Those WIP sold some Avengers.
Which puts us at 15m.
Which means that the new push at the end of this month will have us over 16m.
It's so weird that this thread is in community. When the hanger module is released should start a new thread.
On another note it sounds like they are going to try to release multiple modules. Wonder what is next..
It's so weird that this thread is in community. When the hanger module is released should start a new thread.
On another note it sounds like they are going to try to release multiple modules. Wonder what is next..
All of the estimated releases
It is strange that this thread is in community. I just PM'd Stump to see whats up with that.
So they just hit 15 million and released the 17 million stretch goals
Ship upgrade package for every pledger containing an engine modifier.
Additional flyable ship class: battlecruiser
I will forever call the battlecruiser a battlestar.
Every new ship class they unveil seem to be big bastards. I'd like to see a bit more variety in the small - medium range.
Additional flyable ship class: battlecruiser
I support thisI will forever call the battlecruiser a battlestar.
The reaction from Idris owners should be interesting. Sucks for anyone who overpaid for one from a scalper, thinking that it was going to be the best.
I'm pretty sure GAF policy now states that long, unending threads (like this one will be since it'll last 2 years) are to be placed in community.
I'll be posting the alpha thread two weeks before hangar release, OTs like this get moved to community after one month and continue on for however long while major news gets posted in new threads on gaming side for wider discussion
What's the point of these additional ship classes stretchgoals? We still need those 23 million anyway. If we don't make it Chris just has to take investor money for the rest of the amount. I'm sure they can do those ships with that money, too.
What's the point of these additional ship classes stretchgoals? We still need those 23 million anyway. If we don't make it Chris just has to take investor money for the rest of the amount. I'm sure they can do those ships with that money, too.
I can upgrade from scout to 300 and pay the difference? If I bought on the original kick starter would my LTI upgrade as well?
I feel like feature creep is going to seriously hurt this game.
I feel like feature creep is going to seriously hurt this game.
I feel like feature creep is going to seriously hurt this game.
Being part-MMO, feature creep is inherent in its nature actually, intentional. The game will be evolving for years and years to come. They have a grasp on what it will launch with and won't... if you watch a few Wingman Hanger's you'll see they field plenty of questions of "can we do this in the game" and as often as not they say we'd love to, but not at launch.
It seems to me like they have only been adding new ships as incentives.
They already have that pipeline set up, so it is not difficult for the artists to just make ships now.
I'm sure they need something to do anyways as the programmers are focusing on getting the hangar and dog fighting modules out, leaving no room for the artists to work on new content.
The Cutlass comes with a special hangar. They need to finish that first and the hangar pipeline is full right now.
Secret pirate asteroid base.
If you go into MY RSI on the website and then check your hangar, you can now see what KIND of hangar you get!
Apparently my Freelancer package gets me a Business Hangar to start with. While my add-on purchase of the 325A "only" gets me a Discount Hangar...
The artists have plenty to do. There are, like, 10 pledge ships that aren't complete and won't be in there when the hangar module launches.
Rumblings make it sound like they're working on the Avenger and Stafarer right now. Although I'm not sure why they've jumped on making the Avenger so quickly when the Cutlass has been languishing since its one piece of concept art was released.
Read what I posted again, you are agreeing with me.
Avenger WIP
The reaction from Idris owners should be interesting. Sucks for anyone who overpaid for one from a scalper, thinking that it was going to be the best.
Ok so I'm pretty interested in this game but I have a couple of questions you guys can hopefully answer. All I really see in the thread and at the official websites are posts about buying ships and how much money (some ridiculous amounts for a ship in a game) they cost. If I were to buy the basic 30 dollar package would I be locked out of earning those other ships? The website doesn't do a very good job of explaining how it works, unless I"m just missing it. It kind of seems like to me that unless you want to pay a large chunk of money you will get locked out of a lot of content. I'd love to be wrong about this though.
Every ship for sale right now can be bought in game with credits.
Is this one of those situations like in other games where you have to grind forever to get the required credits to buy a ship though? I understand needing it to take some work in order to make the backers feel like their money was well spent, but it also shouldn't take 50 hours just to afford a better ship.
Nothing close to that.
This isn't a F2P game after launch, you just play the economy and you can earn nice ships fairly quickly.
Well it's still a pseudo-MMO (maybe even real MMO), so I don't think you'll be getting a $200 constellation in 10 missions or anything, I wouldn't be surprised to see it to a good 30+ hours to earn the credits for one and outfit it with engines/thrusters/weapons/etc.![]()