Happy birthday cajun
Dedicating my next Show by Rock viewing to you ♪
I ship em
Happy birthday cajun
Dedicating my next Show by Rock viewing to you ♪
I wondered when the next quarterly SAO whine was due.
Good to see animegaf maintaining the rage.
As opposed to the "let's hate on [popular thing]" part?
I ship em
I ship em
And well if you want something like an ecchi comedy I have just the thing. B Gata H Kei
This show is HILARIOUS.
Welcome to the club. Some just hate how popular it got with so many flaws.
That reminds me. What's going on with your avatars lately? They're a bit squished!
They're pretty damn cute pair
Well obviously I wouldn't give two shits if this piece of crap show hadn't gained any traction. After all, I watched it because it got so damned popular and eventually caught my attention (that was before I was browsing AnimeGAF).
So I then watched the show and it was garbage in just about all regards. I could give credit to some of the nicer looking background art but not gonna help it, because that's like the least important thing if a show is otherwise terrible.
However, do I now hate it because of its popularity? No, I hate the show on its own merits. Had I watched it without knowing about any hype or so, I still would have hated it.
Of course, it is additionally a god damn shame that this crap gained as much popularity as it gets and so you can't escape the people talking about it, but it doesn't affect the shows quality itself.
In other news, Happy Birthday Cajun!
SAO is definetely on the edge of "so bad its horrible" instead of "so bad its good." (well, maybe more like "watchable if nothing else is on") I think being the first to air with the MMO concept is pretty much was what gave it the level of popularity.
I mean, its worse in every possible way than Log Horizon at depicting the same subject matter. Season 2's random panning shots of Sinon's ass and chest made everything so much more cringeworthy though.
Holy crap that opening 2 minutes, lol.
It's pretty much the only anime I did hate watch the second season for, as in parts it really is so bad it's good and I was following a blog (wrongeverytime.com) which had SAO episode reviews that were a rather funny read.
However, I find watching something like that to be rather draining as it's ultimately still garbage. Especially when you watch it by yourself. So at the half point of S2 I bailed out and was happier for it.
I'm bad at making avatars :T
SAO is definetely on the edge of "so bad its horrible" instead of "so bad its good." (well, maybe more like "sort of watchable if nothing else is on") I think being the first to air with the MMO concept is pretty much was what gave it the level of popularity it got. I mean, its worse in every possible way than Log Horizon at depicting the same subject matter. Season 2's random panning shots of Sinon's ass and chest made everything so much more cringeworthy though.
Oh hell, what am I saying, the licking tears off a naked girl's face, random Sinon ass shots and Kirito being the Gary Stuest Gary Stu to ever Gary Stu is probably why its so popular.
B Gata H Kei ep. 1:
Holy crap, that was funny. Crude, rude crass, but good humor all the way around. You win Cajun . This should be interesting to see where it goes
Woah. What's this :^)B Gata H Kei ep. 1:
Holy crap, that was funny. Crude, rude crass, but good humor all the way around. You win Cajun . This should be interesting to see where it goes
I'm pretty sure that Sentai is just making up fake anime now.
Sorry GAF, screw teh story, these two are awesome together...
We don't need to resort to this.
Woah. What's this :^)
The only positive thing about the fandom's reaction to Sword Art Online is how hard and fast they turned on the show. This, at least, means that it will be buried harder and faster than I originally imagined.
I mean, people were certainly shitting all over it from day one but I just assumed that the 'general anime fandom' would hold it up as some kind of great work for years to become. I expected to see it on top 10 lists for a few years.
Instead, as soon as it got that point in the story that we all know too well, the reversal of the fandom felt surprisingly sudden. Soon, it became something that was wildly mocked not just here, but in it's own threads. I honestly did not see that coming because, as far as I was concerned, it had always been a bad show.
Perhaps that makes it worse though. If you really like a show and then it does something you detest you're probably going to be more vocal in your displeasure than if you always thought it sucked.
Sorry GAF, screw the story, these two are awesome together... The gifs and artwork online are insane for this one... BTW, the first image should have been the ending...
well, I feel better now... a tear just rolled down my cheek..
The only positive thing about the fandom's reaction to Sword Art Online is how hard and fast they turned on the show. This, at least, means that it will be buried harder and faster than I originally imagined.
I mean, people were certainly shitting all over it from day one but I just assumed that the 'general anime fandom' would hold it up as some kind of great work for years to become. I expected to see it on top 10 lists for a few years.
Instead, as soon as it got that point in the story that we all know too well, the reversal of the fandom felt surprisingly sudden. Soon, it became something that was wildly mocked not just here, but in it's own threads. I honestly did not see that coming because, as far as I was concerned, it had always been a bad show.
Perhaps that makes it worse though. If you really like a show and then it does something you detest you're probably going to be more vocal in your displeasure than if you always thought it sucked.
Season 1 was an awful waste of time but SAO2 has actually been a fun diversion. Hell it got me to buy it and I hate the show.
Further, dont count on it suddenly falling out of popularity. the marketing for it is enormous, I see cosplayers everywhere and merchandise of almost every kind. There will be no wishing this show out of existence. Too many people like it.
I completely agree, they are great together.
Also, plot holes or not, the show was great to follow. I just wish BDs for the second season will get a release over here, so I can put them next to the BDs of the first season and Extra.
Season 1 was an awful waste of time but SAO2 has actually been a fun diversion. Hell it got me to buy it and I hate the show.
Further, dont count on it suddenly falling out of popularity. the marketing for it is enormous, I see cosplayers everywhere and merchandise of almost every kind. There will be no wishing this show out of existence. Too many people like it.
Straight for the kill; you must be a hitman in your day job.
The seeds have already been sown for a third season, more focused on reality than the fantasy world. It could get very interesting there.
I liked watching SAO cause it was obviously just made by a bunch of dudes who'd played WoW and I've played WoW and it was fun to see them making an anime out of dumb MMO tropes.
Then at about episode 15 or 16, it got real weird and made no sense and there was some incest and stuff and they went back into another MMO and why would you ever do that and it was less like WoW and uh.
So I think I stopped at a good place.
I'm honestly far less passionate about the series than, say, firehawk12 or any of it's detractors over in the Toonami thread or even the people who posted in the main SAO thread back when it was airing in Japan.Straight for the kill; you must be a hitman in your day job.
The best part of SAO is when Kirito is no where to be found.
All this SAO talk makes me feel left out. Maybe I missed out on something really important and a sort of obligatory watch for an anime viewer.
All this SAO talk makes me feel left out. Maybe I missed out on something really important and a sort of obligatory watch for an anime viewer.
I think the part about SAO that annoys me the most is that Kajiura wrote music for it.
Why did she accept this shit of a show? If there's anyone in the industry who has the luxury of turning down shows to only work on shows of their choosing, it's Kajiura. Her lack of enthusiasm about SAO as compared to shows like F/Z or even FSN shows. I think Kajiura is more excited about the current FSN, for which she only wrote the EDs, than she was for the two SAO seasons combined.
I dropped the fucking show when Asuna offered her body to whatshisface(?). They suddenly went from barely speaking to happily married with a child who has amnesia or something. Thank god I can't really remember anymore. Please don't bother to help me remember.
All this SAO talk makes me feel left out. Maybe I missed out on something really important and a sort of obligatory watch for an anime viewer.
I take it you've just decided to watch the TV series and skip the initial OVA?I just started watching Patlabor. Huh, this is pretty fun. I can see now why people like it, I can see the appeal. I'm on like, the 5th episode now. The only real criticisms I have are that the characters suddenly deform their faces and grow their mouths really large sometimes, and that looks silly. That didn't need to happen. They could've stopped with that whole schtick. And uh, there's that one early episode where the experimental military labor goes haywire and is just blowing away all of the military's elite labors. Yet somehow gets stopped by these two police labors. Really? That's just silly. That wasn't believable in the slightest.
I think the one big worry that I have now, being on the 5th episode, is just... are all of the rest of the episodes just going to revolve around Ohta doing something stupid and being a buffoon, and then having Noa being plucky and resourceful and saving the day? Is that really the pattern they're gonna fall into for the whole show? Cause that'll get old.