In this game, normal starts decently challenging but the more sidequests and other content you do you end up being really really overpowered by the end.
Ooof done with Witcher 3. Time to come back to the otaku age.
Ah, sounds like they went for the Bioware route.
I should stop doing the side stuff. Man there's people already done?! I'm still doing level 12 sidequests here. Don't ask me how many hours I've played because the in-game clock is broken, but I've pretty much been playing every night since launch for a good 3-4 hours.
AnimeGAF hypes up Mad Max and it turns out to be just an okay film with really good music.
What world did I just woke up to...Well these are the same people that said Cowboy Bebop was a good anime, and we saw how bad that turned out. Its reasons why one should see Tomorrowland instead.
Yeah some of the subplots kinda go nowhere (especially the one with that...girl). But I think at least it still resolves the main fight pretty well.Yeah, good luck with reading the rest of the manga. It really goes...places.
Well these are the same people that said Cowboy Bebop was a good anime, and we saw how bad that turned out. Its reasons why one should see Tomorrowland instead.
AnimeGAF hypes up Mad Max and it turns out to be just an okay film with really good music.
Thanks, I guess.
Okay that does make me feel a little better. These days I don't do long video game sessions, so I can see this either lasting me a very long time... Or having it join my other unfinished stuff. Either way I'd say I'm only in the beginningI was playing more than that per day if it makes you feel better. The obsession was real but I'm finally done and can take a rest haha.
Dungeon Harem 8
Who would have guessed that the anime filled with harem and fantasy anime tropes would end up being this awesome? Seriously even if you don't watch the series I'd recommend watching this episode, the fight scene was really gripping and had a lot of weight to it. Best fight scene I've watched in a while. This show. God damn. This show.
DTL's World began as DIO's World began. Nobody is safe.What world did I just woke up to...
Tis' not a lovely day indeed.
AnimeGAF hypes up Mad Max and it turns out to be just an okay film with really good music.
Thanks, I guess.
Well these are the same people that said Cowboy Bebop was a good anime, and we saw how bad that turned out. Its reasons why one should see Tomorrowland instead.
Vision of Escaflowne 01-26 Complete
Have no idea who recommended this (probably someone in this thread) but I've slowly managed to get my way through it. It's a bit more shoujo than I would've liked but overall I don't regret the time I spent watching it.
The animation is truly superb, and that is very upsetting. It's like watching an old video of an extinct bird, you are awed at the graciousness of it's flight, but saddened by a real sense of loss. There's also an odd sense of nostalgia - like many here I grew up on 90's anime and Escaflowne embodies a lot of that distinct style that has been lost in the ravages of time.
The show starts off with our standard highschool protagonist transported into a fantasy world, but unlike the modern incarnation of this trope with SAO (and the million other coattail riders), there isn't that disgusting sense of the world being constructed as a means of masturbatory wish fulfilment. Rather, we are quickly shown a reality of war and death in quite graphic detail and the main charter is often sidelined to powerlessly watch horrors unfold. The world of Gaea is constructed very basically, with no complex political or economic systems being explored, and it feels that at times the array of beast men only exist for padding. However at the same time what is shown is done rather well, with a very nice array of scenes and settings which give an understanding of the various locales and the culture of the people who live there.
The mecha battles are very, very nice. There is a lot less weight to deal with than Gundam, which words very nicely with the way the battles play out and the human.The lack of Pokemon backgrounds during battles is also incredible, allowing us to see the full detail of the battles. Mecha design is very good, with the titular Escaflowne looking unique without being overdesigned or burdened with ridiculous design elements. The dragon form much less so but not really an issue. All the mecha from the various countries are also unique looking, with it being very clear which mech is which even in dark or far off shot scenes.
The female characters are OK, with only Merleru (or whatever that cat girl is called) standing out as particularly bad. Like most non anime fiction et in this type of world the women are afforded a large degree of autonomy and technical ability. I think it works well in generally keeping the women off the battlefield as we expect from these sort of medieval style fiction, but not making them purely window dressing or overly annoying. They do talk a bit too much about their feelings for the men though, and a lot of their plot points can be a bit too entwined with the question of which man will they get with.The romance is pretty standard for a shoujo, with the girl being torn between two pretty boys. They do go off track into unfamiliar territory with the character with the love child, but they quickly and bizarrely at the last second return to the standard trope nonsense of romantic love conquers all. Interstellar pls.
I would've liked to see more scenes of how the MC's family were dealing with her having disappeared. I'm not a fan of the way they handled it. I really loved those scenes in Xamd Lost Memories, where his mother and father search tirelessly to find their missing son, as I think it helps add weightiness to the show, and not just have it being an extended dream state where you are gone for a while but you come back and nothing changed.
The music is great, with a nice collection of memorable themes for different situations and moods.
As I alluded to before, the ending isn't very good. The romance suddenly goes back to standard, a huge plot element is created at the last second and then dropped as if it isn't extremely significantbut worst of all Dilandeu beingthe nukewas complete and utter unredeemable bullshit. What did that add to the show? The ending comes suddenly and makes the show feel like it rushed to a conclusion.Allen's sister
Seems like they're going to be delivering the goods for the two-parter.![]()
I'm loving Kimura's art direction.
Dungeon Harem 8
Who would have guessed that the anime filled with harem and fantasy anime tropes would end up being this awesome? Seriously even if you don't watch the series I'd recommend watching this episode, the fight scene was really gripping and had a lot of weight to it. Best fight scene I've watched in a while. This show. God damn. This show.
Well these are the same people that said Cowboy Bebop was a good anime, and we saw how bad that turned out. Its reasons why one should see Tomorrowland instead.
Bebop is fucking good, but I've seen soo much awesome shit since I last watched Bebop which was over 5 years ago that I don't really care for it anymore. Even in the OST department, I'm just tired of Bebop. It's good, its fucking great, but so much other amazing shit is out there that its a disservice to them all to hold Bebop as the one and true savior of anime like a lot of people do.
I'm starting to think you're a ruse who does this on purpose for shits and giggles.
So Windows 10-tan is here, and they open for name submissions currently.
Tomorrowland deserves to be seen though, we need to give sci-fi movies more of a chance.
I still do
Tomorrowland deserves to be seen though, we need to give sci-fi movies more of a chance.
Feels like I'd get tied up and used as blood bag if I admit Age of Ultron was more entertaining to watch.
Feels like I'd get tied up and used as blood bag if I admit Age of Ultron was more entertaining to watch.
Thanks for answering my questions from before everyone. Hopefully I didn't cause a shitstorm
Also, there's a new "anime is doomed" thread in OT so ............ yeah..........
Ultron was the type of movie that bored me, but I didn't want to admit that I was bored at the tim, so I held a half arsed smile on my face. Didn't like it at all. Loved Captain America 2 outside of the last act, which was a bit meh. Never saw GotG which I regret, was too busy at the time to go to the cinema.
Also, there's a new "anime is doomed" thread in OT so ............ yeah..........
It's just going to get worse with next season.Thanks for answering my questions from before everyone. Hopefully I didn't cause a shitstorm
Also, there's a new "anime is doomed" thread in OT so ............ yeah..........
Kekkai Sensen Episode 9 Preview
As you should
"Hideaki Anno predicts decline of anime in 5 to 20 years"
Who gives a shit about what Anno says after 3.33? It's no secret he fucking hates anime and all the people who have ever watched anything he made.
So what's everyone's new hobby going to be when anime dies?
Doesn't he pander to the Otaku.
So what's everyone's new hobby going to be when anime dies?
Well, it also seems like video games will be dead in roughly 10-73 years so I guess I'll go back to comic books.
Why do you think I joined the Marvel cult and surrendered my body and soul to Terra Battle? I have to be prepared.
Guardians of the Galaxy is up there for many people. I'd argue plenty say it's their favorite Marvel film (myself included). You could always rent it/buy it. It isn't anything that HAS to be watched in theaters.
Pretty sure I have a backlog until death. So I could just work with that.So what's everyone's new hobby going to be when anime dies?
Pretty sure I have a backlog until death. So I could just work with that.
So what's everyone's new hobby going to be when anime dies?
Thanks for answering my questions from before everyone. Hopefully I didn't cause a shitstorm
Also, there's a new "anime is doomed" thread in OT so ............ yeah..........
We can cooperate with gaming side and make a transmedia masterpiece. Anime, game, the whole shebang.We'll just have to start making our own anime. Form our own anime studio.
Who wouldn't want to watch a show from AnimeGAF productions?
We'll just have to start making our own anime. Form our own anime studio.
Who wouldn't want to watch a show from AnimeGAF productions?
Why is the OST for this series so goddamn amazing? Did I just here some tribal music in the preview goddamn. It's been a long time since I've heard an OST as diverse and brilliant as this. I really don't think there will be a OST this whole year that will be able to rival Kekkai's, no way. Best soundtrack for this season and probably this whole year.
Goddamnit I have to wait till July 15 for it to release.
So what's everyone's new hobby going to be when anime dies?
We can cooperate with gaming side and make a transmedia masterpiece. Anime, game, the whole shebang.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - 10
So in this episode NERV tries to catch an Angel before it hatches, so they send Asuka to do some super mecha scuba diving.
I think the biggest question on my mind for this show is what exactly the Angels are. Like, where did these things come from? If they're showing up from like, beneath the earth and within the sea or something, they're not invaders from outer space or anything.
Are they being controlled? If so, who's controlling them?
They're just these deformed things that just show up and attack. That's it.
Considering some of the "things", I've heard about this show and how it ends, I don't assume I'll receive a particularly decent answer for these questions.
So what's everyone's new hobby going to be when anime dies?