I mention Vol 11 being covered for ep 12-13. My bad. Must have it 1 by mistake instead of 2 :lol
That's awesome what we have now is pretty much the same as that newer art.For the first two novels yes, but they've changed over time.
Here's one from Volume 10.5
Also yay for getting a Volume 12 sneak peek for episode 12-13. It makes up for volume 12 being delayed until the 24th. As for the actual episode, I wish the pacing had slowed down a little, but they didn't cut anything major (Megurin showing up with Haruno and Saki conversation. Why do they always skip Saki's scenes? ;_. Oh well, still a good episode that is actually bringing the "rom" part of this series to light.
What have you done with my comedy , nisekoi ?
But i guess i can accept some tsugumi screen time.
One peice suffered ( and still suffers ) from the same problem at times. So hard to get the right pacing when you're so close to your source material.I like Fairy Tail fairly well - it's the only one of these long-running battle series I've followed - but ever since the manga adaptation started up again, the show feels really different. From least to most important, relatively - The previews have serious descriptions of what's to come instead of witty banter. (Though it is a serious arc.) The color palette is more washed out than before. And the show is relying on KRDK-style recaps a little too much. This week's episode - 237 - took about four and a half minutes before it got to the opening credits, recapping stuff going back to the very beginning of the arc.
I'm not going to stop watching it, but it feels like the show's new direction could be tightened up in a few places.
But the blandest girl got taken home at the end of the day, which is all that matters.
I am okay with this and it's true. Yui is way too attached in my opinion. She is doing this to herself and I believe she's the one trying to play catch up. LikeThere's more situations like this in which Yui tries to "force herself" into his field of view all throughout the seasons. I mean I give her credit since she is trying really hard, I think Hachi needs to be the one putting a break on Yukino uses glasses because she needs them, but seeing how Hachi liked Yuki's look she said she needed a pair too.
Iroha on the other hand is like a tornado. She is way too hyper and foxy for him. He can't get a handle on her, and she is a bit of a faker. I liked her a lot and I was part of #teamIroha, but I gotta admit the truth. Doesn't mean she isn't a great character though
Just accept it. Let the poor guy have some happiness at last.
I have yet to see 11, but from the ending preview does it seem like 12 is going to be an anime original? I heard such rumors but didn't want to believe...
I hope 8man ends up with no one because that would be the best route, considering it wouldn't break up the service club status quo and friendship.
He ends up being with someone that's not related to the story and isn't any one of the girls.
One thing Kishimoto got right was shitting on Sakura by making her lover a dead beat. At least naruto got the best girl. Those salty narusaku tears are so good.
I like Fairy Tail fairly well - it's the only one of these long-running battle series I've followed - but ever since the manga adaptation started up again, the show feels really different. From least to most important, relatively - The previews have serious descriptions of what's to come instead of witty banter. (Though it is a serious arc.) The color palette is more washed out than before. And the show is relying on KRDK-style recaps a little too much. This week's episode - 237 - took about four and a half minutes before it got to the opening credits, recapping stuff going back to the very beginning of the arc.
I'm not going to stop watching it, but it feels like the show's new direction could be tightened up in a few places.
That's awesome what we have now is pretty much the same as that newer art.
As for your last point, we forget that the title of the show is after all "My Teen Romantic Comedy". To those saying there won't be a winner, I say that would be going against the titleAlso this last episode really did set the ship in motion towards that path, season 3 would probably be all about them getting ready to graduate and part ways, all while Hachi and you know who get closer.
They want to be a part of it! (New York, New York!)Damn Love Live fans in full force. look at that long line for the movie
Damn Love Live fans in full force. look at that long line for the movie
The thing is they hate each other, but I could totally see them being best friends. In a way I kinda think they are. They both compliment each other pretty well, and both have traits that the other one doesn't. Although I was surprised whenRegarding Hayama, I guess he's being forced to3) both? Hikki definitely got under his skin when he suggested Hayama is using Miura to ward other girls away from him. I wonder how likely that is.1) be with someone he doesn't want to be with 2) choose a career path his parents are lining up for him that he doesnt want
Thing is I can also see him with Iroha as well only because he's naturally comfortable around her. He doesnt let her hyperness get to him 'cause he has plenty of experience dealing with Komachi. He kind of settles her down too. Look how cute she is and how hard she's trying lol
You also make a good point about Yui. Seems like she wants to do whatever she needs to get Hachimans attention instead of just being herself.
At least Yukino is still a solid choice. No Shitoge kind of girls anywhere in sight.
But it hasn't been confirmed yet. I will not waver. I..will..not *sniff* waver...
Man they're really blazing through the books arent they. I wish they slowed down a tad.
It is wrong. He has all these girls falling for him and he doesn't act! LOLThe full title is My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong As I Expected, you forgot the last part. If we go by the title than anything can go so...........
Sensei ending is canon. I believe.
Regarding Hayama, I guess he's being forced to3) both? Hikki definitely got under his skin when he suggested Hayama is using Miura to ward other girls away from him. I wonder how likely that is.1) be with someone he doesn't want to be with 2) choose a career path his parents are lining up for him that he doesnt want
Thing is I can also see him with Iroha as well only because he's naturally comfortable around her. He doesnt let her hyperness get to him 'cause he has plenty of experience dealing with Komachi. He kind of settles her down too. Look how cute she is and how hard she's trying lol
To be a Kugyuu bro is akin to being a Kanna bro. Kanna da bes.
Some new UK Artwork:
I see you've found another visual novel based anime. The stories they tell usually involve some combination of romance and fantasy (at least the non-nukige ones. And even some of those.), but they're always introspective and drawn-out by nature because of their first person narratives, and at least slightly weird by nature because they come from the same industry that created anime. In this case, the blindness was at least partially influencing the game mechanics.WTF is going on here...
I hated her character at first, but they did a great job with her character development. I was worried that she was going to feel tacked on before the 5th Circle of Intellectualization arc started, but she ended up being a great addition to the cast.
And yes, she ended up being quite cute. But Hachiman is comfortable around her in a "friends" kind of way, I don't know, he needs something more. It almost feels like none of the cast is ultimately a good fit for him, outside of the teacher who he himself said would have been a great choice a decade ago. Oh, such cruel fate~
nano.RIPE's latest PV, the OP for NNB Repeat.
feel like watching something, don't know what.
Punchline 10
It gets better and better! Really want to see the next episode now
Also today is Megumi Day! And it will be all about her
I see you've found another visual novel based anime. The stories they tell usually involve some combination of romance and fantasy (at least the non-nukige ones. And even some of those.), but they're always introspective and drawn-out by nature because of their first person narratives, and at least slightly weird by nature because they come from the same industry that created anime. In this case, the blindness was at least partially influencing the game mechanics.
And that's without getting into the ones that haven't been adapted over the years.
excellent. I love this band.
watch Read or Die
Visual novel anime are the ones most likely to have an ending, since they're adapting what's essentially a complete story (or a set of complete stories) already. There are a few games that have gotten sequels, but most of the time, VNs are self-contained. Fandiscs' after stories are (usually) shorter and more for emotional closure than anything else.Oh, so the ending isn't going to make sense either then, lol. We'll see how they put the rest of the story together in 12 episodes, but there are so many moving parts already for a short series..
Oh, so the ending isn't going to make sense either then, lol. We'll see how they put the rest of the story together in 12 episodes, but there are so many moving parts already for a short series..
Visual novel anime are the ones most likely to have an ending, since they're adapting what's essentially a complete story (or a set of complete stories) already. There are a few games that have gotten sequels, but most of the time, VNs are self-contained. Fandiscs' after stories are (usually) shorter and more for emotional closure than anything else.
I know this because I've played a lot of them.
Damn Love Live fans in full force. look at that long line for the movie
VN adaptations tend to be 12 episode commercials that don't even adapt a complete route nowadays.Visual novel anime are the ones most likely to have an ending, since they're adapting what's essentially a complete story (or a set of complete stories) already. There are a few games that have gotten sequels, but most of the time, VNs are self-contained. Fandiscs' after stories are (usually) shorter and more for emotional closure than anything else.
I know this because I've played a lot of them.
Zeppelis are the ultimate bros. it's a shame they have that lancer E rank luck.JoJo Bizarre Adventure 20
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck why seriously fuck!😔Fuck me.😞They had to fucking kill off Caesar, why? Just when I was starting to like him a lot. Is this the fate to all Zeppeli bloodline? At least he died as a proud warrior, RIP Caesar.
Should I feel bad for crying manly tears?😭SHIZAAAAAAAAAAA!
The thing is they hate each other, but I could totally see them being best friends. In a way I kinda think they are. They both compliment each other pretty well, and both have traits that the other one doesn't. Although I was surprised whenHayama said he felt inferior to Hachi.
Good points actually. As it stands I think her and Yukino have much better chances than Yui, you nailed it on its head when you said she is trying to hard and not being herself anymore just for him.
As for the last point, I guess they really wanna put out as much as they can. Again the bad thing is that we will have to wait even longer to see another season...
It is wrong. He has all these girls falling for him and he doesn't act! LOL
I'm still looking for that sensei in real life. She's the best. I would even tolerate the smoking.
Actually, I would accept it if that was their idea for an anime-original ending. Out of the blue. I would laugh so hard.
I hated her character at first, but they did a great job with her character development. I was worried that she was going to feel tacked on before the 5th Circle of Intellectualization arc started, but she ended up being a great addition to the cast.
And yes, she ended up being quite cute. But Hachiman is comfortable around her in a "friends" kind of way, I don't know, he needs something more. It almost feels like none of the cast is ultimately a good fit for him, outside of the teacher who he himself said would have been a great choice a decade ago. Oh, such cruel fate~
JoJo Bizarre Adventure 20
Should I feel bad for crying manly tears?😭SHIZAAAAAAAAAAA!
Zeppelis are the ultimate bros. it's a shame they have that lancer E rank luck.
I dont think they hate each other even though they say they do. They definitely have respect and in a way are friends.
When Hayama said that he wontJust speculating of course.lose to Hachiman, I felt like he was also implying that the girl he likes has a thing for Hachiman. Maybe he's really into Yukino as well? I guess thats where the inferiority part comes from? No matter how Mr. Perfect Hayama is, he cant get the attention of the girl he wants.
This makes me want an Oregairu 4koma...Hachiman is like a walking depressive 4koma anyway. I wish more series had such great male leads -^-;
Disappointed in the lack of random "sore aru" in this episode of Snafu.
man I haven't even watched SNAFU 2 yet and I already know Iroha is best girl
not that i'm into that sort of thing, but cmon
It's stupid that the ending is considered a "bad ending" in the Vita game when it's clearly the best ending.I'm still looking for that sensei in real life. She's the best. I would even tolerate the smoking.
Actually, I would accept it if that was their idea for an anime-original ending. Out of the blue. I would laugh so hard.
It's the "Taiga effect" now.. uggh. Still meh, lol.
Also, I'm trying to figure out how my phone changed "however" to "duty?" Auto-correct is an amazing thing..
Lol, well I'm starting from 0, so I have many years to catch up on.
Unfortunately, with that I think I'very burned through most of the A tier material and now onto the B tier stuff, lol
Madoka Magica
So I finally got to watching this. Wow, I have read the reactions from here before and going in I knew it wasn't going to be as expected but I didn't think they'd push it that far. Can anyone explain to mein the new timeline what happened to Sayaka? She used all her powers and died? How, what, why?
Also poor Homuraand fuck Kyubei
I'm about to watch the Rebellion movie. I've seen that it isn't exactly as...favorable to some. Is it a sequel or an alternate timeline type of story?
Back from the gym after 2 hours. Still no SNAFU.
Madoka Magica Rebellion
Holy shit Homura what?!?! I don't know how I feel about this...There's going to be more right? THERE HAS TO BE MOREEEEEEE
It's stupid that the ending is considered a "bad ending" in the Vita game when it's clearly the best ending.
RIP Yui. I knew she almost no chances, but it still hurts. Pretty sad.
Yukino and Hachiman godddddddd. That scene.
no. You havent seen Full Moon o Sagashite or Millennium Actress yet,