Yahari S2 - 13 [End]
I'm fine with it ending like this, but then again I cared little for the two involved and their supposed outcome. I guess it helps that in season 1 I viewed the female cast as friends at best, and nothing more.
I just never got the emotional response that Hachiman wanted more, and it has sticked with me since. Thus, I never really watched this for the romance part, but more for Hachiman's interactions and thoughts in general.
I think this season had more "highs", like "Tobe sacrifice", "genuine" etc. However I don't feel they quite reached the same impact the "roof scene" had on me in season 1.
Yahari did receive a visual upgrade, which worked great with the increased attention to facial expressions, and body language in general. Just in this last episode alone for example, Yui's clenching fist remains one of the things I remember the most.
Overall I think this season was great, now giveKomachi spin off
Yes. Komachi's first year in HS. Hachiman foiling every dudes plans to go out with her. She becomes the newest member of the club. It will be amazing.