol even more..
It's good enough that I think it will probably get more (though sales are king so who knows for sure). There's a really obvious stopping point for this first part at any rate.
Shokugeki no Soma. You will love her. Everyone loves her calmness. Also she doesn't have cow tits like Erina and is just sweet.
Ninja Slayer 1
Oh boi, idk how to feel about this one.
I should have expected it. I really should have, but I didn't.
I actually enjoyed Inferno Cop, mind you. Loved the randomness and antics because everything in that world was about that. Everything supported that randomness and craziness.
Here... not so much. The few "inferno cop" esque joke that were there were indeed kinda funny (i admit i chuckled when the huge number of cops just started to jump on that random guy). That said, I couldn't help feeling like I was cheated when watching the inferno cop styled parts.
I did like the properly animated parts a good deal though. Hell, those parts would probably make the comedic moments better (I actually found the whole "formality prior to fighting" to be much better done the second time when it was actually animated.)
idk if i will follow Ninja Cop: From Inferno Animation 2, but.... idk
I haven't felt this way since Squareenix decided to announce FF7 for ps4 on the big stage.....
Ninja Slayer 01
So this is what the lowest circle of anime hell looks like. Fuck you too Trigger.