watership said:Jem'Hadars are not easy to do. I tried for a day, gave up, and then did pretty well the next day.
I made another attempt under the Klingon mode, it looks better but still off... I made mine with facial spikes too pronounced.
watership said:Jem'Hadars are not easy to do. I tried for a day, gave up, and then did pretty well the next day.
Guardian Bob said::lol USS Surprise
My guess is that wasn't random.
watership said:
watership said:
We doing our ship names?WuselDusel said:Better than USS Black Pearl
Yep, it is quite bad. I also saw my clone yesterday, at least the name of the character was the same - how is that even possible, not nice.Sir Fragula said:Okay, so is there anything to do on Risa beyond lounge in the deckchairs?
Also, how many bloody ships named "Normandy" do people want to make?
Hah! I had something similar - got instanced with someone captaining the "USS Midsommer Night"... both laughed.WuselDusel said:Yep, it is quite bad. I also saw my clone yesterday, at least the name of the character was the same - how is that even possible, not nice.
WuselDusel said:Yep, it is quite bad. I also saw my clone yesterday, at least the name of the character was the same - how is that even possible, not nice.
I name my ships after moons of Saturn or Jupiter, they are quite nice imho.
shock33 said:Because it's charactername@accountname that is unique, not just the character name. They did the same thing with Champions Online and I hated it there as well
:lolSulu is now a remote contact once the player is level 2.
Those crafty Borg, never fight fair :lolSir Fragula said:Anyone else getting weird behaviour in the Borg Hunt mission? Cubes and Spheres are spawning *inside* the node buildings, making it so that they can fire out but players can't fire at them.
Darkflight said:
* Power trays were acting strangely and not remembering what you had placed in your first slot. Code has gone in to address this and should now remember what power you place there.
* Work towards improving game performance when the shard is at peak capacity.
* Fleet Bank Updates - Options are now grayed out and disabled for players who don't have permission to change them. The Limit field is now filled with the current limits set. And restrictions should now be working properly. They were not updating until you switch tabs and then back. Fixed a bug where players could circumvent limits that were set.
* There were many areas where if you logged out, you would not log in to the right location. We've gone through the maps and hopefully addressed these so that you always log back in on the last safe static map you were on.
* Renaming should now work properly if you and your Bridge Officer share the same name.
* Fixed an issue where -maxfps was being ignored and always reset to 60 regardless of user options.
* Players can no longer escape to their bridge if they are engaged in combat in a Deepspace encounter.
* Fixed an issue where battle damage was showing up as white or grey blotches on some ships.
* Added space station ambient audio to Deepspace K7 station.
* Daily missions now start their cooldown from the time the mission was taken instead of from when the mission was turned in.
* Rank up missions complete now if you get your free ship at any time, not just once you have spoken to the ship vendor. This was causing an issue with some characters getting stuck if they talked to the ship vendor contact with odd dialog choices.
* Players who were teamed where not able to complete missions because other teammates where completing mission dialogs and warp before they had completed turning in their mission. This has been addressed so that all players can progress dialogs at their own pace while teamed.
* Level 43+ players entering the Borg Sectors now need to hail the USS Victory and complete the hand-off mission from Admiral Quinn before they can talk to other remote contacts to access Borg related missions.
* Removed some additional Borg Star Cluster missions that were deemed un-Borg-like.
* Added more missing translations of mission dialog and other localized text updates.
* Addressed an issue where players were getting stuck on the Seeds of Dissent mission by sprinting after enemies and ending up behind forcefields.
* The dialog with the Klingons in the PJem System no longer jumps immediately to "Care to repeat your threat, Captain?"
* Fixed the display text on some Klingon Cardassian missions.
* Sulu is now a remote contact once the player is level 2.
* Fixed a crate on the Sierra Outpost II station in Romulan space that was spawning inside of another crate.
* The crate on the Iconian ground map is no longer giving out too many items.
* Repeatable Star Cluster missions are now set so that they are only offered when you are neary the cluster if you are above the mission level.
* Moved anomalies on Danteri V and Beytan V that were impossible to scan.
* Under the Cover of Night: Den of Thieves: Commander Teleb was becoming unkillable if hit with an exploit. Teleb is now smarter and will hopefully no longer let himself get put in this situation.
* Fixed an issue where the Diplomat could not be rescued or selected in the Diplomatic Solution mission if the player logged out/disconnected and then re-entered the map.
* In the Minefield mission - all of the crates can now be interacted with.
Powers and Combat
* There is now a Commander version of Dampening Field to correct the issue where some officers were receiving it at LT Commander, and removed LT Commander version from the power store.
* Updated display name for space version of Dampening Field to Starship Dampening Field for clarity.
* Dual Bank Antiproton weapons now do antiproton damage instead of phaser damage.
* Science Team, Security Team, and Engineering team can now be activated while your ship is held.
* Corrected the Klingon version of power trays to use appropriate colored borders.
* Updated the UI to select a reward to make it clearer what you are selecting and help alleviate issues where you might not have received the reward you were expecting.
* Contact headshots now have a border around them to make them stand out better against the background.
* Minor layout tweaks to the disabled weapon trays during the Fed tutorial.
* Made it clear in the UI that the first Ship and Bridge Officer rename is free.
* Made it clearer in the UI that changing your Captain's short name (the one used for character identification purposes) requires a micro-transaction.
* When changing fields, UI will now always be enabled so that you can see how much changes cost even if you can't afford them.
* Unconscious away team members will now stand out better on the team UI.
* Disabled away team control buttons for unconscious bridge officers.
* Added some missing Klingon away team UI designs.
* Added the instance number to the map name above the minimap if it's a static map.
* There are now clearer notifications when you've received a new Officer, or Leveled-Up.
* The Run recovery bar is now hidden if you are being held.
* C-Store - Special Unlocks - "One unlock per character" message was not being display until after the item had been unlocked but is now shown sooner.
* Special unlocked costumes were not showing up properly on the log in screen and should now display correctly.
* The log in message now displays appropriate rank instead of level.
* Players are now prompted if they would like to disable the proxy after 2 failed connection attempts.
USS Yggdrasil? Like the Norse.Maxrpg said:![]()
Last day of this ship...![]()
USS Hagar?Maxrpg said:If you like that, then you'll like the next ship I'll be making.
Guardian Bob said:I have had some kick ass battles. I'm a Cruiser, and mainly try and support people. So I fly into battles full impulse, and usually save Escorts by extending my shields and beaming over engineering and medical teams. :lol I feel like a mother sometimes (and am sad when I'm too late). But its fun!
Please add me to the fleet!
USS Columbus.
Hah, I do that with my science ship! Feels very Starfleet.Guardian Bob said:I have had some kick ass battles. I'm a Cruiser, and mainly try and support people. So I fly into battles full impulse, and usually save Escorts by extending my shields and beaming over engineering and medical teams. :lol I feel like a mother sometimes (and am sad when I'm too late). But its fun!
Please add me to the fleet!
USS Columbus.
Bootaaay said:I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wish that when players join the Crystaline Entity mission they'd get a message explaining not to get hit by the shards and not to destroy the large shards because it recharges the entity's health. Four times i've attempted to beat that thing, but everytime it gets below 30% it unleashes a load of shards and innevitably all the morons flying close to the entity get KO'd instantly and it's back up to 60%+ health. An hour 40 minutes I spent yesterday trying to destroy it, only to have some ass screw it up![]()
Some issues were found after last night's patch that were preventing some players from turning in missions or viewing some remote contacts.
While it is our goal to help clean up your remote contacts list so that at higher levels you do not see every repeatable mission at every level, there was some confusion about how this worked and led to many people thinking they could no longer do missions (when in many cases - but not all - they still could).
We're reverting the remote contact changes for now, as it was blocking progression for some players, until the system is working as intended. So temporarily - no restrictions at all on remote contacts.
A few other bug fixes were resolved today, and we're taking this opportunity to include them as well.
Thank you for submitting bugs and for the many detailed threads in the Bug Forums. They are invaluable in helping the dev team track down corner cases.
Release Notes
* Repeatable missions are again no longer level restricted and will show up on your remote contact list at all levels if avaialable
* Fixed an issue where teams could not switch instances in Deepspace maps. Note - this only fixes the instance button on the map screen. The mini-map instance button will be fixed in a later update.
* Players should be able to complete the Badlands and Treasure Trading Station missions regardless of the order they complete certain objectives in, and regardless of dialog options at the end of the mission.
* Addressed an issue where a full list of remote contacts would appear when you first map transfered, but would then prune down to only a few contacts. Remote contacts should now be visible regardless of the progress made on the mission thus far.
* Prior to last night's update, some players were able to take and progress Borg sector missions before completing the intended initial hand-off from Quinn to 4 of 10. This put some players in an odd mission state when we then required the hand-off mission from Quinn before you could talk to any other contacts. We've made some fixes to help alleviate this issue. For now, if you feel you are still in this state, drop the mission from Quinn in the Omega Fleet, go back to Risa and retake the initial hand-off mission from Quinn to rendezvous with the USS Victory where you will talk to 4 of 10 and put yourself back to the intended mission flow. In addition to fix people in this specific state, we've updated DVak, 4 of 10, and Karbo so that players can contact them to turn in a complete Borg sector mission even if they hadn't completed the initial handoff mission.
Yes - we're going to ban you - but just you, LKynes. : )
No. We won't. In fact, we're actively looking into opening up the auto-fire feature like you guys have been asking for. It'll probably be a little but before we release a solution though.
We're currently not planning on fixing the multi auto-fire "bug" until we have a real solution. Don't worry, no banning.
They should just let people configure what weapons they want to have autofire and leave it at that. Personally I'd rather my torpedoes don't, but now that I have a whole pile of beams to deal with I'd rather let those mangle away while I time my torpedo firing appropriately.Darkflight said:Also seems there is a way to glitch more autofires in Space by rapidly pressing right click on the weapons and according to this post, they are currently aware and fine with this as they are still discussing how best to move forward with autofire.
Truant said:There's autofire?
Fuuuck, how do I enable it?
Could try /stuck in the chat window, pretty sure that's a valid command, sure you're not being held?Medalion said:I don't know if anyone else has come across this but I have had a bitch of a time breaking out of this...
When I am on AWAY missions in the middle of a fight, I tend to go nuts with key pressing particulary the moving keys and the number keys to trigger attacks. At some point in the mission I will get stuck, where I cannot move except rotate the camera, my character's gun will look like it's charging a glowing green light at the end of the gun, whenever this happens I cannot press any combination of keys to break me out fo this... I just stay still, it's fucking annoying. I have to ultimately beam back up to the ship to break out of this... not sure if it's a bug or a move I am not aware of.
Darkflight said:Could try /stuck in the chat window, pretty sure that's a valid command, sure you're not being held?