Neo Member
Thanks, however work browser only displays half page, will have to wait for home I guess.
LTI is only on damage, not theft, right? And does it also apply to the "high-risk" systems i read about? Those that you can't even insure through ingame-currency? If i read it right insurance cost increases with risk level and after level x (5?) you can't even insure it anymore?
LTI is only on damage, not theft, right? And does it also apply to the "high-risk" systems i read about? Those that you can't even insure through ingame-currency? If i read it right insurance cost increases with risk level and after level x (5?) you can't even insure it anymore?
LTI works for both damage and theft AFAIK. It only covers the hull though... you will lose any upgrades and cargo if you're not insured.
The tiered insurance system you mention works for cargo and ship modifications. The premium increases as the risk increases and after a point you cannot be insured anymore. If you are running lower tier insurance in a higher tier risk zone and you lose your shit, it's gone.
This is my understanding of the LTI situation anyway.
I have to say, I don't love those avenger concept art renders, but maybe they'll look better in-engine.
Also, this is one of the best official game websites I've ever used.
I have to say, I don't love those avenger concept art renders, but maybe they'll look better in-engine.
Also, this is one of the best official game websites I've ever used.
Brian Fargo will be on in 10 minutes and they're about to show the Banu. Goddamn, I can't take a break.
Oh man, the M50 is back. ...These guys are evil.
Which channel will have Brian Fargo?
They haven't shown pictures yet, right? There's only a question mark on the website...
can someone post screens of the Banu?
I like it, but why does every alien species have to have these chiseled boney structures? Why can't they just have sort of smooth skin... they should focus on creating interesting and unique skeletal structures not just reptilian humanoids.
What was it they were talking about the ships getting yearly updates like cars? They spend so much time talking nonsense that I space out and then when a nice tidbit of info comes up I miss it...
What was it they were talking about the ships getting yearly updates like cars? They spend so much time talking nonsense that I space out and then when a nice tidbit of info comes up I miss it...
So... I've now hit the stage where I have concierge service.
I'm putting my card on lockdown...
A second version of the corvette is going up for Limited numbers, $1250.
edit: all 140 sold out in 10 minutes.
second edit: some of the checkouts didn't go through, so there's a handful still available
The only non-jump capable ship right now is the P52 snub fighter that comes with the Constellation.
They've said there'll be more. Not sure how many, but that there'd be options for what you can store in the Constellation at least.
Ugh. This game. I keep forcing myself to try to forget about it, it being 2 years away and all, but damn. Too obsessed.
So wait, my original backer package (Digital Scout) doesn't contain alpha&beta access? I'd have to... sign up for the "new" digital scout to get beta and alpha access added? that's odd.
That is odd. You can reclaim your pledge though, maybe you can just swap it over?