I need to finish up Gintama before I start on anything else. I stopped to watch Valvrave and Symphogear and why did I do that
Don't lie! I didn't sell it to ma boy SDBurton for nothing!there's zero yuri in euphonium
Not very no. But then again they don't really pay their employees very much so...Oh man, I wonder if anime localization is even that profitable.
I finished Kara no Kyoukai 6: Oblivion Recording just now. ...I wouldn't say I hated it but I'm very disappointed by it.
I really should watch more Gundam at some point (Just Wing, Seed and some random tidbits of whatever ran on Toonami that wasn't Seed or Wing). Sadly I know myself and my random habit of stopping a lot of animes right before the end and never finishing them.
the only good thing to come from try was mini-bearguy and at this rate they'll fuck even that up if theres another season
I finished Kara no Kyoukai 6: Oblivion Recording just now. ...I wouldn't say I hated it but I'm very disappointed by it.
The last fight looked cool at least.I finished Kara no Kyoukai 6: Oblivion Recording just now. ...I wouldn't say I hated it but I'm very disappointed by it.
this could sort of work if the gyan on the recieving end deflects it and wrecks some shit. cmon gyan mainget ready for JIGEN HAOH RYU: KUMA TATSUMAKI SENBONZAKURA-KEN or some shit
So where are those images from? And from whom.
The quote about Santorum confuses me given we know he isn't the CEO.
Cue GAF losing its shit
I think I just ended up doing this on a subconscious level.still mad about gyanko jobbing and i didnt even bother starting the second half
They're from Glassdoor:
Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 112:
Right then, after some world shaking events we are back to formula and it is time to establish the changes to the regular occurrences, such as a new point girl for the Daimon to follow and what we get is Mememte. I will be honest and say Memete is a huge downgrade from either Euidal or Kalonite as her overly bubbly attitude that is prone to easy and petty distractions combined with her obnoxious voice makes for a villain that s hard to take seriously. Anyway, the dynamics of the situation have shifted since the Holy Grail has appeared and now in the possession of Sailor Moon. However since she is having problems using the grail and we got to contrive reasons to extend the hunt, the focus is now finding the Messiah, the one ordained to be able to use the powers of the Holy Grail properly. Also The Outers are still working as independent agents for reasons. Nothing stated but if I had to guess it is because they don't like The Inners very much. Let me see, we also get the the debut of Sailor Pluto's Death Scream Attack, the new final move for Sailor Moon and most importantly Chibi-Usa meeting a new friend named Hotaru. Outside of that this episode was petty generic and forgettable. Mildest recommendation to watch.
The simuldub thing is probably the only advantage they seem to have nowadays. If the industry moves into a direction where every site gets to stream every show, that'll be the way they differentiate themselves from CR I guess. And there are still people who like dubs.Dragon Ball Z, and its countless iterations continue to drive Funi to make money. They tend to get most of the shows that were profitable (Viz has Bleach, Naruto, and Sailor Moon and little else), so they end up being the ones to benefit from disc sales. However, disc sales are dropping for average titles (despite the bias Sevakis shows in his articles), which is why they're pushing their simuldubs to the detriment of their other licenses in order to capture streaming numbers.
The Funimation staff on ANNCast are the high executives in charge of marketing. They will spin anything to sound positive on their company because it's what they've spent their career doing. They are above the rest, so they don't have to play politics anymore. Anything said on those podcasts is not worth the salt you have to take it with.
(It sounds like I'm negative, but these are the facts you have to take the R1 industry with.)
If nothing else, it's an easy way to discover new books.Yeah I'm going to start getting deeper into these types of series as soon as possible. Some amazing series are out there just waiting to be seen and I feel like I'm going on a treasure hunt
Hopefully none of its cursed.
Damn.. I've heard we are going to have to wait for a S3 to finish the story per see, but we'll see how they end this season before we look ahead. I'very been #teamYui for awhile now, but after that look he sent Iroha's way at the XMAS party, I don't know anymore. However, #team Yuki makes the most sense for him and would be a great match..
Did you defect? Wow man. Wow. I thought we were #TeamYui bros.
Yup. Yukino is too much like him. I cant imagine that relationship lasting that long.
this is probs the bit from the books where one of em's feeling up the others back. rip kissnew euph pv
you'll never guess who these two are
But really, it won't happen you guys.
Stop trolling us KyoAni. Do or do not.
Honestly I don't want to be a buzz kill but 8man and Yukino would make a terrible couple. The reason I say this is because both have a cynical personality which would collide and not make a healthy relationship and in some ways strain it. They would make great friends but as a couple it's just not right, it feels too meh.
I prefer Yui because her personality seems like something 8man needs not one that's cynical which he also carries himself. He needs someone to provide him something genuine which out of all the girls Yui is the most. Yui wants to personally help guide 8man from his personal suffering. Plus I believe she would be a great mom if she were to get with 8man.
This month's issue of CompAce will have a "serious announcement" regarding Nichijou. Given that the manga runs in Shounen Ace, this is likely it moving to that magazine or something to do with the anime.
This month's issue of CompAce will have a "serious announcement" regarding Nichijou. Given that the manga runs in Shounen Ace, this is likely it moving to that magazine or something to do with the anime.
I hope it's manga related, we don't need more Nichijou anime. Though maybe a different staff that understands humor and how it is constructed could do a better job.
When is the exact release date of that issue. I'm already hyping myself upfor the inevitable dissapointment
This month's issue of CompAce will have a "serious announcement" regarding Nichijou. Given that the manga runs in Shounen Ace, this is likely it moving to that magazine or something to do with the anime.
Stop trolling us KyoAni. Do or do not.
Stupid question, but when you buy the BDs, do they play each episode with a break in-between, or are the episodes edited to play straight through like a long movie?
The character art has a very different look. I've never seen seen anything quite like it. Are the characters CG or is there something else that makes them look like that?
Anyway, it's ufotable. I intrinsically trust them to deliver something that looks great.
That front page is from Shounen Ace, not Comp Ace.
You are doing this on purpose now.shes upset and her friend from middle school is hugging her
i dont see the trolling
Eh, Try is fine. It just suffers from following up a surprise hit everyone liked. Because it could no longer surprise and everyone adored the first season, it couldn't live up to it. It also doesn't help that it's worse than S1, but if you divorce it from those expectations it's fine. It also suffers from setting up a far more interesting story for another season/ova and holds back a ton of interesting content because of that.
Build knuckle solving everything was a better G Gundam homage than the Build Burning itself.
Holy shit I agree with Zach for once.It has MIYUKICHI in it so it's the best Precure since Heartcatch by default.
From the director of Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works