I was just joking. I actually really don't care about the baiting the show does because I dropped it at episode 7.
I need to finish my backlog.
Soma 11
Is it wrong that my favorite thing about this ecchi battle shonen cooking show aren't the battles, ecchi or the cooking but the
Of course not! I consider the reactions to tasting the food is the anime's signature element.
Overlord anime
Genmu Senki Leda (Leda: The Fantastic Adventure of Yohko) is a 1985 OVA directed by Kunihiko Yuyama, who is best known for his work on the Pokémon anime series and movies. This very short but sweet story revolves around Yohko, an ordinary high school girl who composes a song in order to express how she feels about a boy that shes fallen in love with. Up until this point however she hasnt had the courage to let her feelings be known, but with this song by her side she hopes to be able to confess her love to him. While taking a walk one day she bumps into the boy, but lacking the courage she walks past him while listening to the very song that she composed, and at that moment she is transported to another dimension, a world simply known as Ashanti. Things get weird as she tries to return back to her home. At an hour and 10 minutes, this is a short but very entertaining OVA that I enjoyed more than I expected. Also, did I mention that she meets a talking dog along the way?
The general consensus to Leda is that its a pretty decent OVA but nothing special, so I was pleasantly surprised when I ended up thoroughly enjoying it. The animation in Leda really had me spellbound at just how great it looked and moved, reminiscent of a time gone by. Although in no way full of fine, intricate details, the very painterly visage that encompasses the entirety of Leda makes way for a welcoming aesthetic thats a joy to look at. The cast of Leda is small but full of many distinct and interestingly designed characters that are equally as fun to watch. With many exciting set-pieces, married with dynamic cinematography that captures the action perfectly, Leda is in no doubt a great looking and very fun to watch OVA from a visual standpoint.
Leda actually surprised me by containing some more artsy scenes that make use of contrasting colors in order to represent different time periods, dreams and memories. Leda is a very pretty OVA and the visuals alone warrant a viewing. The art can be simple, but its just really effective and interesting to watch, and although the story can be equally as simple and slow, the visuals really draw you in.
The character designs are again; both distinct and appealing, all encompassed by a very intriguing movement that makes them interesting to watch. Its hard to describe, but again in terms of character animation, theyre very fascinating to watch, and while viewing Leda I noticed that this strange animation only exists during the scenes that take place within Ashanti, the other dimension and thus felt that it was purposely done in order to capture the other-worldly feeling, being alien and dreamlike in nature, and it does this successfully. The character designs themselves are done by the talented Mutsumi Inomata, whos worked on character designs for all of the Tales Of series of video games as well as other anime such as the film Windaria. The character designs are charming, cliched and fun.
Speaking of designs, mechanical designs were headed by Takahiro Toyomasu, who although is known as a key animator these days, was a main animator for Leda as well as well as mechanical designer. The designs are pretty interesting here all in all.
Along with the animation, the highlight of Leda is the brilliant soundtrack. With a few vocal tracks littered throughout the OVA, it helps create this music video vibe that I thoroughly enjoy, and helps make each and every scene memorable and enjoyable. Both the music and fluid animation really conjured up the same feelings I got when playing old JRPGs and such, and I think thats the best way to explain something like Leda. The story is simple, the villains are one dimensional, but the whole thing is fun to just watch and listen to as the main character whizzes by at high-speeds on her bike through a forest and into a desert. You just become entranced with this sense of wonder and joy and in all honestly OVAs such as this have a huge place in my heart. Very fun and peppy, it contains a very simple story that actually contains some unique bits here and there, especially on the visual side as it conveys certain feelings and emotions with unique visuals that catch your attention. And like the story itself, the script is also very simple; being written by Junki Takegami (worked on the script for series such as City hunter, Inuyasha, Maison Ikkoku and Pokemon) its charming, silly and stilted in an endearing way.
The music, done by the great Shiro Sagisu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) is as equally as mesmerizing as the visuals themselves, both memorable and catchy. This is without a doubt a high point of the OVA and a soundtrack that Ill be listening to for a long time to come.
Containing many tropes, its both silly and stilted, and yet very charming and fun to watch, again reminiscent of an old 16 or 32 bit JRPG, transporting you to this other world for a little time while you quite literally escape this reality if just for a little while as you watch in awe as the pretty visuals and fun, catchy, cheesy and yet heartfelt music pulls you in, further into the world of Ashanti. Its definitely something that I enjoyed and straight up my alley. If you have a place in your heart for a one hour romp, a world with a talking dog, a time traveling Walkman and magical girl warriors in scantily dressed armor, then Leda is for you.
Overall: 8/10
Very enjoyable, with great animation and a fun soundtrack, characters are simple and full of tropes and cliches, and yet enjoyable and fun to watch, all wrapped up in a simple, but entertaining story.
Story: 6
Animation: 9
Sound: 9
Character: 7
Enjoyment: 10
Well, if I ever go back to the area I could probably get some pictures of the front of the buildings. Not sure it would be wise to go in and check what's going on in there or anything though
Not sure I'd go to the Gainax offices though, and there's plenty of other anime studios around in the western parts of Tokyo:
Hey guys what's going on in this...
*sees Euphonium yuri*
I don't care what lies ahead
No time for guessing follow my plan instead!
Find that next ship no matter what that may be
Take my lead don't worry 'bout yuri!
Follow me, set yourselves free,
Trust me, you guys will move on from the yuri!
You'll make it through prove it to you!
Follow me!
Because if this is thread is any indication of it, Moe sells. Big time. Ask our biggest consumer Cajun.Just rewatched Full Metal panic The Second Raid and remembered the times when Kyoani used to adapt good shows and made use of their talent (damn those action scenes). Now it's about never ending moe adaptions *tears.gif*
Just rewatched Full Metal panic The Second Raid and remembered the times when Kyoani used to adapt good shows and made use of their talent (damn those action scenes). Now it's about never ending moe adaptions *tears.gif*
I'm still mad that i'm only 2 volumes from a complete collection.
If I want to finish it I have to get the last 3 JP volumes. Needing this consistent, I would rather just purchase the whole JP series and say fuck it for consistency.
I don't even care if they made them buy on order and bumped the price up to $100 or some shit, I just want the last two volumes.
To give a bit of context to the artwork, this is advertising an art exhibition in Komoro (where AnoNatsu takes place) featuring art from the TV show. The original series had a positive effect on tourism there so I presume they want to continue the links.
That's Satoshi Kon's Dream Machine right? Glad to hear it's still alive somewhere.-Aya Suzuki worked on Dream Machine and quickly commented on it saying that a lot of preproduction stuff was done and it was looking gorgeous in color.
And then you get to ep. 8.... WTF is this the Magic Girl episode, wait... WTF is going on?
Because if this is thread is any indication of it, Moe sells. Big time. Ask our biggest consumer Cajun.
Well Hibike! is a great show, in spite of the yuri baiting.
This is a digipak:
I'm sure you own many of them already, and that's the name they're given. It's a type of case that you can get with films and games, usually collectors editions.The other most popular types of cases being the Keep Case (DVD sized) Amaray (manufacturer of the standard blue cases you get with Blu-rays, with the name being synonymous for that type of case) and Steelbook. I prefer standard Amaray and Keep Cases myself.
Sailor Moon Crystal 13
Good god this show is so boring. Did they only have budget for the same three songs with stock choir vocals? The Dark Moon arc better be worth finishing this crap off for.
Here you go![]()
That's Satoshi Kon's Dream Machine right? Glad to hear it's still alive somewhere.
Thanks for the write-up!
When are they closing down these OT threads anyhow?
AnimeNEXT 2015 Summary
What do you mean?
Don't they close down all the OT and Community threads once the E3 conferences start to lessen the burdon on the servers? Or am I completely losing my mind this year...
Because if this is thread is any indication of it, Moe sells. Big time. Ask our biggest consumer Cajun.
OH, E3 is today?
See you guys on the other side.
When Yu Suzuki tweets a picture of a forklift, it doesn't mean Shenmue 3 is coming. You should know that.
OH, E3 is today?
See you guys on the other side.
Eden of Grisaia 6-9 - Caught up. Thats one badass and crazy harem.
Another good episodes, it's amazing how much better this season has been compared to the first season, thank you feel for turning SNAFU into a must watch and saving us from ugly Brains Base animation quality.
I dearly hope that in the LN there comes the day we can see a chapter called "And then, Hikigaya Hachiman took responsibility".
Hello, AnimeGaf! I will be joining you in watching anime for this summer, as well as beyond, to prepare for Japanese class. I decided to start watching it again after reading manga exclusively for the past year and a half.
Seraph of The End Episodes 1-11
I've enjoyed what I've watched so far, even if the pacing was a little fast.Yu is a little nuisance but episode 11 ended on such a high note. Vampires are not solely the bad guys here, but it's actually humans. Nice little twist to it all.
Anyone knows how far the manga is compared to the anime?
If you think that's bad, I'm only watching one.
Non Non Biyori Repeat.
Dirty Pair 01-02
I don't think I've ever watched an anime that's quite so 80s. Obviously it's from the 80s, but it's just so... 80s. The music, the art, Kei's hairstyle... everything!
Really enjoying this so far, though. The art style is fantastic, with the ship designs in episode 2 being my favourite of what I've seen so far - but the costumes, weaponry and locations all have a very distinct look about them. I'm not sure of the best way to phrase it, but everything feels like it belongs rather than simply being cut and paste sci-fi concepts.
You can also tell they're having a lot of fun with this - the show doesn't really take itself all that seriously, as is immediately obvious with the big bad of the first episode being a supercomputer called Brian (I wonder how they came up with that name) and the back and forth quips between Yuri and Kei, even in life threatening situations! The premise also allows them to do pretty much anything they want - Yuri and Kei are basically just bounty hunters that get hired to fix any kind of problem, so I'm very interested in seeing where the show goes with it.
My only real issue so far is that the OP feels a little awkwardly composed around the halfway point; it just sort of stops, like the musicians didn't really know what they should be doing, then picks up again somewhat clumsily. Yeah, I'm nitpicking, but it still bugs me.
Denpa Kyoushi episode 11
What, I don't even.
Also, the animation was QUALITY this episode. Koutaro's outfit kept changing throughout the second half of the episode.
I'very been looking for some top rated stuff online that I might be missing, but nothing good has popped up yet because like opinions are Soo different, lol
Hey dudes. I was looking through the top poster list and it's cool to see that there are so many new members of Anime-GAF. I've stopped watching anime ages ago but it's nice that this community is still fairly active.
I've got a question. What's the status of anime on the Alive - Dead scale?
In a season of middling-bad mofu and ass shows it's up to Strike Witches 3 to be the savior of both once again.
Don't they close down all the OT and Community threads once the E3 conferences start to lessen the burdon on the servers? Or am I completely losing my mind this year...
Certainly for me I'd say both Shuffle and Ano Natsu de Matteru.
Help Anime Connoisseurs! I just finished watching Death Parade, and while it was a great experience, I also desperately need something to lighten the mood. Can anyone here suggest some short (1-2 cours) comedy shows that really make you laugh out loud? Preferably something that came out within the past 4 years or so (I've watched a lot of the older stuff already). Here are some examples of recent-ish comedies I liked:
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Hataraku Maou-sama
Danshi Koukousei no nichijo
The one where a high school kid has a curse that forces him to make decisions (can't for the life of me remember the name)
Working! (both seasons)
Servant x service
Binan Koukou something something
Guess I'm looking for something light-hearted after the emotional heaviness of Death Parade. I'm not too fond of harems/reverse-harems unless they have truly exceptional humor. Also, I'm looking for shows that are completed.
Have you seen The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior (Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou)?
It is how we cope with SAO II.
Fu(k this show, seriously....
Have you seen The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior (Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou)?
So at this point people have received or are starting to receive their posters, so the saga is finally over. I just wanted to thank everyone who bought one and Mockingbird for running it behind the scenes. The poster looks nice!
I still have LOGH, the rest of Utena and Kanon in mind, so I haven't forgotten. I'll get to those soonish. lol
I think it's this show, I might be wrong though.
This actually looks pretty cool.
I'm never going to be able to clear my backlog am I?
That gif is one of the random sketch you see in Excel Saga. I mean literally, they're tons of random sketch in this show which somehow interconnect a main story in somewhere. Here are more pics from the show below.
Rec - 01 - 10 [complete]
Some very average romance and drama with nothing outstanding about it, though it wasn't set in a school setting at least. 5/10
Bored - time to check out Steins Gate.
No lesbian subtext there.
Their teasing was too damn thick. You don't just backpedal on a seriously touching moment a couple of episodes back by saying... "Oh, they're just REALLY REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALY close friends."
After watching Yurikuma Arashi, this feels even more depressing.Fucking Invisible Storm.
Kiniro Mosaic 1
I don't know what the point of this was, but I got diabetes. Thanks, Japan.
HELLLOOOOO Kirino Mosaic - 11
Code:What are we ? Where are we coming from ? The answer KIN -PATSU KIIIIIIIIIN PATSU
She certainly understand both members of the golden hair alliance are deep in their fantasies as we observe just how deep aya is in "friendship"
This episode could have been just a simple kimzona episode but as usual , things get hetic for the silliest of reasons.
Shino is golden hair deprived , and goddamn she dreams big. a perfect dream that will probably satisfy everyone
Ah this episode ended really well ..karen is THE BEST when she is the villain , and this episode proves it.. They even added 2 henchemen in order to spice things up. The result is glorious and i'm worried what they 'll do to top this next week.
Regardless , nobody can deny that aya/yoko is being shipped hard , very hard:
Finally a yurier transformation scene than futari wa Pretty cure !!! I'll take it !
The prize , you know everyone want the prize...
How many contestants so far ? 5 ??
hestia, freya,lili,wellenstein,eina
who wouldn't want this prize ?
I think it's very cute!! Very anime and very cute~
What's the anime he is referring to? I will watch it next.
Hehehe, I'm pretty sure I've always been like this =). Though I take "going full Cajun" as one of the best compliments ever, so thank you!
I don't think he'd want to read that at all. Pretty sure most people wouldn't. Similarities between then and now are pretty large I believe.
Those Who Hunt Elves II 11
Yeah so ready for this to be done. It runs into the pitfall encountered by most comedies in that there's probably more bad than good. We'll see how it ends though. (Just not tonight.)
Hidamari Sketch x ☆☆☆
Another fantastic season that continues the adventures of Yuno-chi, Miya-chan, Hiro and Sae. We're introduced to two new members, Nori and Nazuna, the new freshmen who attend Yamabuki High School and live in the Hidamari Apartment.
I still love the art style used by SHAFT, the beautiful and extremely cute pastel colors are such a joy to look at. The animation this season seems to be a lot better than the previous ones too.
I love Yuno-chi and Nazuna, I think they're fantastic characters in Hidamari Sketch x ☆☆☆, though that doesn't mean I dislike the other girls either. They're all fantastic, but the super shy and reserved Nazuna is so adorable, while Yuno-chi continues to be the focal point for the show and she's just too much cute. Miya-chan is as eccentric and simple minded as ever, but that makes it so easy to watch her and her antics. Hiro and Sae continue to be cute friends with one another and to the rest of the Hidamari girls. Love Hiro's motherly aspect that she has, so cute. Yoshinoya-sensei continues to be totally moe and adorable, she truly is eternally 17 and she's amazing because of it.
Music continues to be a high point in Hidamari Sketch x ☆☆☆. The background music, the ambient sounds, everything is simply superb. The OP once again continues to be incredibly peppy, fun and just draws you into the world of Hidamari Sketch. The ED continues to be more reserved and laid back. The difference works incredibly well and am glad to see it be a recurrence used in the anime.
Honeycomb is next; super excited to see how the girls grow!
Don't worry, she's got competition now. Lol
Hidamari Sketch 1
new euph pv up[img]
Still the best post hyouka kyoani show.
Shokugeki no Soma 11[/B]
DIOjima looks great as cabbage pink.
Hinako the best alumnus.
And DavidPro should learn how to do next ep. preview from this show.
Yukinoshita and 8man moment sure is beautiful. RIP Yui.
Always knew that Hayama and 8man hates each other.
S2 is a massive upgrade. You just got through the worst of it.
Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan PV
Jōkamachi no Dandelion PV non-eye cancer quality
OP ver.
Working!!! new character promo
AnimeNEXT 2015 Summary
So I'm way behind on anime and other stuff but might as well do the typical con summary.
-LWA2 mostly finished and they're in the refining stage. "We'll probably refine it to the very end."
-Sushio was only able to help a little bit. Sushio did some effects and still character scenes. Sushio wanted to draw some of the girls but Yoshinari said that his drawings looked too much like Kill La Kill. So don't expect any action sequences from him in LWA2.
-They're only working on LWA2 and Ninja Slayer. They do have an unannounced show but you can expect info to come later this year.
-They aired Sex and Violence at Machspeed. Girl behind me was yelling "What the hell is this?". They asked Sushio what he thought of it and he replied , "I have no clue what was going on". haha
-After KLK Imaishi wanted to make an animal cartoon.
-Imaishi came up with the name and asked Koyama and Wakabayashi to help come up with the rest.
-Couldn't come up with good female animal for lead.
-Imaishi wanted to make the blowup doll a pussy cat.
-Imaishi was adamant about not including any human people.
-Wakabayshi and Koyama had to convince Imaishi to include sex doll.
-Koyama designed Sei-chan.
-Imaishi said if some people wouldn't understand the value of things like anime for others, might as well spell it out. Just bluntly tell the the audience.
-Obake-chan got a better reception than I expected and a better one than at Anime Matsuri.
-The way Koyama was talking made it seem like he might be doing something else with Disney. At the bare minimum I expect he's doing something for Big Hero 7 or whatever.
-Sushio felt more confident working on I can Friday By Day compared to Diebuster and was asking Tsurumaki how he liked his artstyle. Tsurumaki had said that Sushio had improved since then.
-Studio Khara offered little guidance/direction for the Animator Expo and pretty much let the studio/animators do what they want. Wakabayshi replied that it was a good experience just for the reason that they had to try and fit a story within the span of five minutes.
-Strong "No" to making Trigger Girls. Wakabayshi did say that Imaishi liked the designs so you might see more of her in the future(probably cameo stuff).
-Wakabayshi like robots with mouths. Hori likes transforming robots. Sushio likes Mako mechs. Koyama likes mechs with horns (I guess I see why the bull mech in Star Driver exists).
-Sushio wants to draw something that people would remember.
-Manga illustrator who did the SD drawings for KLK, did the mascot girl for Trigger(Trigger Girls). Her name is Trigger-chan. Blue hair girl is Muzzlebrake and blonde girl is Spring. I think this was already known.
-Sushio's favorite KLK design is Nonon but accounting for personality, Mako.
-LWA/Inferno Cop crossover shown. Obviously done in Inferno Cop style. Sucy and Inferno Cop start to fight but are interrupted by a blob resulting in Inferno tossing Sucy as a disk to beat the blob. Another episode was teased but they mention we shouldn't really expect much more for a long time. It was much funnier than Ninja Slayer(lol).
-Amemiya wanted to have an IC cameo in LWA but Yoshinari was pretty opposed to that.
-They joked that if Hori did a LWA episode in the style of Inferno Cop then Koyama would do an episode of Inferno Cop in the style of LWA. By that I mean you know actually being really well animated. Hori was like, 'I have no clue what you guys are talking about. This was my first time watching Inferno Cop. I knew we were working on some strange anime back at the studio but I didn't know it was this'.
-Panel was pretty fun, as Koyama and Wakabayshi shot marshmellows out at the audience at the beginning.
-Aya Suzuki worked on Dream Machine and quickly commented on it saying that a lot of preproduction stuff was done and it was looking gorgeous in color. She said that she's also working on a new film with one of her favorite directors but she can't announce it.
-Wolf Children character designs were intentionally easy to draw.
They also did rock/paper/scissors with the entire crowd for four Hori sketches. I somehow won one of them lol.
Oh my goodness, this looks so freaking cute!!!! Will watch because of that image alone, thanks Cornbread!
Edit: .......... Seems like it's been on my MAL plan to watch list.... /sigh
Can't stop, won't stop
I dont understand how a series that could start as strong as SAilor Moon did could have such a boring adaptation? Granted I stopped watching Crystal about 4 episodes into it.
Its SMR levels of boring.
Rah Xephon- Series Review
Yukinoshita and 8man moment sure is beautiful. RIP Yui.
Always knew that Hayama and 8man hates each other.
Can the Microsoft conference be considered anime since it was full of CG?
Nazuna is a gift from heaven. She is in the upper tier of anime cuties along with Sakura and Cyan.
It is buddy. Watch Oreshura!
If it was on bluray I'd own it by now. But noooo.