We need a Fire Emblem anime.
I'd be down for that. Question is what game would I want to be adapted if they did decide to make one?
We need a Fire Emblem anime.
In the start at least no one is falling in love with him or he doesn't have a hot childhood friend that he doesn't acknowledge as a girl to date. He's good so far but man I feel dumb about how I felt like him at times during high didnt have a harem of grade 10s when you were in grade 12?
what were you doing with your time?
Between that and the recent best selling status of the new 50 Shades of Gray novel, I have come to the conclusion that anime wasn't a mistake. No. Rather the mistake is the written word. It's nothing but trash and we should clearly all go back to telling stores around campfires to spread the history of the human race. It's not like writing things down has helped us learn any better from past mistakes right?
Squid Girl S2 06
End of Evangelion - 2
So yeah, it pretty much went like that.
I think this has the lowest rating I've ever seen on MAL at 5.85/10... ummm..
Btw, Haruna is a cute character and it's fun watching her beat up Riki, lol
Primarily Ultraman.Ultimate girls is an incredible parody of...lots of things.
I very rarely talk about shows I'm not watching - I'm not watching them, what's the point? - but I'm being an objector to Gate for the reason that an anime about Japan engaging with the government of a fantasy world already exists that does the concept in a way much more suited to my tastes.
Outbreak Company.
It has Arakawa. It has one of the most whimsical OPs I've heard. And it shows how diplomacy and spreading culture can be more effective than shooting people. Even in academia today, people are using comics and genre fiction as learning tools, treating them with the same amount of respect as any other text. And an anime that says anime has the potential to do the same?
That's worth supporting.
And that reminds me. Cornbread. Add Magician's Academy to your queue. It's from the same author as Outbreak Company/Chaika, but far more cartoony in its style.
Im kinda disappointed that you arent reacting more.
I hope you enjoy the teasing about his backstory as it goes on for FAR too long.Gintama 138
What a weird episode. It's not surprising at all for this show though, an episode about Gintoki's backstory? Expecting some kind of story about his samurai days? lolnope here's an episode with all the important scenes replaced by these black guys
I didn't finish any of those and I'm doing fine
They started it off shakey while trying to discreetly give you the "rules of the world" with the "wonderer" information and the lifespan for the Giftia as well as some general comedy. However, once they got to the relationship building with Isla and Tsukasa's, they did an amazing job putting you through their struggles and triumphs of learning to love one another despite the grim outcome. In my opinion, the character development of Isla alone is well worth watching the series. I mean Japan did have her above Hestia on that waifu chart, lol.
So yeah, I hope I can make it through with a smile on my face, however, *snif snif*.... I just can't....
You will especially like Your Lie in April. Little Busters and especially "refrain" takes you on a fun journey with lots of feels and some drama, then goes complete mindfuck, then explodes with greatness as the ending plays out. It's just amazing...
Finally caught up to Shokugeki no Soma after hearing how good it is despite all the fan service. While it's a predictable cooking style show with tons of tropes it has a lot of heart. It's also a challenge for me as my cooking isn't good but the show is inspiring me to get better at it. With all that said Megumi is the real reason to watch it if you don't like everything else though.![]()
It's starting to sink in now. In a few days SNAFU2 will end. In a few days DanMachi will end. And so will Plastic Memories. And UBW. The first 2 we probably won't hear anything about for the next 2 or 3 years. The 3rd is going to end in tears and breaking everyone's heart. UBW will be getting Heaven's Feel apparently, but when? Who knows. Shitty times we are in AnimeGAF. Can we all hug or some shit when it's all over?
That's actually been sitting in my Crunchy queue untouched for months now. It's just a comedy about an otaku husband, right?
Hope you like lewdness, because hedonism is coming.
After we're done our group therapy session from Plastic Memories, we need to have another group hug session for the rest of them..
My first full season will have passed, have I done well AnimeGAF?
Next season will have Yamada being Yamada and that'll make summer season worth it.
God eater has made me realize that Fate Zero was a one hit wonder for the studio.
It's their Hyouka. Their Jesse's mom. And god damn FZ had it going on.
I very rarely talk about shows I'm not watching - I'm not watching them, what's the point? - but I'm being an objector to Gate for the reason that an anime about Japan engaging with the government of a fantasy world already exists that does the concept in a way much more suited to my tastes.
Outbreak Company.
It has Arakawa. It has one of the most whimsical OPs I've heard. And it shows how diplomacy and spreading culture can be more effective than shooting people. Even in academia today, people are using comics and genre fiction as learning tools, treating them with the same amount of respect as any other text. And an anime that says anime has the potential to do the same?
That's worth supporting.
And that reminds me. Cornbread. Add Magician's Academy to your queue. It's from the same author as Outbreak Company/Chaika, but far more cartoony in its style.
Well to be honest, I was spoiled on the ending to EoE long before I watched it, so I couldn't really react in the way you wanted me to, lol.
I'll probably write up my thoughts on it and the franchise later, though.
Tsukuyo makes the show so much better plus this is one of my favorite arcs so enjoy it!Gintama 139
Oh hey it's the girl everyone ships Gintoki with.
This arc seems pretty neat from the first episode but why is Shishio from Ruroni Kenshin in this? And he's a Yato, I didn't really expect that plot line to actually mean anything in the long run since the Amanto stuff was pretty much dropped.
Studio 4C are masters at avoiding the written word
I'd be down for that. Question is what game would I want to be adapted if they did decide to make one?
Well, that was certainly... interesting. Very well animated. What else have Studio 4C done?
Amagi Brilliant Park 1
Don't have particularly high expectations but the first episode was good.
Who is your favorite fairy?
The fire one so far. (From like the 5 seconds we saw of them.)
Amagi Brilliant Park 1
Don't have particularly high expectations but the first episode was good.
Bah, the finale of Pleiades has been delayed for streaming.
After episode 1 I still had reasons to be cautiously optimistic. That changed quickly.
Who is your favorite fairy?
Btw, Mizushima Tsutomu is wondering if he want to make a WW2 planes anime, will anyone invest in it.
And ask which plane is fit for MC lol.
Can't go wrong with the Bf109 and the rival would fly a Spitfire.
But the MC of his buddy Nogami's Shindenkai No Maki is flying a N1K2-J Shidenkai.
Well...I approve of this!
But it would be stepping on Strike Witches toes wouldnt it?
Well if Arpeggio and Kancolle can exist same time, don't think can't do the same for WW2 plane-theme air force anime.
Oh come on. It was fun! Isnt that all it needed to be with such a ridiculous premise?
and, as if to thank me for the purchase, the company has announced some latecast for the summer like Ping Pong or the 1968 Dororo and the simulcast of stuff like Shimoseka and Prison School. Take all my money Dynit (and give me BRDs for Psycho-Pass S2 and Fate UBW!!)!
Received my Cowboy Bebop Bluray collection and it's pretty good
and, as if to thank me for the purchase, the company has announced some latecast for the summer like Ping Pong or the 1968 Dororo and the simulcast of stuff like Shimoseka and Prison School. Take all my money Dynit (and give me BRDs for Psycho-Pass S2 and Fate UBW!!)!
Fate/stay night Unlimited Blade Works S2 24
YES! This is the apex I wanted to see!
Really nice battle between Shiro and Gilgamesh and that, so cool! Especially the last part beforeArcher appearance. My beloved Saber didn't get to show off as much as I would have loved but she was still cool.he faded away
This is a japanese bluray collection?
Nope Italian bluray collection.
Well I probably would've liked it if I considered it fun. This was some terrible attempt at comedy instead. It's random wackiness can't even compare to e.g. Punchline from this season and other than that they just recycled their character jokes (hey look, Kanie and angry mascot-guy are doing their slapstick routine again! -yawn-).
It sounded exactly like the kind of harem self-insert fantasy where main character gets teleported into a fantasy world as a super powerful wizard who goes on to have everyone worship how awesome he is. Was that a wrong impression of mine?
Can we blame OreImo for that, or are there earlier examples?
Snafu 01
Ok the art is shockingly bad, but Im kind of into it. Yukinoshita is cool but Im still not really sure what the show is really about yet. Hachiman seems a typical loserish lead and he has joined this club with the school's prettiest girl but Ive seen that exact scenario before.
What makes this one stand out? Well except for the fact that Yui is cuuuuuuuuute.
Btw, Mizushima Tsutomu is wondering if he want to make a WW2 planes anime, will anyone invest in it.
And ask which plane is fit for MC lol.
Finally I decided to start Snafu.
I procrastinate a whole lot and buzzfeed is the most addictive youtube channel ever.
Now you are in the club! Yay!Snafu 01
Ok the art is shockingly bad, but Im kind of into it. Yukinoshita is cool but Im still not really sure what the show is really about yet. Hachiman seems a typical loserish lead and he has joined this club with the school's prettiest girl but Ive seen that exact scenario before.
What makes this one stand out? Well except for the fact that Yui is cuuuuuuuuute.