Was there ever an anime where best girl actually won?
No Kokoro Connect doesn't count
Tadokoro faces are the best. An episode where Soma hits a girl, everyone approves, and the girl blushes at him for doing it. Checks out.
This would totally be my AOTY if I weren't gonna disqualify it because I'm already a huge fan of the source material. Another great episode, although they are slow-rolling the material for sure - I figured a two-cour of this show would end around Chapter 100 of the manga. At Episode 11, we're on chapter 24 of the source material. I'm not really sure how long this show is supposed to run, though.
26 episodes I believe.
Shokugeki no Soma - 11
Time just flew by. I'm happy they addressed Megumi's reliance on others, and Dio telling it ain't gonna hold up. Soma being rather cocky, it was nice to see him as support and doing a good job at it.
Soundtrack was used well. Hinako was pretty funny with her butt-ins and bias. Laughed so hard at the reactions.
I'd watch Magical Chefs spinoff
I would watch a magical chefs show. Genius!