Hestia stans can't tell days of the week, shocking.

I hope you can feel that Syrinx..
Hestia stans can't tell days of the week, shocking.
Certainly the highlight so far.Hahahaa! Elfen Lied! The start of the episode, with the dojikko secretary, is pure gold.
Kyousougiga 9
The Direction, the Visuals, the OST, and just everything about this episode was phenomenal.😯 This episode clearly conveyed Inari/God as a careless deadbeat dad and how everyone else including his lover, family, and brother got caught into his careless actions. Though he may be seen as a careless individual, his purpose was finally shown. To have Myoue finally find his path and become the Priest in order to set things straight. Although Myoue's dad did a pretty terrible job at it because the ones that did accomplish the job was his siblings. Though it does make sense since his siblings were created to help him find the right path and comfort him along the way from the very beginning. The way this episode connected the dots and answered some of the existing questions was nice.
When this dialogue was said during the scene between Myoue and Koto it really did help emphasize the strong bonds they created throughout the series. So far this series has definitely did a brilliant job in emphasizing the theme of family bonds and the strength they carry. Seeing the sibling bonds, the mother's love for her children, the father's seemingly clueless but love for his kids, or Koto's undisputed love for her family. All of which help connect together to create this central theme. Matsumoto Rie has definitely succeeded in accomplishing her goal of conveying the unbreakable bonds of a family. Damn I'm pretty sad the next episode is the last one because this series has been a beautiful ride that's been a enjoyable viewing experience.
Elfen Lied 1
A show this pretty can't possibly be bad right ? Even more, it eschews the classic high school setting trope and stars college aged protagonists. I've a good feeling about this. And you know you are about to dive into a piece of refined art when even the opening is sang in Latin.
I liked this show better when it was about a psycho murdering soldiers left and right in the deluge of blood. Not when it suddenly shifted into harem with literally brain damaged catgirl with Keyesque character designs.
It's basically the same as the game industry.Shirobako showed it, but this summary of yours was quite nice. Anime seems a nightmare to make. I don't understand why they make episodes on a weekly basis, rather than having everything done before the whole show airs. I get that that's how it works, but it seems so nonsensical since it obviously will lead to situations such as the ones shown on that documentary.
Yuri Kuma Arashi
Certainly the highlight so far.
That goddamn dog scene. ._. <Assuming I'm not mixing up the episodes >
Yeah I hear you. This show has a strange eerie and ominous feel in th e background throughout. The director does a great job making you feel that as well. I can't say much else since you're nearing the deadline, but yeah, enjoy the final run!
Elfen Lied 1
A show this pretty can't possibly be bad right ? Even more, it eschews the classic high school setting trope and stars college aged protagonists. I've a good feeling about this. And you know you are about to dive into a piece of refined art when even the opening is sang in Latin.
I liked this show better when it was about a psycho murdering soldiers left and right in the deluge of blood. Not when it suddenly shifted into harem with literally brain damaged catgirl with Keyesque character designs.
It was real good, not as good as Penguindrum. (Well I thought)
Was still great everytime
what's this from?
Same here. I don't like most anime based off Key stuff, but Kanon '06 is the exception. I like the lead allot as well that undercurrent of things being horribly off.I don't think the show gets enough credit for its direction.After a rewatch a few years ago, some of them are definitely a little hamfisted, like some of the camera work on Nayuki's face when she talks about Yuichi staying with them from now on or Ayu chasing after the wings on her backpack while the sun sets in the background, but allot of other stuff like that particular shot of Ayu talking about getting more takoyaki with more money feels just right.
I'd had similar expectations of Clannad (I watched '06 shortly after it came out) but was really disappointed. Kanon's direction is head and shoulders better. I also think Kanon's better overall anyway for other reasons, but that's a different topic.
I've never seen Penguindrum or anything else Ikuhara has made, should I take a look into Penguindrum?
Elfen Lied 1
A show this pretty can't possibly be bad right ?]
Nice, how could I forgot about Charlotte. Class room crisis may be interesting as well. Hopefully, Crunchyroll can get the rights to them.
How was season 1-2 of working?
Best comedy in a long ass time, absolutely loved this. Just know that Momoka and Urara are the real MVPs of the show.I
Episode 1:
Wow, this is amazing. Cute girls and guns. The imagination of the BB guns being real guns is pretty fantastic too, I feel like this is going to absolutely amazing to watch.
Elfen Lied 1
A show this pretty can't possibly be bad right ? Even more, it eschews the classic high school setting trope and stars college aged protagonists. I've a good feeling about this. And you know you are about to dive into a piece of refined art when even the opening is sang in Latin.
I liked this show better when it was about a psycho murdering soldiers left and right in the deluge of blood. Not when it suddenly shifted into harem with literally brain damaged catgirl with Keyesque character designs.
Episode 1:
Wow, this is amazing. Cute girls and guns. The imagination of the BB guns being real guns is pretty fantastic too, I feel like this is going to absolutely amazing to watch.
The fruit of grisaia :
It's the MC mentor/teacher
Badass character all-around.
Best comedy in a long ass time, absolutely loved this. Just know that Momoka and Urara are the real MVPs of the show.
Nice, I watch an episode a week just to keep the laughs coming. It's awesome! Plus, the show has one of the best gifs ever..
Watch Penguindrum.I've never seen Penguindrum or anything else Ikuhara has made, should I take a look into Penguindrum?
Watch Penguindrum.
Watch Utena.
Watch Sailor Moon.
Have you seen brindlyr into darkness ? it's the same thing .. and it's still very bad.
You cannot truly appreciate good anime if you never venture into the lower strata of chinese cartoons.Why do this to yourself?
Why are people watching Elfen Lied and Mirai Nikki??? What year is it???
Utena is on my list of things to watch, but Sailor Moon; I wouldn't know where to begin.
On Episode 1 of the first series!
It is a pretty long series at 200 episodes but it's worth it in the end.
You cannot truly appreciate good anime if you never venture into the lower strata of chinese cartoons.
[Space Battleship Yamato 2199: Odyssey of the Celestial Ark]
The movie also makes it abundantly clear that they're looking to make more Yamato 2199 in the future as there are certain plot elements introduced here that obviously set up a sequel series. I can only hope they get their wish.
Yay, now that exams are over I can catch up on the stuff that's been airing recently! I've got like eight episodes of Euphonium to watch, six of Etotama, a number of things for Plastic Memories... I'd better get cracking!
I've never seen Penguindrum or anything else Ikuhara has made, should I take a look into Penguindrum?.
Next season is much better and the season after that is better tooSo I finished Ojamajo Doremi and while it was indeed a (mostly) thoroughly enjoyable kids show I want to note down some rambles I had about it. For most people, just ignore this wall of pointless, badly written text.
I thought I had a tonne of things to bring up but really it falls into two categories.
Character development
Or rather the lack of it. This statement is perhaps unfair since a good number of episodes revolve around the ojamajos getting involved with classmates and solving their personal crisis' in various ways or getting involved in general magical hijinks but overall for individual character development, the only one who progresses in any way is Doremi herself. A great majority of each episode has the group as a whole grow since the majority of the series beyond the level 9 exam has them using their magic together.
Hadzuki has 3 episodes I can think of which revolve around her in any sort of meaningful way, one of which is her introduction episode. Aiko has 4. Aiko's is in fact worse because the central drama around one of her episodes is immediately dispelled with 5 seconds of talking to somebody else in another episode!
Pop is even more bizarre. Despite being a foil for Doremi in the first quarter or so of the series, by the time she is made into an apprentice her interactions basically come to a grinding halt after one token episode where she is taught the consequences of using magic without thought. She still makes the occasional quip and even has some token inclusions in much later episodes but her role essentially involves being the person who mans the store while Doremi and such go and have adventures.
Finally there is Onpu. Billed a the apprentice rival to the ojamajos there is literally nothing to her until the climax of the show. No apparent motivation. No indication of her emotional state. Nothing. And yet somehow despite the complete wall of nothingness from her, the rest of the cast continue to act as if she is a meaningful character in some despite minimal interaction. By the time her backstory comes to pass, it is too late. It spills out in a rush and feels entirely forced.
I've moaned about the magic system before and it's lack of definable logic and I'll moan about it again. The fundamentals of magic based in the series essentially revolving around wishing and having enough magic to get it done. The problem with this is is vague. There is no worthwhile measure to compare magic being cast and why some magic requires more effort than others beyond the obvious plot reasons.
Beyond that we have the magic certification system. Doremi and co must climb levels to change from apprentices to full fledged witches. However with each jump, we are assured that they become more powerful. In reality we only see four consequences of their advancements: i) they gain fairies, ii) they gain the use of magical stage iii)they can talk to plants iv) their porons are upgraded with their precious mementos.
However as I whinged about before, as their is seemingly no comparison to make between their wishes, it is difficult to ascertain their growth. Each group spell cast seems no different from ones previous.
When Onpu is introduced as the superior rival, we are told this. Which is even more baffling because the exams are all practical tests and are also apparently unique each team. How do you score a perfect result on a test which is a Pass or Fail exam?
My last complaint is a more specific one: Episode 41 was a wasted opportunity. Granted this is a show based around magic but this was an almost perfect episode where Doremi solves someone's problem without the use of magic in any way.....up until they decide to shoehorn in the plot device of the cursed item.
This is all just pickiness for the sake of pickiness I guess. Carry on with your scheduled waifu talk.
So I finished Ojamajo Doremi and while it was indeed a (mostly) thoroughly enjoyable kids show I want to note down some rambles I had about it. For most people, just ignore this wall of pointless, badly written text.
Ano natsu was good , but i prefer "Onegai teacher".
Better milf, better troll, better comedy.
But ano natsu was good. At least "that" gif was created because of it.
Well for actual development you're probably right. I unfairly equate development with plotlines for individual characters. Most of the time in the series it's the girls solving a thing and ostensibly learning a life lesson.I mean, I could point out how little character development you get in an episodic magical-girl show (e.g. none) but I feel it's easy to just tell you to push onto the next season.
From the New World 16
So I finished Ojamajo Doremi and while it was indeed a (mostly) thoroughly enjoyable kids show I want to note down some rambles I had about it. For most people, just ignore this wall of pointless, badly written text.
Kyousougiga 10 Finale
So this is the type of good quality anime you get when Toei seems to actually care.
Kyousougiga get's a 9/10 from me and is one of my top favorite anime due to its direction, artistic visuals, great OST, and family bonding with conflicting moral dilemmas. I appreciate the recommendation for this series because I would of probably not have experienced this gem. Now if only there was a BD release so I could buy it.��