Now Nozomi starts putting the subs of Nadesico back up for streaming. But purchasing it gives me additional things like the Gekiganger OVA, so I'm cool with it.
Doooooooo it!
Now Nozomi starts putting the subs of Nadesico back up for streaming. But purchasing it gives me additional things like the Gekiganger OVA, so I'm cool with it.
How long are people going to string this along?
I already purchased it! The DVDs were what I was watching it on!Doooooooo it!
I already purchased it! The DVDs were what I was watching it on!
I'm just saying that I noticed them going up for streaming after I had already bought it. But it didn't cost that much.
How long are people going to string this along?
There were five of them.
Darker than Black 25 END
Is what I would tell you Hei if the ending of the show you've, I hope unwillingly, found yourself in wasn't a complete failure in tackling any of the big questions regarding the mythology of the series. Even the few answers I got were vague as hell and didn't make a lot of sense. I suppose when you're trying to ape NGE ending making sense is the last thing your mind.
Darker than Black is this weird show that is never really bad but nor is it ever really good. It's just so ... utterly mediocre. It's competently made, has the best cat character and some really neat tracks from Yoko Kanno but other than that it's just middling. The Yin Hei, relationship, Hei's past and his sister and then the appearance of Amber (best character) did keep me trucking along but with this ending, all of it ultimately didn't amount to much.
I do appreciate the decision to stuck to the 2 episode per story format, which gave the various stories that played out there a bit of room to breathe. If they tried to cram them into the usual 20 minute slot I would probably hate most of them but as such, they're bearable and progressively introduce the important concepts and characters of this universe. Oh and I really loved the previews. It's pretty much the only show where I consistently watched them. Yin's noir narration + the music = so gooood.
But overall, it's a pretty forgettable show.
What are you talking about? The series ended after those OVAs.DO NOT WATCH SEASON 2.
What are you talking about? The series ended after those OVAs.
Why creepy? Is it because she is what she is?To be honest, I don't even like the OVAs, mostly because I find Hei/Yin "romance" 1) creepy 2) unfounded, they were hardly close during S1.
I'd be very very very surprised if it ended with anything other than Raku x Chitoge.
The way the manga is progressing really makes me think it can't be anything else. There's actually been development for their relationship while Raku x Onodera is the same its always been.
Darker than Black 25 END
Darker than Black is this weird show that is never really bad but nor is it ever really good. It's just so ... utterly mediocre.
Watched episode 1 of Yurikuma Arashi back when it first aired, but only got around to continuing the series now. Just finished episode 3, and i'm.. still confused. But it's had a genuine few shocking moments so far (as well as KUMA SHOCK, which is my new favourite thing ever)
I loved Mawaru Penguindrum (and have the entire series on DVD) so I kinda knew what to expect, but it's a lot.. crazier.
Let's initiate the exclusion strategy!
(also whats with all these lesbians calling each other just friends? is that a censorship thing? or is it a fanservice "These girls love other girls but they don't say that so they can still be my waifu" sort of thing?)
is that ninja slayer show any good? I am more of a shonen type of person
So, this seasons is looking fairly uninspiring so far. At most I can see myself watching Gintama, BBB and Teekyuu but I can't foresee any of those being "excellent".
Lots of people, no doubt, are enjoying titles like Hestia, Nisekoi and Shokugeki no Soma but those works do nothing for me.
I must confess that I haven't even tried Euphonium but the subject matter is of no interest to me. I'm sure it will be well produced but unless I hear that it's truly special a la Hyouka I don't even see any point in checking it out.
In these kind of horribly dead seasons there's usually a title or two that I had never thought about but that nevertheless emerges as a series of note after a weeks. Hopefully that happens here as well or else I'll probably just stick to a limited backlog of titles.
So, this seasons is looking fairly uninspiring so far. At most I can see myself watching Gintama, BBB and Teekyuu but I can't foresee any of those being "excellent".
Lots of people, no doubt, are enjoying titles like Hestia, Nisekoi and Shokugeki no Soma but those works do nothing for me.
I must confess that I haven't even tried Euphonium but the subject matter is of no interest to me. I'm sure it will be well produced but unless I hear that it's truly special a la Hyouka I don't even see any point in checking it out.
In these kind of horribly dead seasons there's usually a title or two that I had never thought about but that nevertheless emerges as a series of note after a weeks. Hopefully that happens here as well or else I'll probably just stick to a limited backlog of titles.
So, this seasons is looking fairly uninspiring so far. At most I can see myself watching Gintama, BBB and Teekyuu but I can't foresee any of those being "excellent".
Lots of people, no doubt, are enjoying titles like Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka, Nisekoi and Shokugeki no Soma but those works do nothing for me.
I must confess that I haven't even tried Euphonium but the subject matter is of no interest to me. I'm sure it will be well produced but unless I hear that it's truly special a la Hyouka I don't even see any point in checking it out.
In these kind of horribly dead seasons there's usually a title or two that I had never thought about but that nevertheless emerges as a series of note after a weeks. Hopefully that happens here as well or else I'll probably just stick to a limited backlog of titles.
Time to rewatch Cross Ange!
Reposting without the ED text, in all it's webm glory
Can you not embed webm's on GAF?
Hestia: The Animation 02
you know, I was just watching this for Hestia but it's actually pretty good, the premise is still a bit flimsy but who cares when it's so fun
Now this was a fun show. To start off, the art style and colors used were so pleasantly nice to watch, the entire show could have been art and I would okay! Really loved the blue skies and the ocean, the grass and the way the characters were drawn; just an overly cute type of style.
The show also has one of the best opening and ending "scenes" with some incredibly soothing music to go along with it. Most of the time, after watching the opening and ending, I begin to skip it, but for Tsuritama, no way! Every second was a joyous occasion.
I also loved the story too, throughtout most of the show, it was simply about fishing and finding friends in unlikely ways, being able to open up to others when one is used to being alone, really interesting and well thought out story.
I especially liked the cast for the show, they were all different with their own problems to overcome, Yuki's "Demon Face" is incredibly funny and seeing him just walk away from class or people had me in tears of laughter, loved it. Haru was really funny and ecstatic, a perfect person to play the humor angle.
Because this show was good, there are some parts I really really liked.
Episode 3, when Yuki is learning to cast and is having a hard time doing so, when he's out in the rain practicing, yelling Enoshima Bowl over and over again, with the "Demon Face" he had, was so touching I cried.
Episode 7 had an inevitable turn of events happen, but I really disliked that Natsuki smacked Sakura for trying to cheer him up on his birthday, really felt bad for her; at least in Episode 8 Natsuki starts to grow a bit and realizes the emotional strain he's been putting on Sakura and the family, so it was touching to see this happen.
Episode 10/11 is when something truly crazy happened,Episode 12 had a cool twist too, which I didn't see coming.the whole island has gone wild and a missle goes off and hits Hemingway while Ayumi is there getting fishing rod, Episode 10 ended on that cliffhanger and for a moment I thought Ayumi died, thankfully in Episode 11 they quickly go and reassure the viewers that he's just hurt, but very much alive!! Thank goodness =).Haru was actually supposed to be a lure, and the way the Enoshima Bowl scene went was so coooool. It's rather unfortunate we never really see the dragon or atleast I didn't catch him, but the ending was very touching. The absolute end of Episode 12 was funny too, with Urara and Haru both going back to school, that made me really happy.
I hope a season 2 happens, more slice of life with that art style and with the cast would be great.
Note: I figure most slice of life and happy shows (actually, most anime I figure) like this will probably get me to cry or have some emotional pull on me, if that bothers you, I'll try and tone it down it or something, but I really enjoy it.
It's true that I've found myself starting quite a few series this season but all lack substance that will keep my attention. I'll probably use this season to catch up on my backlog as well and finally finish Mushishi, Ronja and Shirobako. I've also been meaning to get back to Aria.
So, this seasons is looking fairly uninspiring so far. At most I can see myself watching Gintama, BBB and Teekyuu but I can't foresee any of those being "excellent".
Lots of people, no doubt, are enjoying titles like Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka, Nisekoi and Shokugeki no Soma but those works do nothing for me.
I must confess that I haven't even tried Euphonium but the subject matter is of no interest to me. I'm sure it will be well produced but unless I hear that it's truly special a la Hyouka I don't even see any point in checking it out.
In these kind of horribly dead seasons there's usually a title or two that I had never thought about but that nevertheless emerges as a series of note after a weeks. Hopefully that happens here as well or else I'll probably just stick to a limited backlog of titles.
Man, now your making me feel bad for taking a break from this after6-7 episodes as I got kinda bored with it. The colors are really nice and it is presented well though..
It seems Arslan Senki is gonna be adapted farther than the manga adaption by Arakawa. It's most likely gonna follow the Novel series, so it's definitely gonna be more than 1 cour which is good.
Technically neither. In the rooftop confrontation in ep 3 you can hear Kureha saying kanojo but getting slammed by Yurizono saying tomodachi, interrupting or censoring her words.Yurikuma Arashi(also whats with all these lesbians calling each other just friends? is that a censorship thing? or is it a fanservice "These girls love other girls but they don't say that so they can still be my waifu" sort of thing?)
shirobako 3-6
This is well made, music is really nice, no surprise there but man it's so boring. These people have passion about making anime which is a utter garbage soul crushing job apparently, duh. Key animators don't do their job properly ever and make everything worse for everyone. CG this 2D that , I could just read this thread instead. this show isn't for me zzz