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The EU is dead anyway!
The EU is dead anyway!
Luke marries Black Widow!The old EU died so that the Disney EU could be born.
A worthy sacrifice.
I actually just watched the first movie a week ago and it was pretty good. It seems emblematic of a lot of the tropes that I've seen repeated in shows that have aired since, like Vividred and Symphogear and Madoka and so on.Catching up on this thread a post reminded me of Nanoha..anyone have experience with it? I've not seen much in the genre, but I heard some good things. Are the movies worth checking out?
Catching up on this thread a post reminded me of Nanoha..anyone have experience with it? I've not seen much in the genre, but I heard some good things. Are the movies worth checking out?
Catching up on this thread a post reminded me of Nanoha..anyone have experience with it? I've not seen much in the genre, but I heard some good things. Are the movies worth checking out?
And it'll never be released outside of Japan.![]()
Luke marries Black Widow!
Mulan marries Obiwan!If SW gets mixed with marvelshit I give up on Disney!
Catching up on this thread a post reminded me of Nanoha..anyone have experience with it? I've not seen much in the genre, but I heard some good things. Are the movies worth checking out?
That's high praise considering the reviews I've heard for Inside Out include people saying that it made them cry.
Sorry, guys, I didn't have time to watch any of your recommendations because I was busy marathoning SNAFU TOO. I think I'll start with Clannad (I remember playing the VN for 2 hours and then never picking it back up because of my game backlog).
I feel bad for some people expecting a season 3 for SNAFU. The reason I say this is that there is literally not enough source material for 1 cour because the series ends at Vol 12. So that's about 2 Vols worth of content which wouldn't be enough for another season. You could pretty much say they are gonna end it by saying read the LN if you want more when the anime ends. Honestly the only way I could see more is through OVAs but that's pretty much it.
So good luck to the people expecting a season 3 because you're out of luck.😌
I'd tell them to start with JJ Trek.
They're fine:
I mean, the thing with light novels is that you have no idea if they're well written unless you can read Japanese. But the translations are good in terms of being readable while presumably maintaining some of the original's tone and literary flourishes.
Yeah, the SNAFU translations are mostly well done. Sometimes they throw in some questionable lingo, but the latest novel translations are solid. Almost professional.
So a movie then?!
So a movie then?!
Catching up on this thread a post reminded me of Nanoha..anyone have experience with it? I've not seen much in the genre, but I heard some good things. Are the movies worth checking out?
The ending was as well animated as I had hoped, I was expecting something on par with episode 11 and while this episode wasn't bad, it also wasn't a showstopper.![]()
Sigh. I'm so sick of this shit.
On the story front, this was all just underwhelming. The reasoning for the villains were super thin even for anime and so I'm left with a big "so what?" while watching all these characters fight each other. To be honest, I found all of the characters to be really shallow in their characterization, maybe if the show ran longer that could have been fixed. I also think this was the most effective way to undercut![]()
Maybe if you tried to explain in a coherent fashion, they might.
Damn movie critics!Yeah but you know, people always say that about Pixar's works. Because they're a bunch of babies.
They could just make the OVA a pack in for the final volume if they cared I suppose.I feel bad for some people expecting a season 3 for SNAFU. The reason I say this is that there is literally not enough source material for 1 cour because the series ends at Vol 12. So that's about 2 Vols worth of content which wouldn't be enough for another season. You could pretty much say they are gonna end it by saying read the LN if you want more when the anime ends. Honestly the only way I could see more is through OVAs but that's pretty much it.
So good luck to the people expecting a season 3 because you're out of luck.😌
I don't think it really undermines it at all. It's a joke very much in line with the tone of the entire show. I thinkI also think this was the most effective way to undercuta character's death I've ever seen. Way to go show for ruining the little emotional stuff you did have.
YES! A great choice there. Post lots of impressions! Most importantly, once you get to the After Story marathon from ep.15 to the end..
Also, we are here for you if you ever need to talk about it. I'm sure Cajun and Achi will give you plenty of huG's if you need them..
Savor every moment of it, seriously. .
They could just make the OVA a pack in for the final volume if they cared I suppose.
Those almost never happen. I wouldn't be surprised if there was some kind of deal that prevents it, lest it somehow detract from the source material.Well... There's that or they can do an "anime original" ending so that way people have closer, but those are so rare...
Shit man now I'm hyped and no matter what happens I'm gonna be so upset there won't be any new SNAFU for a few more years. WHY YOU SO GOOD. I liked S1 but LOVED S2. S2 really took the show to glorious heights.
I should have learned Japanese in high school damnit. Why didnt I embrace my inner weeb back then? Cant import Fire Emblem, can't read SNAFU LN's when they drop. Fuck life man.
Did you catch up?
Catching up on this thread a post reminded me of Nanoha..anyone have experience with it? I've not seen much in the genre, but I heard some good things. Are the movies worth checking out?
just watch dog days insteadCatching up on this thread a post reminded me of Nanoha..anyone have experience with it? I've not seen much in the genre, but I heard some good things. Are the movies worth checking out?
Nah. Im kind of struggling to get through episode 2 right now. Its a slow start. .
All right. Finally started on a watchbet I promised Linkman, started a show that a close friend has been asking me to watch for a while and a rewatch that I am ready to see again.
Is this a Zombie? 1
This show is weird man... Though that's what I thought about Baka & Test when I started that and I loved it. So maybe this might grow on me. But yeah the jokes kind of fell flat for me this episode. Only chuckled a few times really.
Nagi no Asukara 1
Hmmm. This is definitely my type of show but why is the MC such a douche. I hope he gets past this attitude soon. Other than that I really like what I saw. Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.
Also the animation is just so well done. Sooo freakin' good.
Your Lie in April 1-2 [REWATCH]
Yup. Still amazing. Still amazed with the production values and the animation. I remember when I had to have the animation grow on me but now that I have that appreciation a second time it's just enhancing my second time watching. The music is still amazingly well done and I see myself tapping to the music often. The story still has this poetic nature to it that I cannot help but appreciate. The characters are still as great as when I first watched this show.
I don't know what it is but this show just has so many things going for it. Your doing yourself a disservice if you haven't watched this show. It's honestly one of my favorite animes ever. I can now say that with more certainty. Better than Clannad (to me)? Almost. I remember when it finished I was conflicted about if it was, in fact, my favorite anime ever. I got to say it was pretty darn close. Every episode feels so meaningful and is paced very well. I look forward to watching this all the way through again and giving it the full 10 paragraph long post it deserves.
Nagi no Asukara 1
Hmmm. This is definitely my type of show but why is the MC such a douche. I hope he gets past this attitude soon. Other than that I really like what I saw. Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out.
Also the animation is just so well done. Sooo freakin' good.
Looks so gat daum good and OST is fantastic. Hides the bad.
Not sure if posted, new Overlord promo
Ah yeah. The second ep was a chore but it picks up soon.
Yeah hii kun is a douche ar first but halfway in he becomes tolerable. The art and especially the music will make you forget about his annoying bits.
Yuuup. Production is magical. Cant wait for the blu rays to ship soon!
Man, Rightstuf has been weird as hell since they moved to the new site.
All the prices on Sentai shit just went up another 10% this past day, even though it's "on sale".
I think i'm just going to bow out of my pre-orders till the holiday sale. No point dealing with the prices changing every day.
Yeah its been a bit strange. I sincerely hope they havent changed for the worse and that everything is going well behind the scenes.
I just cancelled like 6 orders because of this stuff! Now i'm only buying Persona in September because it has the superior JP dub (and is a premium edition), when I originally had almost 6 shows pre-ordered for that month from them.
I'll probably just stick to my AoA releases again. At least the pricing on those titles stays consistent. I can't really justify the cost increase on the Sentai titles too, unless they show an improvement in their encodes.
Edit: Looks like the Persona 4 CE went up by over $10 as well! I got that in while it was cheaper.
Your Lie in April 3-4[REWATCH]
Wow. Just wow. The lead up to the performance and the performance itself was really great. A real testament to how well the character development is done. It's just nails the pacing. The way everything is so heartfelt and genuine make it a joy to watch and experience. And, of course, that episode 4 cliffhanger that always prepared me for what I knew, from that moment on, was going to be journey.